Page 73 of Careless

He really does have a degradation and humiliation kink, doesn’t he?

“I swear, one of these days I’m going to accidentally on purpose kill you,” I mumble out my threat as I rub my temple.

“I’d like to see you try, babe.” He chuckles like he thinks this is funny.


“They get worse than this?” Sonia asks Kia who shrugs.

“Much worse.”

“God, you two are so mean to each other,” Sonia laughs before picking up her glass of iced tea.

“That’s nothing. You should see the way I fuck her.”

My jaw slacks from his crassness. “Rian!” I screech, my face heating even more.

“Now that’s a sight.”

I slap his shoulder, completely mortified by the things leaving his mouth. “Shut. Up.” I emphasize my words in case he suddenly developed a hearing issue.

Instead of backing off, he gives me the degrading look he gave me when he bent me over the hood of his car and fucked me until I couldn’t walk.

Maybe I am a brat with a degradation kink because, holy hell, that look makes me so hot and ready to go.

Yup. I have a degradation kink.

Is this whole fighting thing we do a part of that, or is that part of me being a brat? I have so many questions about myself.

He leans in and whispers in my ear, his voice so deep and penetrating. “Be a good girl and you can be my naughty whore later.” I take in a sharp breath and freeze. I think I need to change my panties after that comment. He notices my reaction to his words and a cocky grin plays on his lips. “Good girl. Because I want you sitting on my face tonight.”

Holy shit.

My thighs clench from his seductive threat. It’s a struggle not to do or say something that might continue the argument, so I just shove a nacho in my mouth. Sonia looks back and forth between us with confusion and a bit of accusation toward Rian.

I’m sure the exchange on the outside probably looked borderline abusive, but Rian wouldn’t actually hurt me. I only stopped because it might jeopardize the prospect of having sex later.

I really like having sex with Rian. We have a very healthy sex life.

“Well, how was practice? Was Coach Hatcher a total cunt?” Kia asks, drifting the subject away from Rian’s inappropriateness.

“It was great. We didn’t actually practice though,” Sonia says as she sets down her tea. “Principal Jordan gave us full creative freedom with our final performance, and we’re making something epic.”

“Except Willow had the idiotic idea for one of us to sing the three songs we perform.” I groan in irritation.

“Why is that such a bad thing?” Rian presses as he sits back in his seat, his hand resting on the back of mine, lazily twirling a strand of my hair in his fingers.

“We all have to perform a song for the others and kind of try out to determine who is going to be the lead.” Sonia shrugs like it’s not a big deal at all.

Picking up on my irritation, Kia asks, “Why are you so butt hurt over it, Sor?”

“I’m not butt hurt. I just don’t sing in front of other people, ever.” I’m really not upset about it. Just chaffed. I don’t want to sing in front of others, but I really want to be a part of this performance.

“Like stage fright?”

“Or youcan’tsing?” Kia adds to Sonia’s question.

“No, Icansing. I just don’t, and it's not a matter of being scared. I don't like doing it. There’s too much pressure. Everyone expects people to sound like Lady Gaga or Beyonce without any training at all. I don't want to be judged more than I already am, but the group decided this is how it will be, so it is. Besides, it's just one two-minute song. How bad could it actually be?”