Page 20 of Ruby

“I’m not certain,” Tank answers. “They will want to prevent them from crossing the border, but the intel tells us they aren’t planning to move the shipment for another month. Perhaps, the cartel is in the process of stockpiling the shipment. If that’s the case, brass may want to wait until closer to time for the shipment to be moved so we can confiscate as many of the illegal weapons as possible. Additionally it doesn’t sound like we’ve gotten anything significant on the would be senator’s niece. I don’t think they’ll want to piss off the cartel before we can get the girl out. We don’t negotiate with terrorists, but we also don’t want to intentionally set them off to kill her either.”

“Yeah,” Straw replies. “That’s all true. I hadn’t thought about that. I’m just ready to get home.” Straw sighs heavily. Tank looks over at his friend and smiles.

“I bet you are,” Tank chuckles. “Abigail has you tied in knots, but I can see you’re loving it. I understand how you feel. I’m ready to get home, too.” Straw lifts up to look over at him, his brows raised in question. Tank is torn. How much should he share about what he’s feeling for a woman he hardly knows, but, yet feels like he needs to discern everything about her. Straw seems to sense his hesitation, but doesn’t push him. Straw remains silent, giving Tank time to form his thoughts into words. “How did you know, Abigail was the one?” Tank questions instead of divulging his secret. From the look on Straw’s face, Tank’s question has thrown him for a loop.

“I’m not sure, really. I just knew,” Straw answers. “When I saw her, I instantly wanted her. Not just sexually, but I wanted everything. Her time, her attention. When she smiled at the group of us walking up to that hotel counter, I wanted her to be smiling at me. Not a customer, but me, Straw, the man.” He pauses, seeming to gather his thoughts. Tank smiles because his friend is babbling and sounding like a love sick teen. Although, in reality, that’s what Straw is, not a teen but a love sick man. Even knowing Tank will likely give him shit for it, Straw doesn’t seem to care. It’s because Abigail makes Straw happy. “She makes me feel like I’m truly living for the first time in my life.” Straw looks over at Tank. He appears to be surprised by Tank’s expression.

“I get it.” Tank’s short reply causes Straw’s face to morph in surprise. Normally Tank would have teased Straw about being pussy whipped but not today. Tank is completely serious. He understands why Straw had been so determined to get Abigail to give their relationship a chance.

“You want to share something with me?” Straw asks. His voice is deeply serious. The men have known each other a long time. They’ve rarely shared feelings and shit, but Straw seems to sense Tank is dealing with something heavy. Something that is weighing on his mind. Straw is offering to be there for him, just as Tank has always supported Straw in his times of need. Tank gives a heavy sigh. Concern crosses Straw’s face. Straw’s never seen Tank melancholy. However, that’s the only word that fits the Tank’s mood.

“No, nothing to share,” Tank semi-lies to his friend. He just isn’t ready to share whatever he’s feeling for Ruby, at least not yet. “I can see how contented Abigail and Ellie have made you. I’m really happy for you. You deserve to have happiness.” Straw eyes him. Tank can see the speculation in Straw’s gaze, but thankfully Straw doesn’t push him for more. Later. Tank vows to himself. He’ll confess everything to his friend when he has everything worked out in his own mind, but for today, he’s going to keep his confused feelings to himself. Shifting his pack under his head and pulling a stick out from under his left hip, Tank closes his eyes as he attempts to get a few hours’ sleep before his turn at watch.

Tank’s internal clock wakes him about fifteen minutes before his watch’s alarm. He sits up and scans the camp. Everything is quiet. Straw is sleeping a few feet away. Tank gets up taking a short walk into the surrounding jungle to relieve himself. When he’s back at the tree where he and Straw have slept, he readies his gear for his turn at watch. Straw wakes with a start, looking around quickly.

“What’d I miss?” Straw asks. His voice raspy from sleep. He sits up quickly and begins gathering his gear. Tank grins at him. Straw is a good operator, but at the moment, he’s acting like this is their first op.

“Nothing yet,” Tank answers him. “What’s got you all geared up?” Straw pauses in his haste to get his gear ready. He huffs out a sigh before answering

“Was having a dream,” Straw answers. “I was just a little disoriented for a second.” Tank nods. It’s dangerous but understandable. They’ve had very little restful sleep since leaving home, three days ago. Straw has always been one to have very vivid dreams. Before he found Abigail, the man had been dreaming of her for months, causing him to get very little sleep. Now, he sleeps like a rock when he’s not keeping Abigail awake with other activities. Tank winces. He doesn’t like thinking about his friend’s sex life, but when you live in the same house sometimes it’s hard to miss. Thankfully Tank’s room is on the opposite side of the house from Straw’s, but he’s still heard more than he’ll ever admit.

“I’ll be back in a second,” Straw tells him as he heads off into the surrounding foliage. Moments later, he’s back, slinging his pack onto his back and checking his rifle. The men are ready for their turn at watch. Together they make their way to relive Hack and Worm of their duty so the men can get a little sleep.

Just as they meet up with Hack and Worm, Deadeye emerges from his resting spot. His hand to his ear. He must be getting word back from command. The team doesn’t have long to wait before Deadeye comes over the comms unit.

“Knights round up,” Deadeye says. “We are headed to Corellia.” Corellia is in reference to the secret rebel base in Star Wars. They are going home! Thank fuck! Tank thinks to himself. He’s more than ready to get back home. The team rounds up and readies to head out.



“Order up!” Jose calls from the kitchen. Ruby is spooning coffee into the coffee maker, readying another batch. She finishes her task, hitting the start button before turning to grab the order for table six. She glances at the clock. About time for her break. She loads the order onto her tray and heads out into the dining area. She reaches the table and begins to unload her tray. She hears the bell jingling as another customer enters the diner. She may not get her break after all.

“Are we missing anything?” Ruby asks the customers at table six. She has the order correct, but sometimes people think of something else they want after the order is placed, or they will want a sauce or something they haven’t asked for yet. The woman looks over the table and shakes her head.

“No, I think we are set.” The woman smiles at her. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Ruby smiles back. “I’ll be by and check on you again in a little bit, but if you need something before then, just let me know.” The customers all nod. The doorbell jingles again alerting the arrival of more customers. As Ruby begins to turn away, a humming sensation floods her body. An awareness of someone nearby watching her causes her to turn. He’s here. Tank. Her body responds instantly. Desire floods her system; her nipples harden, and goosebumps erupt on her skin.

It’s been six long days since she saw him last, but damn if he isn’t just as gorgeous as ever. His broad shoulders filling out every inch of his green fatigues. Her eyes are drawn to his huge biceps and forearms before trailing over the rest of his god-like form, his trim waist, muscled thighs, and long, long legs. He’s strolling through the diner like he owns the place. A sexy grin on his beautiful face. Their eyes meet, and for a moment, she gets the impression he’s tired. Like maybe he hasn’t gotten much sleep lately. Jealousy shoots through her as thoughts of what might have kept him from sleeping runs through her mind.

Stop!She chastises herself. He’s not yours to be jealous over, and he never can be, so shut that shit down. She watches him stroll to the back of the diner, taking a seat near the door to the kitchen. Fury runs through her. He didn’t even wait to be seated. Arrogant asshole. What’s he even doing here? Ruby’s face sets in determination. Time to put Mr. Sexy Beast in his place. She stomps over toward him.

“What are you doing?” Ruby demands as soon as he takes his seat. It’s where the workers take their breaks. It is almost like he knows when she’ll be getting her lunch break. How dare he show up to ruin her lunch after ghosting her for days?

“I’m here to eat lunch with my girl.” Tank smirks at her. Damn if he isn’t sexy even as he’s smirking at her. Ruby’s heart skips a beat. Does he mean her or some bimbo who’s caught his attention? Ruby’s shocked at the intense wave of jealousy hitting her at the thought of him with another woman.

“Well, you will have to meet “your girl” at another booth, because this is where employees sit to take their breaks.” Ruby smirks back at him. She’s determined to not let him get to her. He, however, has other things in mind. He has the nerve to simply grin at her, then his hand snakes out to grab hers. He pulls her into the booth with him.

“You are my girl, Ruby. I told you, before, you’re mine.” Tank is talking right into her ear, and his deep gruff voice is lighting her body on fire. She can feel her panties dampen with need. Tank holds her tight against his body, and she is quivering in his embrace.

“Tank, I…I can’t be your girl. You are totally out of my league.” Ruby’s voice is soft and breathy. She mentally rolls her eyes at herself for blurting out what she’s thinking. She is tense and straining against his hold. She can hardly think of a protest when he is holding her so close. Her mind is mush. Tank leans in closer. His nose is nuzzling her ear as he whispers into it.

“Ruby, youaremy girl! You are out of my league, hon, but I’m not going to let it stop me from pursuing you. I want you, Ruby. You are mine.” Tank’s words melt Ruby’s resolve to push him away. She relaxes into his arms and stops trying to fight him. His big muscled arms around her feel so good. Him holding her close. For a just a few seconds, she feels safe as if nothing bad could ever hurt her. She lets him hold her, for a moment, before her senses return.

“Wait!” Ruby jerks out of his grasp and stands to put some distance between them. “I haven’t seen or heard from you for days, and you’re just going to show up and once again declare I’m your girl?” Ruby’s voice gets higher and louder the longer she speaks. Movement out of the corner of her eye draws her attention. Jose is at the door to the kitchen. He’s glaring at Tank. Jose has been asking Ruby about her mood over the last week. He’d finally asked her if Tank had done something to her, but she’d refused to admit Tank was the cause of her moodiness.

“Everything all right, Ruby?” Jose asks as he exits the kitchen. He’s holding a butcher knife in his hand. Ruby suppresses a giggle. The man wouldn’t weigh more than one hundred pounds if he was soaking wet with all his clothes on, but he’s ready to take on Tank with a butcher knife. Poor man wouldn’t stand a chance against Tank, but he doesn’t seem to be concerned about that. He’s only trying to protect Ruby from being hurt.