Page 72 of Damaged Hearts

“Damn. I didn’t realize you were so in touch with your emotion,” Pipe jokes as he walks away, but Chucky isn’t stupid nor is he a psycho. He has a woman he loves and would do anything for.

“Do you think she’s in trouble?” he asks, his forehead creasing with concern.

“Maybe. I’ll just call one of my neighbors to check in on her. No big deal.” I try to brush it off, but Chucky can see past that.

“I’m not like everyone else, Xander. You don’t have to pretend you don’t care about her. Go take care of your business.”

I can always count on Chucky not to start shit. He likes to calm me down.

I step into the break room and lock the door so no one can hear what will be on the phone call.

I hit Gillian’s number and she almost instantly answers.

“Well, hello, Grumpy Cat. To what do I owe the honor?” she asks, her voice level and I can hear some abstract noises in the background I can’t decipher.

“Are you okay?” I ask. I don’t personally give a shit about Gillian, but Laura does, even if she’s mad at her right now. Gillian is still her twin and they have a connection I will never understand.

“Aw, I didn’t realize you cared.”

“Answer the goddamn question, Gillian,” I sneer into the phone and she falls silent for a minute.

“I’m okay. Why?” Her voice is softer, laced with concern.

“Why did you hit your panic button then?”

“What are you talking about? I don’t even have it with me.”

My blood runs cold at her words and my senses go on high alert. “Gillian, where did you leave it? It was activated twenty times in a row. Wherever it is, someone is in trouble.”

She doesn’t speak but I hear the way her breath catches and I can feel the panic coming off of her.

“Xander?” She sounds on the edge of tears.

“Where?” I press again before she says the words that shatter all control I have.

“It’s at the apartment…with my sister.”

“Fuck!” I scream and hang up the phone before rushing to the door.

Please, let her be okay. I know she won’t be though. My woman was left alone in that apartment and now she’s in danger. My first thought runs to Browning but he’s here in the office, so are all the others in the club that might pull something like going to my apartment when I’m not there.

Maybe her ex? No, he doesn’t know where I live and he fell for her Gillian act. What the fuck is happening?

“Everything okay?” Chucky asks as I step out of the break room.

“No, I need to go home. Something has happened. I just don’t know what.” My mind is spinning and I can hardly focus.

“I can cover for you, man.” That’s not what I need. Fuck the club. Fuck Dennis. Fuck all of it.

“Can you come with me? I might need some back up.” In reality, I probably will need him to stop me from curb-stomping someone.

“You got it.” I hurry to grab my keys and my wallet out of my locker before racing out of the open garage door.

“Gunner, where are you going?” I hear a bunch of different variations of this, but I don’t stop for any of them. Chucky jumps into the passenger seat of my truck as I speed out of the parking lot.

Chucky grabs the caution handle as I speed as fast I can down these roads.

“Fuck, man! Is your ass on fire?”