Page 39 of Damaged Hearts

"I have a rule that I've been plotting for ten years, a rule to take the brutality out of it all. None of the men could ever hurt one of the girls again unless they want to die."

Holy hell. He's right. This plan is a game changer and it's important. This isn't just about me and him. This is so much bigger than us.

"But, none of that matters if Dennis doesn't step down," Davina adds as she starts rubbing my spine again. "What did he say to you? Every detail you can remember helps." Her eyes soften with concern.

She knows exactly how dangerous he is.

I take a deep breath before trying to remember everything. "Well, he threatened to sell me off into the sex trade—"

"What?" Xander growls, his eyes furrowed in anger, as his hands tighten into fists.

"Yeah, that was fun." My voice drips with sarcasm.

"Why did he threaten to do that?" Davina asks, perplexed. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"He thought differently. He was angry that…" I trail off, embarrassed to be explaining this in front of his mother of all people.

"What?" he presses.

"That you and I hadn't had sex yet." I bite my lip as my cheeks flush.

His fists relax and his eyes widen from my statement. "How the hell would he know that?"

"Probably from the major stick up your ass. I bet he assumed you haven't had sex in a year."

He groans. "I do not have a stick up my ass."

"You're right. You practically fart rainbows and shit out iridescent cupcakes, Sunshine," I quip drily.

The slightest tick in his jaw leads into a sloppy grin on his handsome face. It's more than his usual but I can tell it comes from amusement. He likes his nickname. He can deny it all he wants but he likes that I'm the only one who calls him that.

"I don't know why, but he must think my vagina is made of magic or something. Why else would he think one time in bed with me and suddenly you'll do whatever he wants you to?"

He sends me a sultry look, his eyes dark and full of need. "It kind of is."

Holy hell. If that isn't smooth talking, I don't know what is.

"Ew! Mom ears here." Davina snaps me out of the daze Xander had me under.

I completely forgot about her. That's so embarrassing.

"Sorry," I say, then take another sip of my hot chocolate.

"Did he say anything else?" Davina presses.

"Only that he didn't touch me that night at the bar. He said he just sat in my apartment and waited for me to wake up. Nothing else."

Xander gazes at me in surprise but says nothing.

"Anything else?" Davina asks.

My heart quickens as flashes of his hands on me and his words of disgusting lust fill my mind.

Then, Xander's hands close over mine and I take in his worried, honey-hazel eyes. The same eyes as his father.

The same and yet full of tenderness and compassion.

"What is it? You can tell me, darling."