Page 27 of Careless


Sorcha is my fucking everything. I can’t take my hands off her. I devour her fuckable lips and grind my hips against hers.

Her moans fill the room every time I break the kiss to catch a breath. Breathing seems so unnecessary when it comes to her. I’m surprised Nigel hasn’t barged in here to pull me off his innocent daughter. He knows I’m here, so if he hears her, he knows who’s making her feel this good.

The thought of anyone hearing the sounds I pull from her makes me smirk. I can’t imagine what someone would think if they heard these noises. She is so responsive to my manipulations, and I’m just using my mouth and hands. I can’t imagine what she will sound like once I get my dick inside her. As if she heard my thoughts, her nails dig into my scalp.

Fuck. Do that again, baby.

I want her wrapped around my cock, screaming for the mercy I will not give. Not yet, not when we could potentially be interrupted. I know once I sink my dick deep inside her, I won’t be leaving for hours. I’ve waited too long to have these trivial things hold me back, and I’ll kill anyone who pulls me away from her heat.

“Rian,” she moans as I sink my teeth into her collarbone. I want to mark her in all ways possible. I take the edge off my hunger by kissing down her throat. I’m dying to get a taste of her tits and those piercings.

I roughly yank her sweatshirt over her head, only to reveal a whole ass outfit underneath. “Is this what you were planning on wearing tonight?” I snarl. She’s wearing some white lacy top and a short, black skirt. She’s displaying too much skin, showing off what’s mine. She’ll be starring in too many asshole’s fantasies.

“Ye….yes?” It’s more of a question than an admittance. I take one look at her face and can’t help but forgive the judgment I have put upon her. Not when I see the drunken expression of desire in her heavy lidded gaze.

“Take off your shirt,” I demand as I push the flimsy material up her stomach.

“No, we need to stop.” She half-heartedly presses her fingers against my chest. As if that would stop me.

Although I don’t want to, I acquiesce. Her eye makeup is dark and smeared from her recent crying episode. I don’t want her to group me in with the reasons that made her cry. I may be an insensitive prick, but I’m not about to go out of my way to hurt her more than she already is. Devouring her body can wait if time is what she needs.

“What’s wrong?” I ask breathlessly as I stare down into her dark blues, watching the pink flush wind its way down her cheeks and disappear into her shirt.

“We can’t do this.Thishas to stop.” The pain in her eyes steals the breath from my soul and nearly knocks me on my ass. Or it would if I wasn’t on top of her.


“You know why,” she whispers, but she doesn’t push me away.

Fuck. Of course. I know the reason, but there’s part of me that will always hold out hope that the reason is benign and not worth a second thought. However, it always comes back to this one roadblock. If it was just sex, there wouldn’t be such an internal fight. Too bad the both of us know it is so much more.

Her brother. My best friend. The most protective brother in the world.

I groan as I hang my head, wanting to bury my fist in the damn wall.

“You heard what he said,” she adds, her expression souring. “You ever touch my sister, or even speak one word to her again, that will be it. I’ll destroy you. No one messes with my sister and gets away with it,” she repeats what Finn had said to that fuckwad who messed with her, but we both know it was a generalized statement. It wasn’t just because Sorcha didn’t want that asshole to touch her.

For the longest time, Finn and I agreed that we didn’t want anyone touching her, ever. If she died a virgin, my mission would be complete, but things changed. Now, I can’t imagine not touching her—however that would make me a victim of my own creation.

“Hey—” I start, but she interrupts me.

“He’ll kill you if he finds out, Rian.” She sits up and trails her fingers along my jaw as she moves in closer, tears lingering in her eyes. “Then, the others would have to kill him. I have a responsibility to make sure that doesn’t happen. I can’t…” she trails off as fresh tears gather in her eyes.

I’m not afraid to die. I grew up knowing that this was always a possibility. It’s part of being a Bastard. I take risks every single day that could lead to me bleeding to death in a ditch. But, the raw emotion she’s giving me from just thinking about my end has me conceding from the fight I could put up.

“Look at me, Sor,” I say as she wipes at her stubborn tears, but refuses to meet my gaze. I lean in and kiss her salty tears away. Not able to hold back for long, she wraps her arms around my neck and I let her hold me.

It feels so good to be surrounded by her. Having her in my arms—against my body, has to be enough. Even before that thought fully evolves, I recognize the impossibility of it all. I will never be satisfied unless I have all of her, claim all of her. I don’t want to let her go. But I have to.

“Okay,” I say as I drag her up my thighs and press her center against the thick rod in my jeans.

She’s so receptive to everything. She gasps and lets out a loud moan as she arches into me before grinding her hips down, riding my cock through our clothes.

“Rian,” she whimpers as her fingers dig into my shoulders.

I love how she loses control with me.