Page 58 of Careless

I wasn’t going for cute. I was going for sexy, but that’s what I get for not taking off the tank top under it.

“Watch this,” I say as I hand my drink to Rian, knowing I’m about to piss him off.

What can I say? I like getting under his skin.

I spin in place until the slits in the skirt and my legs are on display and watch the way Willow’s jaw drops.

She gives me a huge smile. “Oh, my god! That’s awesome.”

I return the grin before looking at Rian. I expected him to be pissed, but his eyes darken with need as they dance across my legs.

My heart races as Willow prances away with Tiernan in tow to join everyone else who is dancing.

“Are you going to dance with me or am I going to have to take Christian up on his offer?” I shouldn’t tease because I know he’d rather set himself on fire than let someone else touch me, but I can’t help myself.

His chest rumbles with a growl as he grabs my waist, pulling me against his hard body. “He’ll keep his hands off of you if he knows what’s good for him.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s not scared of you. I think he might have balls of steel.” A stinging pain spreads across my ass as he grabs me, snarling in my face.

“Talk about another man’s balls, and your ass will be red before the night is over.”

My cheeks flush from his threat as heat floods my body. Rian is too much, and not enough in the same moment. I want him to push for more, demand more.

Take more.

So I take a step back.

“So touchy.”

“You’ve gone weeks without speaking to me for something I didn’t even do. I have reasons to be touchy.”

Guilt grips me as he tucks a stray hair behind my ear.

“I’m sorry, okay?” I whisper in shame. “What the hell was I supposed to think? She was naked. In your bed. You were in the shower, and she said you invited her there. The room even smelled like sex.”

He chuckles, a rare smile on his face. “First off, if the room smelled like sex it was because I had just gotten done jerking off while smelling your underwear.”

My eyes widen. I had to have misheard him.What? “My underwear? Did you steal my panties?”

“You don’t remember me taking them the night we spent together. I put them in my jacket. You watched me do it.”

Oh, yeah. I was wearing those when he got me all worked up. He made me come in those panties before he took them and put them in his jacket.

“Right,” I admit, blushing at the thought of him using them to get off.

“Second thing is that the text she got was supposed to go to your phone. I was a little out of it, so I guess I hit her name in my contacts instead of yours. Lastly, Sophia is a bit of a nymphomaniac and has been trying to convince me for months to fuck her again.”

“And you never go back for seconds?” That’s what he said the first time I came onto him and he rebuffed my affections.

“Not with anyone but you,” he confesses as he grips the hair at the base of my neck, holding my head in place. He bends at the knee a little so we are eye to eye, his icy blues sparkling. “You’re the exception to the rule, kid.”

“I am?” We haven’t had sex. How can I be the exception?

“I’ve had my tongue in your cunt three times and I’m still ravenous for you.” He nearly growls the words as he purposefully darts his tongue across his lips. “No amount of time with you will be enough, baby.” Then his mouth crashes against mine, once again claiming me for everyone to see.

Any of these people could run off and tell Finn what we’re doing, but I don’t care. Finn was right. I need to do what makes me happy, and that’s Rian.

Doing him sounds like an incredible plan.