Page 13 of Careless

“It was… Rian.” I drop my face into my hand as my cheeks flame with embarrassment.

“As in Rian Walsh? Damn, I told you he wants your pussy, and you didn’t believe me. Was it good?”

A smile tries to fight its way across my face as my stomach tingles with the memory. “It was incredible, but… I don’t know.” I frown as my shoulders sag. “I have no clue what to think. I thought it would change things, but he’s not behaving any differently, which is kind of a good thing. On the other hand, I wish it would change things.”

“Honey, Rian Walsh is a player. You can’t put your heart on the line for him unless he gives you a valid reason to think otherwise.” She squeezes my arm reassuringly, and I nod.

“He did say some things that I doubt he says to every girl he gets in his bed,” I admit.

“Really? What was it?”

Grabbing her arm, I tug Kia into an empty hall before turning to her. “First, he admitted that he was the one who blacklisted me from other guys in Grove Hill.”

Her skin pales as she blinks at me. “Rian blacklisted you? Not your brother? His best friend was the one who did it?”

“Yeah, it was a shock for me, too. Then, it pissed me off, and I said something stupid.” I grimace, remembering the words that fell from my mouth.

I like getting under his skin, but that was a bit too much.

“Well... don’t leave me in suspense. What did you say?”

I pause to retrieve the words from my brain. “If you really wanted to fuck me that bad, you could’ve just asked.” A shudder runs through my body from the words. They were said in anger. If it was that I was flirting with him, I wouldn’t be so weirded out by them.

I’veneverflirted with Rian. Have I flirted with other guys? Sure, but not him.

“And you guys did it after that?” she presses, wanting as much information as possible, but she’s going to be disappointed.

“We didn’t do it, okay? He just went down on me, but he said that I’m his, like claimed ownership of me.”

His words echo through my mind as my cheeks redden.

You’re mine and nobody fucks my girl but me. When you’re ready, I’ll ruin you with my cock.

Holy hell.That shouldn’t have been as hot as it was. Even just thinking about it has my body all revved up and ready to go. But, he made himself clear. He expects me to wait on him, but that’s bullshit. What kind of sense does it make for me—the one who’s only had sex once because of him blacklisting me—should have to wait for him to say jump when he’s the one who fucks everything that moves?

“Well, that’s something for sure.” She loops her arm through mine and leads me back toward the main hall.

“Screw that,” I say, irritation flaring.

“Sorcha?” She gives me a sideways glance.

I’m a fucking O’Reilly. I shouldn’t live by anyone else’s rules but my own, and I’m definitely not going to sit around waiting for Rian fucking Walsh to get sick of screwing his way through this town before eventually making his way to me.

If he wants to be my one and only, I have to be his. Until then, I’m going to piss him the fuck off.

“Is your cousin throwing one of his parties this weekend?” I ask as I squeeze her arm.

A devious smile tugs at her lips. “Hell, yes, he is, and he keeps asking about you. He thinks you’re absolutely smoking, as he should. You’re a gem.”

Although Dominic likes to party, he is a real sweetheart. He’s a freshman in college but lives at home. Lucky for him, his parents are never home so he always takes advantage and throws parties. “Great!” My mind starts going a mile a minute with possibilities.

I grin as she pulls out her phone, clicking away with sending her cousin a text. A minute later, her phone dings with a response, and a shriek quickly follows.

“He’d love to see you again,” Kia waggles her eyebrows.. “But, we need to go shopping for the sluttiest dresses we can find.”

I laugh off her innuendo about her cousin.

“Sluttiest, huh?” a male’s voice interrupts our conversation.