Page 32 of Careless

We settle down and commence our girls night, starting with cracking open some beers. We chat away, and I pull my party favor out of my pocket, a decently sized bag of weed.

“If we get drug tested, we'll be kicked off the dance team,” Willow says nervously.

“God, don't be such a killjoy. It's just pot!” Nyla protests.

“I smoke all the time and I've never failed a drug test,” I retort as I pull out a lighter.

“How?” Willow presses.

“Water pills. They flush everything out of your system. I wouldn't be able to handle Coach Hatcher without my little friend, Mary Jane. I would've gotten expelled by now.”

Francine laughs. “I wish I had this before now. She makes me want to pull my hair out.”

Coach Hatcher is a pistol, but she just wants us to be our best. However it would be nice if she wasn’t so bitchy all the time.

“Amen to that, sister,” I say before lighting the joint. I take a drag before handing it over to Francine.

“How about we play a little game?” Nyla suggests.

“What kind of game?” Willow asks.

“How about Truth or Dare? It'll be fun.”

I’m happy to join in on the fun. I’m just glad Francine thought to include me.

“Okay, I'll go first!” Willow squeals with excitement as she pours herself a shot of tequila. “Sorcha, truth or dare.”

She wants me to go first? I’m a little nervous, but happiness outweighs any nerves. “Truth. I'm an open book.”

“If you could, who would you want to roll around in bed with? Has to be someone you know and not a celebrity. Go,” Willow pushes, and I suddenly feel lightheaded. Damn, she really went for it.

She could’ve asked me any question in the world, but that’s the one she goes for? A lead rock forms in my gut and now, I regret accepting the invitation. Kia is the only person that knows about my feelings for Rian.

“Um, pass. I'll take a shot.” I hate tequila, but I’d rather take a shot of that than expose that part of myself.

“What happened to being an open book? You can't just pass!” Nyla exclaims with suspicion in her nearly black eyes.

I groan, blushing. “Fine. Um... if I could choose anyone, I’d pick a guy named... Rian Walsh.”

The second his name leaves my mouth, Francine chokes on the cloud of smoke in her mouth, almost dropping the joint on the pristine white marble flooring.

“Rian? As in Finn's best friend?”

I shrug. “He's hot. Have you seen him with his shirt off?” It’s not a lie. Rian is ridiculously hot, but it’s better than admitting how I feel about him, and how my brother is the only reason we aren’t together.

“But he's an asshole!”

“So is Finn,” Nyla pops off. “It's the assholes who always get you.”

Amen, sister. A-fucking-men.

I take a long, even swallow of the bitter liquid until the can is completely drained. I’m in for a long, painful night and am not nearly drunk enough to deal with it.



Nyla and Willow left an hour ago, complaining about their curfews, which left me and Francine alone.