Page 22 of Ruby

“So, am I forgiven for disappearing?” Tank glances over at her. His eyes boring into her with their intensity. Ruby can’t be upset with him for doing his job.

“Of course,” Ruby replies. His smile is devastating. He leans toward her. Ruby’s breath hitches as she licks her lips. His eyes are on her lips, but as he gets closer, his gaze meets hers. He pauses as if giving her time to pull away, but just this once, Ruby wants to throw caution to the wind. She wants him to kiss her. His lips are feather soft on hers. His kiss is tender as his lips move on hers. His tongue sweeps across her lips, and she opens for him. His tongue slides inside her mouth, gentle, coaxing. His hand comes to the back of her head. He tilts her head as he deepens the kiss. Ruby is lost on a wave of desire as they explore one another’s mouth. He breaks the kiss, after a moment, dropping his forehead to rest on hers.

Ruby tries to catch her breath. She’s shared a few kisses with boys in the past, but nothing comes close to the way Tank has kissed her. He holds her to him for a moment longer as if they are the only two people on the planet.

“Better than I imagined,” Tank says after his breathing has slowed. Ruby raises her head to look at him. His eyes are heated with desire. Ruby’s mouth is dry, and she can’t form a thought to respond to his declaration. “Please Ruby, give me a chance? Giveusa chance. I promise it’ll be worth it.” His words slay her because she can’t allow him to get close to her. She looks away at the honesty and hope she sees in his eyes. She’s already allowed this to go too far, but she can’t seem to stop herself.

“Tank, you are more than worth it. I’m the one that isn’t worth the trouble I would cause you,” Ruby’s voice is soft and broken. Tank turns her so he can look into her eyes. She keeps her head down and refuses to meet his gaze. Tank takes his hand and places it gently under her chin, raising her head. She continues to keep her eyes averted.

“Look at me, beautiful,” Tank demands. Unable to refuse his command, Ruby looks into his eyes. “You are more than worth any trouble being with you could cause me. Please stop arguing and say you’re willing to see me again.” His radiant confident smile is just too much. Ruby has to look away again. She can’t deny him when he’s looking at her that way.

“Tank, I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” Ruby steels herself to make him understand. Biting her lip, she tries to formulate a reasonable protest without revealing her real reason for keeping him at bay. “I move around often, and you could be called away at any time. It just wouldn’t work. I think you know what I’m saying is true.”

“No, I don’t think it’s true, Ruby.” Tank takes her hand in his much larger one. “This.” He tightens his hold on her. “This. Being here with you is worth more to me, than anything I’ve ever owned. I can’t explain why I’m so attracted to you, but I am, babe. I’ve never in all my thirty-six years ever wanted someone as much as I want you. Not just for a night, Ruby. I want it all. Long talks about our day, what music you like, books you read, your favorite movies, color, flower. I want to know everything I can about you, and I want you to know me. Then when you’re ready, we will move things along. Something has you afraid, and you aren’t ready to share it with me. You don’t trust me yet to take care of you, but I promise if you’ll give me the chance, I’ll show you I can and will protect you from anything or anyone who might try to hurt you.”

Ruby is again at a loss for words. She’s never met anyone as determined as Tank is to take care of her. Not since she lost her mother six years ago. God does she ever want to take the chance! She’s so tired of running, hiding, and trying to stay a step ahead of the demons chasing her. She can tell Tank is a beast, but even beasts can be taken down by a bullet. She closes her eyes as she wars with her decision. She doesn’t have to answer him, though as he abruptly changes the subject.

“I got something for you.” Tank places a gift-wrapped box in front of her. Ruby’s eyes fly open, and she looks at him in shock. Has he really gotten something for her? He barely knows her. She looks at the box and back again at Tank. He chuckles and pushes the box closer to her.

“Go on open it, babe.” Tank grins at her. Ruby unties the bow gracing the box with shaking hands and proceeds to open it. Inside is a brand-new iPhone. He got her a phone. Seriously? Ruby’s eyes are wide when she looks at Tank. An item like this is not cheap. She can’t accept such a gift. She begins to shake her head.

“Oh Tank, no it’s too much. You can’t give me such a gift.” Ruby’s vision blurs, tears falling down her face. It’s been so long since anyone has looked out for her or given her a gift. She pushes the box back toward Tank.

“Ruby, please don’t push it away,” Tank pleads with her. “I want you to be able to call me and text me when we are apart. I can’t stand the thoughts of you out on the streets of this city at night without someway to call me if you need help. I have been worried sick about you. If you have this, I can check in with you and know that you are okay. Please, beautiful. Take it for me.”

“But it’s so expensive,” she argues. “I can’t have something like that on the streets. Besides I don’t want someone to be able to track me.” Ruby realizes she has said too much at the surprise on Tank’s face. He quickly moves to assure her, wiping her tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.

“Ruby, I have no intention of tracking you,” he says, his brow furrowing with concern. “I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m not a creepy stalker. I just want to be able to communicate with you when we are apart, and I want you to have a way to call for help should you need it. Whether from me or 911 if you aren’t comfortable with calling me for help.” Ruby continues to look at the lovely piece of technology at her finger tips. It’s been a very long time since she’s had a cell phone. Looking at Tank she realizes he’s concerned about her opinion of him.

“I don’t think you’re a stalker or that you would ever hurt me.” Ruby pauses gathering her courage to say enough to get him to understand, but in a way to not reveal too much. “It’s just…I don’t want to be found or followed. I’m not making sense. I just can’t take the risk, too much is at stake, for both of us.” His face morphs as if he’s suddenly understood her meaning.

“The phone is in my name. No one will know you have it unless you want them to.” Tank explains which helps to assure her. “There’s no way anyone can link you to this device unless you tell them you have it. I programed my number and the numbers of my teammates and their women in the phone so you could stay in touch with them during the planning of the charity event. I haven’t told anyone I got it for you. You can decide who you tell that you have a phone and when. You are in control, Ruby. I just want you to have a way to communicate with us…with me.” Ruby stares at the phone, half expecting it to jump out of the box and attack her. She shakes her head at the absurdity of the thought. She glances back at him. He’s looking so hopeful. She doesn’t want to disappoint him. Ruby takes the phone out of the box finally relenting to his request and accepts it.



Relief floods Tank as Ruby timidly takes the phone from its box. She looks at the phone as if it’s the most precious thing she’s ever seen, handling it as if it will shatter if she touches it too hard. He chose a black phone but has gotten a purple protective case to cover it. He ordered the phone just before he boarded the plane to Columbia. It had arrived while they were gone on the mission. Abigail brought the package to him this morning at base. Straw had called her as soon as they landed giving her an estimated time when he’d be ready to leave base. She came by and picked him up. Tank knew there’d be a lot of making up for lost time going on at their house, so he’s planning to keep himself scarce around the house today.

He’d stopped by a store that sold cell phone accessories on his way to the diner, choosing the purple case. The salesman at the store has assured him women love purple and pink cases. He watches Ruby as she turns the phone over in her hand. He wonders if she’s ever had a cell phone before. His question is soon answered as she activates the phone, watching in wonder as it lights up. She looks over at him.

“I still think this is too much.” Ruby’s voice is thick with emotion. She swallows hard and clears her throat before continuing. Tank can see her eyes filling with unshed tears, her lashes fluttering in her attempt to keep them from falling. “But thank you.”

“You’re welcome, babe.” Tank feels the walls he erected around his heart so many years ago shattering as he takes in Ruby’s wonder at his gift. He reaches over and touches the settings button on the home screen. “Let me help you set it up.” She smiles at him.

They spend the next few minutes getting her facial recognition set up on the phone. He has her to change her password and shows her how to remove his access to her phone, but to his surprise she declines.

“No, don’t delete your information. I might need your help with this piece of technology.” She smiles at him. “It’s been a really long time since I’ve used a cell phone.”

“Thank you for trusting me, Ruby.” Tank does his best to keep his emotions out of his voice. “I will never invade your privacy.”

“I didn’t think you would,” Ruby answers. “It has been a very long time since I’ve felt like I could trust someone, but I do trust you. I just hope you don’t come to regret investing so much of your time and resources in me.” Tank frowns at her statement. He can’t imagine ever regretting spending time with Ruby or taking care of her. She’s making him feel things he didn’t think he ever would, but since he is, he wouldn’t change it for anything. Ruby is kind, intelligent, beautiful, and a mystery he can’t wait to unravel. It’s time to begin the unraveling. He needs to build on the trust she’s giving him.

“Ruby…” Tank begins pausing to formulate his thoughts. He will need to tread carefully, but at the same time if he doesn’t push, she’ll never open up and let him fully in her heart. “I can tell something really awful happened to you in the past. I have no idea what it was, but it’s the reason you are living on the streets and are so reluctant to allow anyone to get too close.” Her body tensing beside him, he sees her beginning to shut down. Her face goes blank. Her lips pinched tightly in a thin line. He isn’t going to let her shut him out. She needs help, and he will be the one to give it to her no matter how long it takes. He wants all of Ruby, the good with the bad. When she begins to protest, he takes her hand in his to kiss her palm. She freezes looking at him. Whatever she was about to say is lost on her lips. “I’m not demanding you confide in me, babe. I’m asking you to trust me enough to share your secrets and fears. No matter what it is, I’ll help you, no strings attached. I just want to make sure you are safe, Ruby, and I can tell by the way you’ve been acting you aren’t entirely safe currently. And not all of it has to do with you being on the streets. Please, Ruby let me be there for you.”

“Tank.” Ruby bites her lower lip. Her eyes darting around at everything, but him. “I…I just can’t talk about it. Maybe at some point I’ll be ready to share, but I just need some time to process all this. You, your help, and my feelings for you. Please understand.”

“I understand,” Tank tells her. “I’ll let it go for the time being. I just want you to believe you can share anything with me. There’ll be no judgement. Let’s just take some time to get to know each other and work on this fundraiser.” He gives her a smile and a squeeze of her hand. His heart is pounding in his chest with concern she will withdraw from him, send him away, and never let him help her. He is pleasantly surprised when Ruby smiles back. A breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding escapes him at her next statement.