Page 46 of Careless

“We need to track her down,” Nigel says, determination and anger in his voice.

“How are we going to do that? Carmen comes and goes like the wind. We won’t catch her unless she wants to be caught,” an irritated Mr. Connelly says as the front door opens. We all train our eyes on our newest guest.

It’s the impeccably dressed rodent I need to squash.

Nice fucking entrance, bitch.

“Ain’t that the truth, Arthur? And yet here I am. I don’t feel like playing your little game of cat and mouse, so I surrender.” She lifts her hands, palms up, as if to mock us.

What the hell kind of game is she playing at?

Finn stands, ready to charge, but Nigel manages to hold back his furious son. Finn’s attention may be on the threat, but mine is on the victim.

Sorcha’s eyes are locked on her mother, but I can tell from the slight tremble in her fingers that she’s scared. This woman already tried to kill her twice. What’s stopping her from trying again, right now?

Without even thinking of the repercussions of it, I speed over to Sorcha and put her behind me, where her fingers dig into the back of my shirt.

I’ve got you, baby. I won’t let this bitch hurt you.

Then, she traces her finger on the back of my shirt, something she used to do when she wanted to say something she couldn’t make herself say out loud. I concentrate on the pattern until the words become clear.

I got this. Don’t worry.

I can’t help worrying when a snake has entered the lion’s den, taking everyone by surprise.

* * *

Oddly,Carmen didn’t make any moves toward Sorcha. Instead, she calmly followed the Bastard’s instructions and went to the car with Eoghan and Colin and drove to the warehouse with the rest of us following behind. Finn took his own truck with Tiernan, and Nigel drove Sorcha to the location. She was adamant she had to be there and wouldn’t back down, no matter how many times she was told to stay behind.

I’m the dumbass who got to drive by himself. I’m surprised my steering wheel didn’t bend in half with how hard I was gripping it. I pull up to the warehouse barely putting it in park before jumping out and heading inside. I storm in on Finn, Nigel, and Eoghan fighting about who gets to kill the bitch. The only thing that stops me from jumping in is the look on Sorcha’s face. She can say she’s unaffected by this, but I see it on her face. Her heart is breaking.

Although the woman who brought her into this world wants her dead, she’s probably still upset that Carmen has to die. Regardless of how you look at it, this is a shitty situation, courtesy of Sorcha’s mother.

“She’s my damn sister. It’s going to be me,” Finn growls, and I can’t help the scowl I throw his way.

“Man, shut the fuck up!” I hiss at him as I pass to Sorcha, who gives me a lingering glance full of pain before her gaze returns to the evil bitch sitting in the chair, like we are all here just for her entertainment.

Everyone quiets at Sorcha’s deep breath. “Let Rian do it,” she finally speaks, shocking everyone. I figured it wouldn’t matter to her who performed the action, but she elected me.

“What?” Finn nearly growls. He’s seething, but I don’t give a shit.

“I’m the one she tried to kill. It’s my choice.” She gives her brother a look of indignation.

I gotta say, her defiance is pretty hot.

It takes a lot of restraint on his part, but Finn nods and takes a step back, only to pace along the side. There’s no way for me to put into words how honored I feel that Sorcha picked me out of everyone here.

I thought she would choose Finn or even Nigel—even though he’s not supposed to participate—but I’m the one that she’s giving her faith and trust to. Nothing is more sacred to me.

I step forward to do as she has asks, but she stops me with a press of her hand to my chest. I could easily remove Sorcha from my path, but not in this situation.

“Not yet,” she softly pleads with her bright eyes.

I want this woman in my arms so I can shield her from everything, including the unfeeling demon who gave birth to her, sitting a few feet away.

This is her show, so I nod and take a single step back. This gives her space, but I’m close if she needs me.

Sorcha looks down and her dark hair falls in front of her face, as if she’ll find the answers written somewhere on the dirty, hard ground. Everyone looks at her in complete silence. Then, her head lifts and I see her.