Page 20 of Damaged Hearts

I flush at her advice. Why is everyone so obsessed with me and Xander not having sex?

“Trust me, Laurie—“

“It’s Laura,” I sneer in disgust. I’ve always hated the nickname Laurie. Gilly called me that growing up and I can’t stand it.

“—you will enjoy every second of getting railed by him. The things he can do with his tongue. Mmmm… Not to mention, his Jacob’s Ladder is to die for. That massive fucking cock of his—”

“Eww. Don’t mention my son’s dick in front of me. That’s gross.” Davina nearly spits her beer in Roxy’s direction, anger in her eyes.

“Don’t listen. It’s not my fault he’s a beast in the sheets.”

I have no doubt that Xander could likely be the best lay I’ll ever have in my life—once we do it, anyway—but there is still one burning question in the back of my mind. What the hell is a Jacob’s Ladder?



All the other women seem to be either drunk or high out of their minds, and Davina is the only one with her wits about her. Well, besides me. I’m still milking my one drink and I only had a cigarette.

“Don’t you want to join in with the fun?” Davina jokes.

I laugh. “Absolutely not. I’ve already experimented enough for one day. I smoked a cigarette and took a hit off a joint. Thank you very much.”

“Oh, how scandalous,” she teases me before nudging my foot.

“What about you?” I ask, curiously.

“Me?” She huffs in amusement. “I was an innocent college girl when I was dragged into this. I dated the wrong boy for all of five minutes, not knowing he pledged himself to the Black Stallions. I’m still that girl, just more damaged—only I don’t try to block out the pain with drugs and alcohol. I block it out by making sure my children are okay. I look out for Xander and my younger son, Austin. I just wish Browning had let me look after my daughter, too.” A tear shines in her eye and she tries to blink it away.

“Your daughter?” I carefully approach the subject, hoping to learn more.

“She’d be eleven years old now—that’s if she’s been cared for since Browning, her father, made me give her away simply because she was a girl. My little Cheyenne.” She uses the rag in her hand to wipe down the table as I remove my glass from it. “Xander was furious when he came home from school that day. When he went to school, I was pregnant. When he came home, I was an emotional wreck and I couldn’t stop crying, even for his sake. When he found out what happened with my baby girl, he challenged his father and…Dennis nearly killed him.” Her lip trembles, emotional trauma from the experience clear in her eyes. Even though she’s been through unthinkable things that resulted in her children, she loves them with all her heart and wants the best for Xander. She’s so strong.

“Well, Browning is an asshole,” I say and grab her hand, offering my support.

“I never claimed to be anything else.” I stiffen when a cold hand grips my shoulder and Davina’s eyes fill with fear, intense and unyielding.

“You’re supposed to be in the meeting, Browning,” Davina says in a soft voice.

“I have an important matter to deal with outside of that. Come on, Laura,” he growls in my ear, his fingers digging into the back of my neck as he yanks me to my feet.

I cry out in pain as Davina gives me a panicked look.

“Dennis, please, leave her alone,” she begs as she grabs his arm, but he just shoves her away.

Davina stumbles and falls face first onto the cement pad we’re standing on.

“Mind your own fucking business, woman.” He growls at her as she cups her injured face and I fight his hold. “Now, you fucking dickhopper,” he sneers at me as he drags me away, back into the clubhouse, and to a door on the opposite side of the living area. He pulls the door open, shoves me inside, and closes the door, putting us inside all alone.

I stagger slightly but grab the desk in front of me to keep from falling.

Is this how it’s going to happen to me? Is Browning going to hurt me again like he did in my apartment or is it going to get much worse?

“Xander is going to come looking for me,” I say as I turn to him, hoping this will dissuade him from doing whatever it is he has planned.

“I have no doubt about it so I’ll make this quick,” he says as he approaches me, his eyes narrowed menacingly. “What the hell have you been doing for the past week?” he asks suddenly as he grabs a beer bottle that sits on the desk, moving away from me.

“Uh…what?” He’s not hurting me. He’s not even looking at me right now. Did he really just bring me in here to talk?