Page 68 of Damaged Hearts

“What the fuck kind of question is that?”

“Because, since I’ve met her, she’s been strong, confident, and sassy as hell, but all of that shit went out the window when you walked through my door. At first I thought she was just exhausted, but no, she was scared that I was going to want you and not her once we met.”

Gillian’s face turns translucent with lack of life, but she still blinks at me, the most silent I’ve heard her since we met.

“I’ve never done anything to my sister, okay? I’m sorry if this fucks with your…whatever it is you two have, but I didn’t ask for this. It wasyourfather who tied your hands, not me. I’ve been doing this to protect her.”

“Your panties were wet before I even touched you,” I say, but Gillian laughs.

“I’m a fucking crazy bitch, Grumpy Cat. I’m turned on by violence and you almost punched me in the face. It had nothing to do with you specifically. Laura is my sister, and I love her, but I also do some shit just to get under her skin, like flirt with you. She knows I’m messing with her. For your information, the only guy I actually want to fuck is days away from moving halfway across the country and that’s because I fucking love him. Don’t kid yourself. You might be decent in bed, but you’ve got nothing else going for you except that my sister loves you.” Gillian climbs out of the truck and slams the door, leaving me with her parting words.

Laura loves me? That makes all of this even worse.

I slowly gather my wallet and keys before locking up the car and heading to my door.

“What?” Laura nearly screams and I cringe as I step inside the apartments. My eyes immediately find hers and the heartbreak is clear in them, which makes me want to die. She’s right on the edge of tears as her eyes flash back to her sister. “One of you better explain what the hell happened before I leave and screw what the hell it means for either of you.”

“We didn’t have a damn choice,” Gillian grumbles as she crosses her arms like a defiant teenager.

“Really? No choice other than for the two of you to fuck like the Energizer bunny? I have a really hard time believing that.” She can’t even look at me and it's a knife to my chest, twisting and turning with each passing second. So close to nicking an artery and bleeding me out on the floor, teasing that finality.

Did Gillian seriously walk through the door and have this be the first thing she says to her? What the fuck is wrong with her?

Maybe she really sees nothing wrong with what happened.

“It was Browning’s doing,” I say and she finally looks at me, but the tears streaming down her face are worse than her avoiding my eyes.

I did this to her. I hurt her.

Instead of saying anything at all, Laura turns on her heels and runs into our room, slamming the door behind her.



My heart aches in a way I’ve never thought was possible as I crash to the bathroom floor, sobs painfully wrecking any stability I once felt.

I fucking love Xander, but he cheated on me with my sister of all people. I expected something like this of her, but not him. It sounds so stupid, but I trusted Xander. He was the clockmaker who fixed the broken cogs and springs left by Dell. I thought he was my person, my forever, but that was the most stupid, romance novel worthy thing for me to think.

I always knew Gillian was better suited for Xander’s world than me and now, she’s infiltrated that one part of our lives I never wanted anyone to.

“Laura?” Xander’s voice reaches from under the door, and tugs on my heartstrings as tears fall faster.

“Leave me alone,” I cry, cradling my face in my hands. After this morning, I thought things would be okay with us, but nothing prepared me for this.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he says, his voice tense. “Not now, not ever.”

The ache is so intense my eyes feel like they might explode at any moment.

“How could you do that?” Suddenly, I feel his fingers touching mine. My eyes shoot to the crack under the door and see he reached under, grabbing my hand.

“I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t want to do it, but there was no way out of it. I wanted to have you come there and take her place, but it would’ve given everything away. I don’t fucking want her. I never have. I want you, darling. Only you.”

“Then how the fuck did you end up having sex with her?” My throat hurts from my crying, but it won’t untense.

“I was put in a horrible position. Everyone heard him say he wanted to see herin actionand he made sure I knew he wanted me to do it…in front of everyone. If it wasn’t such a public thing, we could’ve just gone into a room and faked it, but that wasn’t an option. I tried to think of some way out of it, but every idea I had, she shot down and her reasons were very valid. I know it’s probably not much of a consolation, but I used a condom.”

My eyes widen. He’s never used protection with me. Why the hell did he do it with her?