Page 42 of Ruby

“Well then, we better get to it,” Ruby helps Ellie gather her clothes, before leading the child into the bathroom. Ruby starts the water of the shower. Ellie unashamedly strips her clothes off and climbs into the shower. “Do you need help?” Ruby isn’t sure how much a six-year-old can do on her own.

“No, well maybe with my hair,” Ellie tells her. Ruby reaches around the shower curtain and helps Ellie wash and rinse her thick head of hair. After making sure she has a washcloth, Ruby waits in the bathroom until Ellie declares she’s done. Shutting off the water for her, Ruby wraps Ellie in a big fluffy towel as she steps out of the shower. “I washed behind my ears, my feet, and I made sure I washed my stinky parts really good.” Ruby barks out an uncomfortable laugh. She’s never been around children much, not since she was a child herself. The little girl is definitely going to keep Ruby on her toes.

Ruby dries Ellie off with the towel and helps her into the clothing they’ve chosen for her to wear to school today. Ellie has a school uniform made up of a crisp white button up the front blouse, a navy-blue vest and matching skirt. Helping her with her navy-blue knee socks, Ruby smiles as Ellie chatters on and on about first one thing then another. School, the ‘twins,’ and her parents. Ruby nearly strangles on her own saliva at Ellie’s next comment.

“Robert is going to put a baby brother or sister in Momma’s belly so they’ll have someone to take care of now that I’m a big girl.” Ellie’s tone so matter-of-fact. She can feel her face flushing with embarrassment. “Momma gets lonely when I’m not here.”

“I’m sure she does,” Ruby comments. “You’re very entertaining.” Ruby can’t keep the grin off her face. Ellie beams a mega-watt smile at her.

“I know,” Ellie says. “Momma sometime says I’m rotted, but Uncle Tank and Papa says I’m not. They’re big smart men, so I believe them. Momma just wants to keep me from being too wild.” Ruby laughs out loud at that little statement.

“I think your momma has her hands full,” Ruby informs the little girl. Not missing a beat, Ellie has a quick come back.

“Oh, she does,” Ellie says proudly. “Robert says it take a village, whatever that means.” Ruby’s face is hurting from all the smiling she’s done while spending time with the little girl. Her traitorous mind sends her an image of a little girl with Tucker’s eyes and Ruby’s hair. She secretly wonders if their little girl would be as rambunctious. Wait! She shouldn’t be thinking about having children with the sexy beast of a man, but oh would she love to be free to do just that very thing. Ruby’s mind drifts to the man downstairs. He’s the kindest, most thoughtful man she’s ever known. She could do much worse in the man department. As a matter of fact, she has the worst searching for her even now all these years later. What’s it going to take to be free? She isn’t sure, but now more than ever, she wants to find out, to be free to seek a life with Tucker.



Tank smiles to himself while he works to clean up the kitchen, loading dishes into the dishwasher and wiping down the stove and counters. He thinks about the three of them working together in the kitchen preparing their meal. Ellie had helped Ruby crack the eggs into a bowl while he set water on the stove to boil for their oatmeal. When they made the toast, Ellie insisted on putting the bread in the four-slot toaster. When it was ready, Tank had removed the hot bread placing it on a plate while Ellie and Ruby spread butter on it. Another domestic moment with his woman. He just needs to get her fully on board to being his woman.

They made a lot of progress over the weekend, but he knows she’s still afraid for him and that has him even more worried for her. If she’s running from someone bad enough she thinks a Special Forces Marine can’t handle them, they must be very bad. Just as this is running through his mind, he gets a text.

Tex:Hey, Tank. I have some information for you. Hawk sent me some information and the picture you gave him. I’ve gotten a hit. Will you have time to talk today?

Tank:Yes, I’ll make time. How does 1000 hours sound?

Tex:That works for me.

Tank pockets his phone wondering what information Tex has managed to dig up on the red-haired beauty who is currently upstairs getting Ellie ready for school. He’s dying to know, but he’ll have to wait until ten a.m. He’ll take Ellie to school and then see what Ruby has planned for the day. He doesn’t have to be at base until 0800. They’ll be a man down with Straw at the hospital with Abigail. Speaking of which, he pulls his phone out again, shooting a text off to Straw checking to see how Abigail made it through the night.

Tank:How’s Abigail this morning?

Straw:Strong as hell! I swear she’s made of steel. They got her up to walk, and I know she’s in serious pain, but she never made a peep. I’ve had to insist she take something for the pain.

Tank:Glad to hear she’s doing so well. Anything you need me to bring you when I come by later?

Straw:A couple changes of clothes for me. Abigail will need clothes to wear home, but I’ll come get those when it’s time. How’s Ellie?

Tank:She’s good. She had a nightmare, so I let her sleep with me and Ruby.


Tank:Yeah, you remember her from the shelter? It’s a long story. We’ll talk later.

Straw:Damn right we will. Seems you been holding out on me.

Tank:Nah, not really…well maybe. See you later.


Tank, once again, pockets his phone as he hears footsteps approaching. Ellie comes bounding into the kitchen with Ruby hot on her heels. Ruby’s face is lit with happiness as the two enter the room. Ellie is chattering away as usual, their interlocked hands swinging between them as they walk.

“And Josh said he’s the best fighter, but Jessie said he’s the best,” Ellie says. “I told them they’re both wrong.”

“Oh, you did?” Ruby asks. Ellie nods solemnly. “Who’s the best?”

“I am,” Ellie declares, “I get more kills than any of them.” Ruby’s eyes widen, obviously shocked at the child’s bold statement.