Page 40 of Ruby

“Honestly, no I don’t think anyone is in here,” Tank answers her truthfully. “However, I’m not willing to take a chance with you or Ellie, especially after the events of today. So please wait here while I make sure the house is empty. Here are the keys to my truck. If someone were to be in here, get in the truck with Ellie and leave. Going out the door will set off the alarm system which will notify the police, Hawk, and other members of my team. You drive back to the shelter, and I’ll come find you when everything is over. Can you do that for me?” Ruby’s eyes are widened with fear. She shakes her head.

“I…I can’t drive,” Ruby blurts out. “Oh God! Please, Tucker if you think it’s not safe, let’s just leave.” Tears are forming in her eyes and she’s beginning to shake. Fuck! Tank is kicking himself for not handling this very well.

“Ruby, calm down,” Tank tries to assure her, placing his hands on each of her shoulders. “I don’t really think anyone is in here. We have an excellent security system. It would have alerted us if someone had breached the house. I’m just being cautious. Now, take a couple deep breaths. Inhale and exhale slowly. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you or Ellie.” Ruby stares into his eyes as she follows his commands to slow her breathing and calm her fears.

“I know you’ll protect us, Tucker,” Ruby says after a minute. “But who’s going to protect you?” Tank’s big hard heart melts a little more at her words. She’s afraid for him. He pulls her into his arms as best he can while she’s got Ellie plastered to her.

“Oh, beautiful.” Tank’s voice is thick with emotion. “Don’t you be worrying about me. I’ll be fine. Now wait right here, and IF something should happen, get in the truck and lock the doors. Wait for my guys to arrive, okay?” Ruby pulls back from enough to look up at him and nods. Tank steps back then, pulling his personal weapon, a Sig 9mm, from his waistband. Ensuring a round is in the chamber, safety off, Tank moves into the house, with his gun up, clearing it room by room. Fifteen minutes later, he returns to find Ruby and Ellie right where he left them.

“House is secure,” Tank informs a relieved looking Ruby. Her shoulders sag with relief when she sees him approaching her. “Here let me take her. I’ll go put her to bed.” Ruby hands over the sleeping child and follows him through the house to the staircase leading up to the second floor. Once he’s deposited the child in her bed after removing her shoes, he makes sure she’s covered up, has Mr. Snugglebutt tucked to her side and her night lights are on in her bedroom and bathroom. He turns to leave. Ruby is standing in the doorway. Light from the hallway casts her body in silhouette. His mind again imagining him putting their child to bed while she watches him. Need for her and to make this situation a reality for them hits him like a ton of bricks. He heads toward her, not thinking about anything other than his need to hold her, kiss her.

When he reaches her, he can see his emotions reflected in her eyes. He takes her in his arms and kisses her. He can’t keep it soft and sweet, no, he deepens the kiss, taking her sweet essence like it is air and he’s been holding his breath for days. He backs her into the hallway out of sight just in case Ellie were to awaken. His hands begin to move, one holding onto back of her head, keeping her close. The other slides down to cup one firm, round buttock, squeezing and kneading the flesh. He breaks the kiss to trail more along the side of her face, down the column of her neck. Ruby moans as he licks out his tongue to leave a trail along her collarbone. My God she’s delicious; he thinks to himself as he continues to devour her.

Ruby’s hands are exploring him too. She runs her hands up his arms to his neck, into his hair, then down across his broad back. It seems she can’t touch him enough either. When her hands pull on his shirt in an attempt to free it from the waistband of his pants, he quickly moves to help her. Once it’s free her hands begin to explore his abdomen, chest, and then his back. Her fingertips leave a scorching trail over his bare skin. He wants more. He needs more. He backs her into the wall. Lifting her up, she wraps her legs around his waist, locking her ankles together helping to hold her to him. His cock is throbbing, begging to be let free to enter her warm body. Just thinking about doing just that has Tank gritting his teeth to hold back shooting off in his pants. His need for her is overwhelming. He’s never in his entire life wanted a woman like he wants this one. He takes her mouth once more. The kiss is wet and heated with passion. He carries her toward his bedroom, never breaking their kiss. He enters his room, pushing the door closed behind him. Ruby clings to him as he fumbles with the lock. His brain is foggy with lust and passion, but not so much so that he’s forgotten the sleeping child just down the hall. The last thing he wants is for Ellie to walk in on him and Ruby in bed.

He carries Ruby to his bed, laying her down gently. She’s an absolute vision laying back on his bedspread her auburn hair flaring out from her head across the Navy-blue material. He reaches for the hem of her blouse. She lifts her arms over her head helping him to remove the garment. He makes quick work of unclasping her front closure bra, her breasts popping free from their confines. His breath catches at the sight of her half-naked before him.

“So beautiful,” he declares as he stares down at her. Her creamy white breasts with the rose-colored tips, her nipples hardened with her desire. He leans down to take one into his mouth. He lets out a groan as Ruby gives a throaty moan at his touch. He sucks the mound into his mouth, flicking her nipple with his tongue. His teeth graze the tender flesh before he licks and sucks some more. Ruby presses her chest up toward him, begging for more. He kisses his way down the curve of her ample breast, across the valley between them to the other taut peak.

“Oh, Tucker,” Ruby pleads as he continues to feast on her. He takes his time, licking, sucking, and nipping the skin of her gorgeous breasts. He could spend hours feasting on them, but he wants to taste more of her. He trails kisses down her torso. Ruby’s hands are roaming over his arms, shoulders, and back. Tank’s cock is hard as steel and is begging to be released from his pants, but he’s determined to take his time and enjoy induldging her. His release can wait for now.

Just as he snaps open the button on her pants, Tank hears a cry. Ruby stills under him. Tank lifts and turns his head, listening for the sound again.

“Momma!” Ellie’s cry puts him into action. He leaps up off the bed, thankful he’s still dressed.

“Sorry, beautiful,” Tank utters regretfully as he heads for the door. He glances back at her as he unlocks the door.

“Go, it’s fine. I understand,” Ruby replies as she’s quickly donning her clothing. Tank hurries out of his room and down the hall to Ellie’s door. The little girl is sitting up in bed, tears streaming down her face. She screams out for her mother again just as Tank enters her room.

“Uncle Tank!” Ellie scrambles from her bed, running toward him. He scoops her up into his arms. Her little face buries into his neck. “The car was rolling over and over. It was so loud. I want my momma!” Ellie’s cry breaks Tank’s heart. He runs his hand down the back of her head through her thick locks of hair.

“Shhh,” Tank coos. “You’re okay, baby girl. I think you’ve had a bad dream about the accident today, but you’re okay. Your momma is okay. Remember she’s staying at the hospital so the doctors and nurses can help her get better faster.” Ellie lifts her head and nods. Her little nose is running along with her tears. He turns to carry her into the bathroom for a tissue. He notices Ruby standing at the door watching them. After drying Ellie’s tears and wiping her nose, Tank comes back out into the bed room.

“Can I sleep with you Uncle Tank?” Ellie asks. “Momma and Robert let me sleep with them if I have a bad dream. Please?” He could never deny her especially after the day she’s had with the accident and her father trying to kidnap her from the vehicle once it stopped rolling down the interstate. He glances at Ruby who gives him a smile.

“Yeah, munchkin.” Tank smiles at the child. “You can sleep with me.” Tank heads toward the door. Ellie spies Ruby waiting for them. Her little arms reach out for Ruby, shocking both adults. Ruby quickly takes the child into her arms.

“Ruby, will you sleep with us, too?” Ellis asks. “Then it’ll be like I have Momma and Robert with me.” Ellie’s face beams at Ruby. Tank shakes his head. The child is too cute and sweet for her own good. He can see Ruby’s heart melting for the little girl.

“I…uh, I suppose,” Ruby stutters. “I mean if it’s all right with Uncle Tank.” Ruby looks at him questioningly.

“Of course, it’s all right with me.” Tank grins at his girls. “I’ll have my two best girls with me.” Ellie grins and hugs Ruby’s neck before she names off all the toys she wants to take with her. Her bed looks like a stuff animal factory exploded on it. “Just one toy, little one. We have to have room for all of us to sleep.” Ellie’s lower lip pouts out. Tank walks over to her bed retrieving Mr. Snugglebutt from the covers. “Come on, let’s get in bed.” Tank and Ruby’s eyes meet over the child’s head. Tank’s body is still thrumming with desire, but it looks like he and Ruby will have to delay taking things any further. Ruby turns to walk back to his room. Tank shakes his head. He’s been cock blocked by a six-year-old. He adjusts his straining cock in his pants before following his girls to his room.

Ruby turns down the king bed and places Ellie in the middle. She gets her backpack and heads into his bathroom. Tank sits on the bed next to Ellie while Ruby’s getting ready for bed.

“Uncle Tank, I want my favorite dolly, too,” Ellie whines. Her lower lip still jutting out. Tank wants to roll his eyes, but if it will get the child to go to sleep, then he supposes he’ll just have to get used to sleeping with a bunch of stuff in the bed. He gets up to go grab her doll, but before he gets to the door, she asks a question. “Will you read me a story?”

“Yeah, I’ll get a book from you room while I get your doll,” he tells the child. “One story, though, then we have to get some sleep. You have school in the morning.” Ellie’s face had been happy until he mentions school. Her face falls with sadness. “What’s wrong? I thought you liked school.”

“Momma won’t be here to get me ready,” Ellie whimpers. Tears begin dripping down her face again. “Wh-what if those men try to get me again?” Ellie cries. Tank hurries back scooping her up in his arms.

“I will NOT let any one hurt you, munchkin,” Tank assures her. “I promised your momma and Straw I’d protect you with my life; everything I have, you don’t have to be afraid, Ellie. I’ll not let anyone get to you.”

Ruby exits the bathroom in a tank top and shorts sleep set. Tank appreciates her tiny body as she approaches him and Ellie sitting on the edge of the bed. God the woman is a vision, but now isn’t the time or place for him to bemoan their missed opportunity of deepening their relationship. Ellie needs him and he’ll do what he can to comfort the child.

“Oh, Ellie, why are you crying, sweet girl?” Ruby asks, as she approaches them. Ellie lifts her head. Her little body jerking as she snubs trying to catch her breath. Ruby runs her hand over Ellie’s hair, so tenderly. Tank can see the concern in Ruby’s eyes for this child she barely knows.

“I…I miss my m-m-momma,” Ellie wails and reaches for Ruby, who quickly scoops her up out of Tank’s arms before sitting down next to him on the bed. Ruby is murmuring comforting words to the child as she continues to stroke her hair. Tank wraps an arm around Ruby feeling the need to touch her keeping his girls close.