“Fuck, yes!” he groans as the last of his orgasm leaves his body then releases his grip on my head. I bounce up, taking in a ragged breath, his cum dripping down my chin. I cough on the much needed oxygen, but the exertion has Rian’s fluids nearly coming back out. Once I’ve gained some composure, I meet Rian’s eyes, only to see them on my chin, darkening with something akin to desire and pride. At the slight tickle on my chin, I realize he’s staring at his cum that didn’t make it into my mouth.
“Clean up the mess on your face.” His demand is low and gravelly. He’s not talking about my tears or the drool. He’s talking about his cum. I’d wipe it off if I had the use of my hands, but I’m still handcuffed. Instead, I make use of my tongue, swiping it across my chin, lapping at the salty treat. He’s unblinking, like I mesmerized him with my action.
Rian dips his finger inside me one more time before he removes his hand. He looks at his glistening finger for a moment. I’d blush at his deed. However, after what just happened in the cab of my brother’s truck, there’s not much that can embarrass me now. He takes the finger coated in my juices and wipes it on my fucking face. Satisfied, he puts his half-hard dick back in his jeans, before turning the vehicle on and leaving the scene of our debauchery.
As much as I don’t want to, I drop Sorcha off at her house. My dick wants to follow her inside and fuck her tits, then come all over those barbells. However, my rage is dictating my next move, telling me it’s time to hunt. I haven’t had to do it in a couple months, but this one is way more important than all the others. Denzel Slater didn’t just upset my woman or look at her strangely. He put his hands on her, sexually harassed her, and I fucking saw it. The only reason I’m not covered in blood and behind bars right now is because Finn stopped me from murdering him in broad daylight—in front of Sorcha, her friend, and a few other witnesses.
The few people that were there would be smart enough not to report me to the police anyways. Why? Because nobody likes that prick. He’s one of the people in this town with parents who think they’re untouchable.
The Gray’s. The Slater’s. The Black’s. The Walter’s.
They’re all scum who think they can buy anyone and get away with everything. Just because the O’Reilly family lives on the bare minimum doesn’t mean they are lesser.
Anyone that touches her is lucky if they can walk away. Dez may think he’s one of the lucky ones, but little does he know, sometimes the fear evoked from the hunt can be just as satisfying as the death.
He dies tonight. I already texted Donatello that I’ll have another body for him so his cleanup crew should be on standby.
I park my car down the street from the Slater house and climb into the back seat. The back windows are darkly tinted. The only way anyone can see me is if they get up close and personal, but no one is stupid enough to do that. Once the sun sets, my black car will fade into the shadows, granting me more cover to stalk my prey without being spotted.
If someone sees my car, they’ll just assume I’m in the area for a booty call and no one will raise an eyebrow. Everyone in this town knows about my… promiscuities.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out. I roll my eyes when I see who it’s from. I thought I got rid of Clara Malloy when she came around seven months ago claiming to be pregnant with my kid.
I didn’t believe her. Why would I? She hadn’t been the first to try to use that line to make an honest man out of me, but she was the first to be annoyingly persistent. I laughed in her face and told her I didn’t believe the kid was mine. I’d need proof, like a DNA test, before I’d fall for something like that. It would be so easy for a girl to let me fuck her, then go fuck another guy five minutes later. Even if the kid was mine, a girl like Clara has no chance of caging me.
I’m not gullible enough to let anyone pull the wool over my eyes, but the words that scroll across the screen has me second guessing myself.
You don’t need to worry. I gave the baby away. It was a girl, if you’re curious. She was born late last night. Have a nice life, Rian.
A steel ball forms in my gut at her words. If she had been planning on chaining me to her, why would she give it away? Or keep up this facade until after the baby was born? The inclination that this baby is actually mine grows. Rage bubbles inside me at this possibility. The only one I want having my kid is my woman, and that’s not Clara fucking Malloy. I wouldn’t have demanded Clara to have an abortion or for her to give the baby up for adoption. If Clara wanted to have the baby so badly, I would have taken the baby and figured out a way to raise her. It reminds me of the tales surrounding Sorcha’s mother, the woman who left the hospital and never looked back. The reminder makes me want to rip Clara’s tongue out.
The girl was born last night, which means, unless something went wrong with the baby during delivery, she’s probably long gone by now. This story won’t end the way Sorcha’s birth did. This one has a sad ending, much like the rest of my life.
After rereading the text several times, I shove my phone in my pocket and focus on the task at hand. This is something I can control. I can get rid of Denzel and keep Sorcha safe. Retrieving my possible daughter from the clutches of the foster system is somewhat out of my hands and that will haunt my dreams forever.
* * *
The tangerinesand pinks created by the sunset are long gone, giving way to a starless sky .A few minutes into the darkness, Denzel’s car races around the corner, headed for his house. I don’t waste a second of time. Even as I climb out of my car, I check my surroundings for witnesses. This is a neighborhood where all the blinds are pulled shut to hide their dirty little secrets from the world. No one will notice me taking Denzel unless he screams, but that’s the point of my weapon. He won’t scream.
As I charge down the street, I pull up my black hoodie and zip it to my chin. My hands clench and squeeze with anticipation. I stay in the shadows that the trees provide. Denzel is none the wiser as he stands in his driveway without a care in the world. I can’t help the smile that stretches across my face as I stalk him.
If this was Five Families business, one of the guys would be with me, watching my six. Denzel didn’t do enough for it to appear on their radar. He would’ve had to try to remove Sorcha’s pants for that. That’s their line he would’ve had to cross. He crossed my line when he looked at her. I won’t ever let anyone get away with touching my girl.
Sorcha is mine. She always has been and the only hands that get to touch her are mine. My cock will be the only one to come near her mouth, her ass, and her delicious pussy. I’m hard just thinking about tasting her again, popping her cherry, being the first and only one to bury my bare cock deep inside her.
It won’t be long until I can’t hold myself back anymore.
Once I’m inside her. I’ll own her, dominating every aspect of her life until she can’t tell where I end and she begins. She’ll be just as desperate for me as I am for her. She’ll beg for every inch of me, even if it’s just in her heavenly mouth, and the taste of me will be enough to make her come. I’ll embed myself so deep under her skin that just the sight of me will make her wet, and she’ll submit to the depravity I’ll show her. She’ll learn to crave it, and gentle lovemaking won’t be enough to satisfy the beast I’ll brand into her being.
I make it to the asshole as he clicks the lock button on his fob. I pull out my gun as the car chirps, slamming it into the back of his head. The dense fucker manages to flip as he crumbles to the ground, blood dripping from the wound onto the pavement.
This, right here, is one of my favorite moments—watching my prey’s eyes as they realize who’s hands their life is in. The main emotion I typically see is surprise. Pain, fear, anger and/or disbelief are the usual additions. With Dez, his dark eyes widen as he turns white as a sheet, rivaling the ivory skin tone of the woman he tried to touch—tried to claim as his own. Surprise and fear are the winners tonight.