Page 18 of Ruby

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Russo.” She manages to say without her voice wavering, holding out her hand in greeting. The older man takes her hand in his placing a kiss to the back of her hand. She wants to jerk her hand away but manages to keep her composure.

“Mary Catherine,” Mr. Russo, Sr. says. “Such a good strong Catholic name. You’re very lovely, my dear. My son is an exceptionally lucky man indeed.” Mary shivers again at the disgusting, lustful look the man is giving her. His eyes roam her body from head to toe and back again. His eyes lingering on her curves once again. He turns to the younger version of himself. “Mary Catherine, I’d like to introduce you to my son, Giovanni, Jr., your future husband.” Mary Catherine glances over at the younger man. His eyes are taking her in, roving over her form as if assessing a horse, he’s planning to buy. He steps closer to her, taking her hand from his father’s grasp.

“Mary Catherine,” Giovanni, Jr.’s voice is deep and rumbling. “So nice to finally meet you. You’re even more beautiful than your father described.” He also kisses the back of her hand, but he doesn’t let it go. He takes command of her, placing his other hand at the small of her back. He leads her around the table. He pulls out an empty chair next to where he’d been seated when they’d arrived.

Once she’s seated, he takes his seat beside her. She’s then introduced to the women sitting at the table. The first is Julianna Russo. Senior Russo’s current wife, who looks to be no more than a few years older than Mary. The woman is dressed in a black sequenced gown with a deep V-neck, which shows off more than a little of her ample cleavage. Mary thinks the woman has had breast augmentation. Her chest doesn’t match the rest of her frame. The woman glares at Mary when she thinks no one else is noticing. Mary sees the way the woman is looking at the man next to her. Julianna is jealous of Mary sitting next to her step-son. How gross!

The other woman at the table is Gianna Russo. Senior Russo’s daughter. She’s a raven-haired beauty with a full face and fuller figure to match. She smiles at Mary when they are introduced, and Mary notices she’s the only person she’s met so far, whose smile reaches her eyes. The girl seems kind and genuine but is obviously timid. She keeps her head down, only speaks when spoken to, and avoids eye contact with her father and brother. Mary wonders about the girl and what’s she has gone through to make her behave in that way. Mary is jerked from her thoughts when she feels a hand on her thigh. She glances over at Giovanni, Jr. startled at his boldness. They’ve only just met for God’s sake.

“Mary Catherine, would you like a glass of wine,” he asks her when their eyes meet. She’s never really drank wine that much. Not being of legal age, yet, she’s only had a few sips from time to time when her mother allowed it at dinner. Not sure how to respond, her father jumps in and answers for her.

“She’ll have water,” Antonio says, his voice firm. Junior looks up at him, his jaw ticking, but nods. Mary can feel tension thick in the air. She begins to understand, despite the planned marriage of their children, the two older men at the table don’t necessarily get along.

“Antonio,” Senior Russo begins. Tell us how business is doing these days?” Mary tunes out the older men’s conversation as Junior turns to her, drawing her attention.

“Tell me about yourself, Mary Catherine,” Junior asks. Mary studies his face. He is a handsome man with thick, black hair with just a slight wave to it. It’s well styled, parted on the side, not a hair out of place. His eyes are dark, almost black as if they’re all pupil. She doesn’t see any light in his eyes, which causes fear to run through her. His features are stark with well-defined cheekbones, a hard jawline, and a prominent nose. The only feature that isn’t perfect like the rest of him. It’s crooked, which only adds to the scary vibes that radiate from both Russo men.

“What would you like to know?” Mary asks, taking a sip of her water. He studies her for a moment.

“What are you studying? Your father mentioned you were in school,” Junior says. Mary wets her lips. She really doesn’t want to discuss her singing with this man. Her singing and performing is something she shared with her mother. Her eyes stinging with memories from the last time she performed, she clears her throat.

“Music vocals,” she answers. His face frowns as he takes in her words. “I’m attending a performing arts college. I sing and play piano; well, I did.” She pauses as again the memories try to overwhelm her. Junior looks at her thoughtfully as if he’s trying to figure out what she means by her statement. She decides she might as well explain things to him. He is to be her husband after all. “My mother encouraged me to sing and perform,” Mary explains. “I always loved it, but now it’s tainted with what happened to her.” Mary blinks several times, willing her tears not to fall. A hand on her right arm draws her attention. Gianna is giving her a sympathetic look.

“I’m very sorry about your mother,” Junior murmurs, drawing her attention back to him. She studies him. His expression and eyes don’t match his words. She has the sinking feeling he doesn’t care about her mother being murder right in front of her but is trying to say the right things to make this farce of a marriage seem like a good thing.

A waiter arrives at the table bringing bread and sauce for dipping. Gianna reaches for the basket piling two large pieces on her plates and adding a generous amount of sauce. Mary isn’t at all hungry but politely takes a piece of bread when Gianna hands her the basket. She turns and offers it to Junior. He takes the basket. Mary turns her attention back to Gianna who is diving right in to warm fluffy bread. Mary picks at her piece to at least give the appearance of eating. The older men draw Junior into their conversation, so Mary is spared having to divulge anything else to him. After Gianna has finished her bread, making quick work of it, she turns to Mary.

“Let’s go freshen up,” Gianna says to her. Mary glances to her father who gives her a nod. The women rise, startling Junior as if he hadn’t heard his sister’s comment. He grabs Mary’s hand firmly, almost too tightly. She looks down at him and swallows hard. His gaze is hard.

“Where are you going?” he demands of her. Mary is so caught off guard by his harsh tone and demanding grip she can’t form words. Gianna comes to her rescue.

“We are going to freshen up,” Gianna says softly. “We will be right back.” Junior glances at his sister then back at Mary.

“Don’t be gone long. The food will be here soon,” he informs them. Mary nods. Gianna grabs her other hand, dragging her away from the table and across the restaurant to the other side where the restrooms are located. When they enter the opulent wash room, Gianna quickly checks every stall ensuring they are alone.

“I’m sorry about my brother’s behavior,” Gianna says when she’s satisfied they are alone. “He’s been well trained to be an ass by our father.” Mary sucks in a startled breath, in shock the woman would speak about her brother in such a way with a virtual stranger. “What?” Gianna questions Mary’s shock at her statement. “He was being an ass and don’t act like you don’t agree.”

“I don’t disagree,” Mary confirms, “I just didn’t expect you to speak so frankly with me. You don’t really know me after all.”

“That’s true, but I get the feeling all this is a shock for you,” Gianna replies softly. “I’m truly sorry about your mother.” Mary can see the truth of the woman’s statement in her eyes. Mary gives her a sad look. She turns to the mirrors, touching up her eye makeup. She’s warred with her tears all evening. She’s thankful her mascara isn’t running down her face.

“It is a shock,” Mary says after a few moments of silence. “I just lost my mother in a violent way, right in front of me. We’d only just buried her when father told me I’d be marrying your brother.” Mary looks over at Gianna. “I’d never even heard of him before yesterday. Now I’m expected to marry him?” She huffs out a breath. How has this become her life?

“You’d never heard of our family?” Gianna asks incredulously. Mary shakes her head in confirmation. “How can that be? Our families have been associates for years.” Mary studies the girl in front of her wondering just how much she could trust Gianna. With her mother gone, Mary doesn’t have anyone else and so far, Gianna has been the only one to seem genuine with her.

“My mother kept me sheltered from all this,” Mary waves her hand around. “Until yesterday, I had no idea what kind of “business” –she made air quotes with her hands– “my father did. I thought we were just a typical middle-class family.” Gianna looks at her in shock for a moment before she reaches out to take her hand. Her lips tighten into a hard line. The women stare at one another for a few moments. Mary doesn’t know what else to say. She still really doesn’t understand everything about their family or the life they’ve been leading.

“Shit, Mary!” Gianna exclaims. “I can’t imagine how difficult all this has been for you. I’ve known all my life what our family does for a living and some days I can’t stand the thoughts of it. You must be freaking out.” Mary nods, tears again threatening to fall. Gianna gives her a hard look.

“Listen, you’ve got to toughen up and in a hurry,” Gianna says. “My father and brother will eat you alive if they sense weakness of any sort. They can and will be brutal.” Gianna shivers. “Not only them, but that bitch Julianna. She’s a gold-digging whore. She was after Junior, but father decided he wanted her for himself. Whatever father wants, father gets. Julianna better watch herself, because my father doesn’t take any shit, and if he catches her trying to cause trouble between you and Junior, father will shut her down, permanently.” Mary’s eyes widen in fear. Surely she isn’t talking about her father killing his own wife. At her shocked expression, Gianna elaborates. “She isn’t father’s first wife or even third. Father gets bored easily, and he’s very paranoid. If he thinks anyone is trying to mess with him, his family, or his business, he deals with it swiftly. It doesn’t matter who the offender is. Family or not, he will hand out justice as he sees fit.” Mary swallows hard. Her mouth dry. Her heart is thudding in her chest. This can’t be happening to her. She wishes this was all just a dream, but she knows that it isn’t. This is currently her life. “Come on,” Gianna says, “we need to get back out there before they send in a search party.” Mary follows her back out to their table.

The women take their seats just as their meals are arriving. Mary tries to pretend everything is fine, but inside she’s a trembling mess. She can’t marry this man. She won’t. She’ll have to set her father down and explain to him she isn’t on board with this craziness. He’ll understand. He’s her father after all. He can be tough, demanding at times, but he’s still the man who’s always shown her love and kindness. He just has to see reason. The rest of the evening passes in a blur. Mary does her best to smile and make conversation, but the longer she spends with her intended, the more she’s determined to get out of the arrangement.

When the meal is over, the men discuss more business for a bit. Then finally it’s time for them all to leave and go their separate ways. The Russo men escort them out the door to their waiting vehicle. Her father and brother stroll confidently toward the car. A large hand on Mary’s bicep prevents her from following them. She turns her eyes on Russo Junior.

“Mary Catherine.” inwardly she cringes at the sound of her name on his tongue. “I’ll be by tomorrow morning around ten to pick you up. Be ready when I arrive. I don’t like waiting.” Mary glares at him. How dare he? He thinks he can tell what to do, when to do, and how to do it? She starts to protest, but the look he gives her stills her voice. “Wear some clothes fitting our station.” His eyes rove over her once more. “I’ll have Gianna take you shopping soon. Get you some appropriate clothes.” Mary bites back the retort on her tongue. No need to argue with the arrogant asshole. She won’t be seeing him again. Mary pulls her arm from his grasp. She straightens her spine and walks to where her brother is waiting for her. She climbs into the backseat as her father and brother take their seats as well.

Once the car is in motion, Mary takes a deep breath, preparing herself to have the much-needed conversation with her father, but he beats her to the punch.