Page 65 of Ruby

“Russo was angry at Guerrero for delaying him leaving to get Mary Catherine,” the woman continues. “Guerrero tried to argue with Russo, but he was having none of it. He said he has an informant who gave him reliable information on her location.”

“Did he say who his informant is?” Tank asks.

“No,” she answers. “But he said the informant had laid eyes on her, that the informant had witnessed her having a conversation with her brother Tony. Russo said he’d be dealing with Tony and his father once Mary Catherine was back where she belonged.” Tank spins around taking a few steps before punching the wall of the plane. He draws back to hit it again when Straw and Deadeye appear at his side, holding him back. He struggles with them a moment but gives in and allows Straw to guide him back to his seat.

“Tank, I know you’re upset, furious even.” Deadeye sits across from him, holding his gaze as he speaks. “You know we have your back. If she’s been taken, we’ll get her back no matter what it takes. We’ll find her and bring her home to you.” Tank nods. He does know his brothers on the team will back him one hundred percent, but he can’t think past how frightened Ruby will be if Russo gets his hands on her.



Ruby is missing Tucker something fierce. He’s managed to worm his way under her skin in such a short amount of time. Having been alone for the last six years, it’s a strange feeling to want to be around another person. She’s worked so hard to blend in and keep her distance from anyone, but Tucker has refused to let her continue to hide. Her life has changed so much in the last couple of months. She’s gone from being a loner to having friends and the love of her life.

The day Tucker, Straw, and the team headed out on their latest mission, Ruby had been welcomed into the fold of the other women with open arms. Ruby loves how the women are so welcoming and kind to her. Abigail has made her feel completely at home. She’s felt a little strange at first, especially when Tucker left. She considered going back to the shelter, but Abigail asked her stay. Abigail is still recovering from her surgery after the auto accident when her ex was hunting her. Ruby hasn’t worked at the diner in several days. She’s supposed to return to work today. Abigail is better, but Ruby still worries about leaving her here alone. She’s dressed and walks down the hall to Abigail and Straw’s bedroom. She knocks on the door.

“Come in,” Abigail calls from inside. Ruby opens to the door to see Abigail exiting her bathroom. She’s wearing a cute cotton long sleeve dress. “Hi Ruby. I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to get ready. I’ve been trying to decide what to wear. My incision is mostly healed, but I can’t wear anything that might rub against it.”

“I’m not in a hurry,” Ruby answers. “I still have a couple hours before my shift starts. I’ve been thinking about it. I hate to leave you here alone. Maybe I should call off?”

“Don’t be silly,” Abigail replies. “Daisy is coming over to stay with me, even though I don’t need a babysitter. I know Straw asked them all to keep an eye on me, but I promise I’m fine. I’ve been cleared to drive, but Straw still has Charlotte coming to pick up Ellie for school.” Abigail rolls her eyes. “You have an accident and nearly bleed to death before they can get you to surgery, and you never hear the end of it.” Abigail laughs as she’s trying to be lighthearted about what happened.

“Oh Abi, you know Straw loves you,” Ruby replies. “He just worries about you when he’s not home.”

“I know,” Abigail smiles, a wistful look on her face. “He’s the best. Before I met him, I’d resigned myself to being alone the rest of my life, or at least until Ellie is an adult. I hadn’t made very good choices when it came to men.” Abigail gives Ruby a tight smile. “Every guy I’d dated or had relationships with were too much like my father. Alcoholics, drug addicts, and/or abusive. After Todd, I decided I couldn’t pick a good one to save my life, literally, so I just stopped dating. I fought Robert when he began to pursue me. I came up with every excuse in the book to turn him down, but he patiently countered me at every turn. I couldn’t deny he was very different from any guy I’d been with before.” Ruby nods. She can understand where Abigail’s coming from. Tucker is unlike anyone she’s ever met.

“I can see it,” Ruby tells her. “All of those guys seem to be cut from a different cloth than most men.”

“Yes, it’s true,” Abigail says. “Which reminds me, by the way, Tank is totally into you. I’ve never seen him show interest in a woman before, and though Straw and I have only been together about a year, Charlotte said she’s never known him to date anyone either. You’re something special Ruby.” Ruby flushes. She knows she isn’t special, but Tucker makes her feel special.

“I’m not special,” Ruby argues, “but Tucker makes me feel special.” Abigail laughs.

“I love how you call him Tucker,” Abigail says. “His face lights up whenever you say his name.” They chat a few more minutes before the doorbell rings. “There’s Daisy, my sitter,” Abigail mutters as both women head toward the stairs to answer the door. Abigail opens the front door, and Daisy enters along with Lisa and Emma. “Welcome, ladies,” Abigail greets them. They all hurry inside.

“Charlotte is coming by in a little while,” Daisy informs them. “Elise is volunteering at school today, so she won’t be by until after school is out. She’s picking up all the children since she’s already there.”

“Ruby, I can drop you off at the diner,” Lisa says. “I’m going that direction anyway. I have a job interview at an urgent clinic up that way.”

“Okay, thanks, Lisa.” Ruby gets her jacket out, and the two women say their goodbyes to everyone else before heading out to Lisa’s car parked out front. Once inside Lisa’s Nissan Sentra, Ruby buckles her belt. Lisa pulls out of the driveway, and they set off down the street. The women chat about Lisa’s upcoming interview. Neither of them notices a black SUV that starts up just down the street and pulls out to follow.

Lisa suddenly falls silent. Ruby notices her tense posture, and that she keeps glancing into her mirrors much more often than she had been when they first pulled out. Ruby is beginning to feel anxious, too.

“What’s wrong?” Ruby asks when she can no longer take the tense feeling in the car. Lisa glances at her, worry evident on her face. She looks at her mirrors again, before answering.

“I’m not sure.” Lisa blows out a breath. “I may be over reacting, but I think we’re being followed.” Ruby turns around to look over her shoulder. A large black SUV is behind them but not too close. Lisa turns on her signal. “I hope your boss doesn’t freak if you’re late because I’m taking the scenic route. If I’m over reacting that SUV will go on by when we turn.” Ruby nods, too afraid of who is in the SUV to comment.

Lisa makes the turn then presses down on the accelerator. The SUV follows, and it too increases its speed. Fear begins to shoot through Ruby. Instinctively she knows Russo Jr. is in that SUV. This can’t be happening. Lisa is in danger because of her. Lisa is thankfully a really good driver. She’s picked up speed and is weaving in and out of traffic like a professional race car driver.

“Um, Lisa?” Ruby says uncertainly. Lisa glances at her briefly but doesn’t verbally respond. “I think I know who’s after us.” Lisa glances at her again.

“What? How do you know him?” Lisa asks.

“He’s been hunting me for six years,” Ruby confesses. Lisa glances at her with a confused look.

“I think you’re mistaken.” Lisa grits her teeth. “It’s my ex tailing us.” Ruby’s eyes widen.

“Are you sure?” Ruby asks. “Because I thought it was my fiancé…well, sort of but not really.” Lisa’s eyes widen as she looks at her again.

“I’m going to need more details, Ruby,” Lisa says through gritted teeth as she narrowly weaves between a semi-truck and a tour bus. “Because if we don’t get off this road soon, we’re going to end up like Abigail…or worse.” Lisa jerks the wheel again and takes the next exit. They speed down the off ramp. Thankfully there aren’t any cars coming. Lisa makes a sharp right turn. Ruby looks back to see, they’ve lost the SUV. At least for the moment. “Details!” Lisa exclaims as she checks her mirrors.