* * *
We are steppingout of Santiago’s as Finn’s bike drives into the parking lot. My immediate instinct is to hide, but we’re not doing anything wrong. Rian showed up while I was having lunch with my friends, that’s all.
Finn pulls into a parking spot and Francine climbs off the back of his bike, grinning.
“Hey!” She tosses her helmet at Finn before giving me a hug. “What are you doing here?”
“I come here every Wednesday,” I answer, squeezing her back.
She leans into my ear. “Are you and Rian on a date?” the words are soft enough that only I can hear them.
It just came boiling out of me, and I had to tell her about my relationship with Rian.
“No, not a date.” I shake my head as she pulls away.
I know Francine well enough that she would’ve concocted some huge lie to cover our asses if my brother asked why the hell me and Rian were here, but Finn never asks.
He doesn’t ask why Rian’s here, why I’m here, or why we’re together. His attention is almost completely on Francine at all times, and I’m thankful for that.
“Hey, sis,” Finn mutters and throws me a small smile. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“That isn’t much,” I quip as the two of them laugh and disappear into Santiago’s.
Like I said, Finn never asks questions. He used to, but that was before Francine.
“If they’re here, that means they’re not at the house,” Rian whispers in my ear before letting out a domineering growl that shoots heat down my spine.
“And your point?”
“I want you on my face, then my cock in your cunt. I’m going to get you in my bed and fuck you until you can’t walk. Then, I’m going to fuck you again for added measure.”
My entire body shudders with desire and I’m sure everyone who looks at me can see it in my eyes. Blood rushes to my pussy, and my thighs clench in anticipation of the main event.
“I have to take Sonia back to her car,” I say, explaining why going straight to the house on Mason Street isn’t possible.
“I’ll drive her. You go to my house. I expect you to be naked and in bed by the time I get there. If you’re not, I’ll bend you over and spank your ass until you can’t sit.” His threat is laced with a growl, which overtakes all my senses.
I know I should be stronger than this, demanding the freedom to take my friend to her car and come back to him for sex in my own time. Probably any other woman would be. The thing is, I like this dynamic we have and the urgency involved in it, the forbidden nature of every interaction.
* * *
I can’t relax.I have so much energy I need to burn off, and I don’t even know where it's coming from. Rian and I went several rounds yesterday after Santiago’s so I should be somewhat sedated. Plus, I had my pole dancing class after school. I should be out of it, but I’m not.
I climb out of bed and throw on my black leggings and a tank top before adding my tennis shoes.
Marion knows of my struggles with my body, so she offered up her studio to use whenever I needed. Considering what happened the last time I went for a run at night, it seems like the safer option.
I traipse into the living room, expecting to have to explain to my dad what I’m doing, but he’s passed out on the couch.
Grabbing my keys, I exit my house and go straight to my car. The drive to the studio is short. All the lights are out, signaling that Marion probably left for the night.
Luckily, I have a key.