Those dark eyes were suddenly uncommonly penetrating.
“Don’t you?”
He crossed his arms and stared back. His gaze could be… intimidating, but Flora didn’t even flinch.
“Hmph. Have it your own way. But don’t blame me if you end up losing this place. These things tend to snowball.”
With one last withering look, she turned around and stomped back out the door, giving him a clear view of the pink sequin heart on the back of her top.Ridiculous.As ridiculous as kowtowing to some anonymous blogger.
But was she really anonymous?
Although he hadn’t wanted to admit it to Flora, he had a sneaking suspicion that he knew exactly who she was. A very pretty and very curvy female with the most delectable scent he’d ever encountered. His annoyance at his reaction to her scent, combined with his frustration over the number of things that had gone wrong that evening, had been partially responsible for his outburst. Under normal circumstances, he would have used his charm to smooth things over. However, charm had been beyond him that night and he’d very rudely sent her on her way—and then had to fight back the urge to go after her.Ridiculous.
But Flora’s suggestion was not without merit, he decided reluctantly. If he could get this female to come back, he could use his particular skills to convince her that she’d made a mistake and retract her original review. It would have to be handled delicately, but he had no doubt it could be done. And the thought of seeing her again was undeniably appealing.
A slow smile curved his lips, his fangs appearing once again. Time to make plans.
Two months later…
Wendy drove cautiouslyinto Fairhaven Falls along the snow-covered road. The new snowfall was undoubtedly beautiful, but she was a Southern girl and she wasn’t used to driving in it. Even though it had snowed during the years she’d spent in New York, she’d relied on bus drivers and the occasional taxi to get her around the city.
And New York snow was never like this, she thought with a smile as she made the turn onto Main Street. It tended to be brown and slushy rather than the white blanket currently frosting the town. Even though it was January, Main Street was still lined with carefully decorated storefronts, brightly colored lights adorning the facades of the old-fashioned buildings. Snowy mountains framed the town but the river at the bottom of the hill was still flowing, blue and icy looking.
She hadn’t had time to explore on her previous visit and she wished she could linger, but the early winter dusk was already beginning to fall and she wanted to check into her hotel. TheFairhaven Falls Inn was a large Victorian mansion that had been converted into a charming bed and breakfast, and she was looking forward to her second stay. Even with snow obscuring the beautifully landscaped grounds, she felt at home as soon as she started to make her way cautiously down the long drive.
Alison, the pretty pregnant innkeeper, greeted her with a friendly smile and a welcome mug of hot spiced cider.
“It’s so nice to see you again. What brings you back our way?”
“Oh, I just wanted to take another look at the town in the snow,” she said vaguely, fighting back a feeling of guilt.
Although she did her best to keep her identity anonymous in order to protect the integrity of her reviews, she was a naturally honest person and sometimes it was hard to keep up the pretense. Which was one of the reasons she rarely returned to the same place twice outside of the larger cities.
But here I am, she thought with a sigh, still not entirely sure why she’d agreed to return.
“Is something wrong?” Alison asked.
“No, just a little tired. I’m not used to driving in snow.”
The other woman laughed.
“I know what you mean. It still makes me nervous?—”
“Which is why you are not going to do it, are you, sugar?”
A huge blue-skinned troll walked into the parlor and put his arm around Alison’s waist. Wendy had also met Alison’s fiancé Will on her last visit, but she’d forgotten the impact of his size and appearance. The Others were far more prevalent in Fairhaven Falls than in most of the places she’d visited.
“Not as long as you’re around,” Alison said cheerfully, winking at her.
Will apparently missed the implication because he gave a satisfied nod, then smiled at Wendy. He had a very charming smile—unlike the far too handsome for his own good owner of Midnight Manor. He only seemed capable of an intimidating scowl. Unfortunately, that scowl did nothing to detract from his brooding good looks. Not that those looks had anything to do with her decision to return, she assured herself. She was simply trying to be fair.
“Welcome back,” Will said. “Are you here for the Winter Festival?”
“I’m afraid not, although I do remember hearing something about it. I’m just here for a night or two.”