Page 41 of Damaged Hearts

Xander isn’t wrong. I know Gillian would do anything she could to help, but I don’t think even she would go so far as to stand in to be raped. Either way, this is a chance to see my sister and tell her how much I love her. I didn’t think about it before being dragged into this life but it's there now. I miss her so much. Xander isn’t like the other men. He isn’t going to trick her into being property like Dennis did to me.

Xander pulls his phone out of his pocket and holds it out to me, his eyes pleading with me not to fight him on this. After taking a moment to pray for some luck, I take his phone and dial Gillian’s number, pressing the phone to my ear.

“Wrong number, weirdo,” my sister answers on the first ring.

My heart tightens at the sound of her voice. “Gillian, don’t hang up. It’s me.”

“Laurie! What’s going on, little sis? It’s way past your usual bedtime.” She laughs at my expense, but I nearly cry from how glad I am to hear her voice.

“A lot has been going on, but I have an absolutely insane favor to ask. I need a twin swap for a highly dangerous situation. I completely understand if you say no—”

“What? Are you kidding? My life has been lacking so much excitement. I could use a little danger. It’s good for the soul.”

My eyes widen at her words, my chest tightening. “But, Gilly—”

“Stop being such a party pooper, sis! Just send me the address you’re staying at and I’ll be there as soon as possible.”

She hangs up before I have a chance to say anything and I pull the phone away from my face, just staring at the device like it offended me.

“What did she say?” Xander asks, his features twisting.

“She said to send her this address and she’ll be here soon.”



Istand under the spray of the showerhead and let the water cascade down my body, washing away as much of Dennis Davenport’s touch as it can. My body feels dirty, but I know the gunk I’m feeling isn’t physical. It’s the debris his presence left in the wake of his assault.

I don’t want to feel like this. I want to go back to how things were before everyone started showing up at the apartment, when it was just me and Xander.

A sob racks through my body as the heat penetrates my pores, but it isn't Dennis' touch surrounding me like a cacoon. I look down and find the familiar arms of Xander holding me close to him.

"You're still shaking," he assesses, his voice soft and disarming.

"It won't stop," I say, more tears falling.

His arms tighten around me, his breathing matching my own, and I sag against his embrace, soaking up all the support and comfort he gives me.

It doesn't help, but at least I know I'm not alone. Xander is here, suffering by my side. A better person would want to protect him, but I can't see past my own misery.

"I can still feel him on me. It's like insects crawling on my skin." The confession sounds foreign, almost like it's a million miles away.

"Tell me what I can do."

The words are a shock and they send my mind whirling, but it's a successful distraction.

"I don't want to feel like this," I admit as I turn into him, his breath ghosting across my temple like a prayer. "I'd rather feel you." His dark gaze blazes into me, heat penetrating every pore in my body, as his fingers trail down my spine.

"Are you sure?" he asks as he kisses just below my ear, trailing his hot breath down my neck.

My fingers run through his thick hair, holding him close, as I say, "I need you, Xander. Every last inch of you."

A growl reverberates through his chest as he drags my body against his. I feel so small against his intimidating frame, but not insignificant. Xander makes me feel special every time he touches me, and this time is no different.

He shuts off the water and within a few seconds, he has me in bed, not caring that we're both drenched from head to toe.

"I'm going to make you forget everything except this," he mutters huskily in my face as he presses into me, taking me slow and steady.