“What time is your shift over?” Tucker asks. “I’ll have Worm pick you up at the diner, drive you to the shelter, then meet up with me where ever I’m at when you’re ready.”
“I get off at six,” Ruby answers. “But I don’t want to put him out having to drive me all over the place.”
“You won’t be putting him out,” Tucker says firmly. “Worm’s a good guy. He won’t mind at all. He’ll be at the diner by six. I have to go the doctor is going into Ellie’s room. See you soon, beautiful.”
“Bye, Tucker, see you soon.” Ruby hears the three beeps indicating the call has ended. She places her phone back into the apron pocket of her uniform and hurries back inside the diner. The rest of the evening flies by and before long she’s exiting the back of the diner. Tucker had sent her a text indicating Worm would be in a black SUV. She looks around the parking lot, noticing a black SUV pulling into the lot. The vehicle comes to stop right in front of her, but the windows are tinted and she can’t see the driver. For a brief moment, fear hits her. What if this isn’t Worm? What if it’s Russo or one of his goons? She’s just about to turn back toward the diner when the driver’s door opens and a sandy haired man heads in her direction.
“Ruby?” the man asks.
“Yes, I’m Ruby.” The man smiles at her and she returns it. She can tell he’s a nice guy from the way his smile reaches his eyes.
“I’m Worm. Russell’s my given name, but the guys on the team call me Worm.” Ruby holds out her hand to shake his. He quickly shakes her hand then opens the passenger side door, helping her inside. Once she’s seated, he rounds the back of the SUV and climbs inside the driver’s seat. He looks over at her as she’s buckling her seat belt. Once she’s secured and his belt is also buckled, he puts the vehicle in motion and drives toward the exit.
“Tank said you need to stop by the shelter?” Worm asks once they are turned out onto the street.
“Yes, please,” Ruby answers. “I’m sorry you’re having to drive me around. I told Tucker I could take the bus and just have you pick me up there, but he insisted you pick me up here.”
“It’s not a problem, Ruby,” Worm says to her. “It’s been a rough day for the team. I know Tank will feel better knowing you are with me instead of on the city bus.” Ruby nods her agreement, knowing he’s right in his assessment. She knows Tucker worries about her when she’s out on the streets, and she can understand his concern. There have been a few incidences where she was very afraid, but she’s learned to deal with her fear of the streets for the most part. Her fear of Giovanni Russo, Jr. and Sr. is much stronger than her fear of the street life. She’d much rather take her chances on the streets than be found by the Russo family.
A short time later, Ruby has gathered what clothes she needs for the next few days. Worm calls Tank and learns Ellie has been released from the hospital. Tank has taken Ellie to be with Straw and the rest of the team at the hospital where Abigail has had surgery. She hasn’t woken up yet and the whole team is there waiting with Straw. Worm points the SUV in that direction, and they make their way through traffic toward the Navel hospital’s trauma center. When they arrive, Worm leads her inside. He checks with an attendant to get directions to the surgery waiting room, where they meet up with Tucker and the rest of the team. As soon as Tucker sees her stepping off the elevator, he heads toward her carrying a little girl in his arms.
“Hey beautiful.” Tucker puts his arm, the one not holding Ellie, around her, pulling her into his side. He kisses her temple, lingering a long moment. He seems to need to hold her.
“Who are you?” Ellie peers down at Ruby. Her sweet face scrunches up in a frown.
“Ellie, this is Ruby,” Tucker says. “Ruby, Ellie.”
“Hi, Ellie.” Ruby smiles up at the little girl. “I’m very happy to meet you.” Ellie eyes Ruby for a moment as if she’s trying to decide whether or not to like her.
“Hi,” Ellie eventually answers. “Uncle Tank kisses your head like he does mine sometimes.” Tucker smiles and shakes his head. Ruby can’t keep from smiling at the little girl. “But you’re a growed-up. Does he kiss you like Robert does mommy?” Ruby’s eyes widen, and the room erupts in laughter.
“That’s enough questions for the night, little girl,” Tucker declares. “You’re too nosey for your own good.” Ellie wiggles then for Tucker to let her down. He sits her down near a coloring book and crayons, before turning back to Ruby.
“Thank you for coming,” Tucker says. “After everything that has happened today, I really wanted to see you, know you’re safe.” He reaches for her, pulling her into his arms holding her close. She can feel his body trembling and she realizes he’s been holding himself together for those around him, but this accident has affected him more than he wants to admit.
“No need to thank me, Tucker,” Ruby declares. “I’m happy to be here for you.” Tucker tightens his hold on her briefly. He pulls back to look down at her. She can see his eyes are glassy, but he refuses to let any tears fall. She places her hand on the side of his face, wanting to comfort him in some way. He closes his eyes and leans into her touch. A moment later, his eyes fly open, and he looks down. Ruby follows his gaze to see Ellie tugging on his pant leg.
“Uncle Tank?” Ellie looks up at him and whispers, “Do you think Ruby will like this picture?” Tucker takes in the page the little girl is holding up. Ruby looks too. The child has colored a scene of forest animals. They are all colors of the rainbow, but she’s done a pretty good job at staying inside the lines, especially for her age.
“She’ll love it!” Tucker whispers back enthusiastically. Ellie’s face light up as she turns to Ruby.
“Here, I made this for you.” Ellie holds out the picture. Ruby holds it reverently, smiling down at the child.
“Thank you, Ellie,” Ruby replies warmly. “It so colorful, and you’ve done a fantastic job coloring this. I’ll keep it always.” Ellie is beaming with pride. She skips back over to her coloring book and begins coloring another page.
Tank is reeling from the chaotic day he’s had. From witnessing Abigail’s SUV rolling over and over, knowing she and Ellie were inside, to waiting for clearance to take Ellie to see her mother he’s done his level best to keep his cool, despite the fear of losing one of these precious females. He’s managed to keep it together until he saw Ruby walking toward him. Just having her in his arms is a relief. He has transferred all his fear and worry onto Ruby, knowing she’s on the run from something or someone. He’s not been able to shake the feeling something bad is going to happen to her, too. He can’t shake the fear that is riding him so hard.
Hours later after Ellie has gotten to see her mother for a few minutes, Tank leaves the hospital with Ruby and Ellie. The drive home doesn’t take too long as this late at night traffic is light. Ellie is asleep before the truck even leaves the hospital parking lot. Once they pull into the garage, Tank glances over at Ruby. Her eyes are wide taking everything in.
“Wow,” Ruby had said when they turned into the driveway. Now, as he helps her down from the truck, he wonders what she’s thinking about his home. He opens the back door of his truck and extracts a sleeping Ellie from her car seat. They make their way into the house through the laundry/mudroom at the back of the house. Tank enters the code for the alarm system upon entering the house.
“Here do you mind to taking her for a minute?” Tank asks Ruby when he’s gotten the alarm reset to the outside doors. Ruby holds her arms open, taking Ellie to cradle her to her chest. It’s a sight that has Tank’s heart doing a little flipflop. He can just imagine Ruby holding a mini version of herself in the same way. He is suddenly filled with a desire to make it a reality so strong he nearly stumbles. “I need to clear the house. You wait right here. I’ll be back soon.”
“What do you mean ‘clear the house’?’” Ruby asks, concern filling her voice. Her eyes dart toward the door leading into the rest of the house. “You think someone could be in here? Even with the security system?” Now she sounds frightened. He notices she clinches Ellie a little closer to her as she steps closer to the door leading back out to the garage.