Tony returns in few minutes to place a glass of ice water into her shaking hands. Tony helps to steady her hands and raise the glass to her lips. Mary takes a sip of the cold water, feeling it slide down her dry throat. She gives her brother a grateful smile. He nods then takes his seat next to her. She sips more water letting it soothe her parched throat. Putting off dealing with this situation.
“You aren’t expected to marry Giovanni right away,” Antonio informs her. She jerks in response to the word ‘marry’. “We will be having dinner at his family’s home in Brooklyn tomorrow night. There’ll be an engagement announcement this week. Following that, you’ll be busy planning the wedding. I expect he’ll want the marriage to take place within a couple of months.” Mary’s eyes fly up to look at her father, wide with shock and fear.
“Mary, I know this is a shock for you.” –Antonio says softly– “but you must understand, this is our life. It’syourlife; you’ve simply not been privy to the details until now.” His words do nothing to console her. She tries to suppress the sob that’s threatening to escape, but she’s unsuccessful. Tears begin flowing in earnest down her face.
* * *
Sometime later,Ruby finds herself sitting at edge of the pond. Staring out at the ducks swimming in the water. Ruby isn’t sure how long she’s been sitting here watching the ducks and remembering how messed up her life had been in the days following her mother’s death. As night falls, she heads back to the shelter. She doesn’t want to sleep outside tonight. The growing clouds indicate more rain is in the forecast, and a chill is in the air as fall approaches. It’ll be come more difficult to stay outside in the coming weeks and months. She really shouldn’t be staying in Jacksonville. She should head further south to warmer weather, but she’s promised Jolene she’ll help coordinate the singers. Ruby can’t let her down. Jolene’s been so kind to her over the years. This is the least Ruby can do to repay her.
Tank leaves the fundraiser meeting determined to learn everything he can about the mysterious Ruby. Any information he can gather to help him convince her that he’s worth getting to know will be beneficial. He decides he needs to start by talking to Jolene. The woman seems to know Ruby the best. Hopefully she’ll be a good starting point. He sees Straw walking Abigail out toward her office and decides to follow. He turns toward the main part of the shelter where Jolene’s and Abigail’s offices are located.
As he exits the cafeteria, he looks down the hallway to see Jolene entering her office a few feet away. He wastes no time in covering the distance to her door. He knocks on the doorframe waiting for permission to enter. Jolene looks up at the sound of his knock, surprise on her face at seeing him at her door.
“Tank! Come in, come in.” Jolene waves at him to take a seat in the empty chair in front of her desk which is piled with stacks of papers. She shuffles a few stacks out of her way before pinning him with her gaze. “What can I do for you?” she asks as he takes his seat.
“I want to ask you about Ruby,” Tank declares. Jolene’s pleasant expression falls a little. She shifts in her seat and clears her throat.
“Tank,” Jolene begins in a firm tone, “I won’t betray the trust of my patrons. It’s imperative they trust that they are safe here. It would be unethical of me to discuss Ruby with you without her permission.” Tank closes his eyes in an effort to not blow a gasket. He should’ve known Jolene wouldn’t be able to tell him anything. He huffs out a breath debating on whether or not he should push Jolene to give him some little tidbit, but he respects Jolene too much to manipulate her into bending her ethical rules. “You’re concerned for her, aren’t you?” Jolene asks in a soft voice. Tank opens his eyes to see her smiling at him, understanding on her face. Tank nods his answer.
“I’m worried about her being out on the streets, Jolene,” Tank says, his fear and frustration clear in his voice. “You know how dangerous it is out there.” Tank jerks his head toward the street. “Anything could happen to her. She’s so tiny and vulnerable. She has no way to call for help if she should need it. I…I just can’t stand the thoughts of something happening to her, of her being at the mercy of the weather, drug addicts, and the criminals who roam these streets.”
“Oh Tank, I understand how you feel,” Jolene replies. “I worry about her, too, but she’s been on the streets for many years from what I’ve gathered. She’s survived. She’s tougher than she looks.” Tank snorts derisively at that comment. “I can’t tell you anymore than that. However, I suggest if you’re looking for a good meal, Angie’s diner on South Marine Boulevard is an excellent place for dinner most days of the week.” Tank frowns at the sudden change in topic. He looks at Jolene. Her brows raise giving him a knowing look. Understanding dawns on him at her meaning. Ruby will likely be at this diner most evenings. He gives Jolene a nod and a smile before standing up to leave.
“Thanks, Jolene,” Tank murmurs. “I appreciate the suggestion. I believe I’ll check it out.”
“See that you do, Tank,” Jolene giggles, which is quite funny coming from the older woman. “You won’t be disappointed.” He dips his head in acknowledgement then leaves her office. Straw is backing out of Abigail’s office, which is right down the hall. His arms are around Abigail while he’s kissing the hell out of her. The couple breaks apart, Abigail giggling.
“Go on now,” Abigail says a little breathless. “I’ve got work to do. I’ll see you in a couple hours.” Straw kisses her again before turning Tank’s way to head for to the back of the building where their vehicle is parked.
“You ready to go?” Straw asks Tank as he approaches. Tank grunts to the affirmative. “I told Abigail we’d pick Ellie and the twins up from school this afternoon since Hawk let us off early for the meeting. I hope that’s okay with you?” Straw glances over at him as they are making their way to Tank’s truck.
“Sure,” Tank answers, “Are the twins coming to the house, or are we dropping them off at Hawk’s?”
“Taking them to Hawk’s,” Straw replies. “I’m not up to having those hellions over again so soon. Little shits destroyed Ellie’s room last weekend.” Tank laughs as he remembers all the whining the kids had done when they’d been made to clean up their chaos.
“And Ellie had nothing to do with the messing either, right?” Tank inquires, a knowing grin on his face. Straw is as wrapped around the little princess’s finger as Tank is, possibly more. Straw huffs.
“Well of course she did,” Straw grumbles, “but it’s harder to be upset with her. When her lower lip pooches out, I can’t scold her.” Tank chuckles. He totally understands how Straw feels. The girl is adorable. He hasn’t been able to get upset with her either, even when she’d gotten in his room and colored on his walls with permanent markers.
* * *
Tank and Strawpull into the driveway to their house. Straw’s SUV is already parked in the garage. Tank pulls his vehicle in next to Straw’s, putting it in park then shutting off the motor. The men roll out of the vehicle and head into the house. Savory smells are coming from the kitchen as they enter the home.
Abi, we’re home,” Straw calls out as they head through the dining room toward the kitchen. Tank notices Ellie’s coloring book and washable markers are scattered on the dining table as they pass. Abigail exits the kitchen as the men reach the foyer.
“Hey,” Abigail says softly. Her eyes glued to Straw, so full of love. Tank has to look away. He peeks around Abi looking for Ellie, but she’s nowhere to be seen.
“Hey sweetheart,” Straw coos before devouring Abigail in a heated kiss. A couple of uncomfortable minutes later, Tank clears his throat, interrupting the love fest. Abigail’s face flushes with embarrassment when they break apart as she wipes the moisture from her lips. Straw turns to glare at him. Tank gives him a sheepish smile.
“Where’s Ellie?” Tank asks Abi as he looks around. Abigail frowns.
“She was just in the dining room coloring a few minutes ago. Didn’t you guys walk right by her?” Abigail asks. Tank shakes his head.
“We saw her coloring stuff, but she wasn’t in the dining room,” Straw answers. Abigail heads into the living room.