“You said you were hungry.” I take her napkin, shake it out, then drape it across her lap for her.

“Well, I am, but—oh my God, those rolls look amazing.” Her mouth drops open as Mrs. Palacios places a basket of bread in front of her.

“Enjoy. Eat up. I want you fat and happy.” Mrs. Palacios bustles out.

Cadence picks up her fork, then pauses. “Um, aren’t you going to eat?”

“Yes.” I fork some food onto my plate, watching her from the corner of my eye to make sure she enjoys it.

After her first forkful, she lets out a moan that goes right to my cock. Fire races along my spine at the way her eyes are closed, her lips slightly parted. Fucking hell. I lick my goddamn lips, and not because I’m hungry for the food.

“So. Good.” She chews slowly, then takes another bite.

I’m mesmerized, my manners forgotten, the food a distant memory. All I can focus on is her.

“Um, Vargas?” she says around a bite of buttery roll.

“Mm?” I follow the movement of her throat as she swallows, her pale skin disappearing beneath the neckline of her shirt. I want to follow the shape of her with my tongue.

“You aren’t eating.” Her brows draw together. “And you’re staring.”

I clear my throat and force my eyes to my plate. “Sorry. I haven’t had a visitor in quite some time. That’s all.” I mumble my ridiculous lie of an excuse.

“Hmmm.” She gives me a quick look.


“Nothing.” She shrugs and eats another bite of carrots, but she gives me a strange side-eyed glance.

I take a bite of the roast, and it’s just as delicious as Cadence said. But I can’t concentrate on the food, not when my heart is still thumping against my ribs, my cock is straining against my zipper, and I’m wondering how I’m going to stop obsessing over the woman at my side.



“So.” I wring my fingers together. “I guess this is goodnight?” I don’t want it to be, but we’re now standing outside the door to my bedroom. I’m sure he has other things he needs to get back to. If he’s anything like my father, it doesn’t matter that it’s nine o'clock at night; he’ll still work until he finishes whatever it is.

“Are you not tired?”

I shake my head no. That’s the last thing I feel at this moment. I find that I’m enjoying every second of Vargas’s attention, and I don’t want him to focus it on anyone or anything but me. I know that’s ridiculous, but I can’t help myself.

“I can read my Kindle. Don’t worry about me. I’ve already taken so much of your time.” I say the words but don’t really mean them. I’m starting to understand why people tell little white lies all the time.

We’d talked for almost two hours over dinner. When Mrs. Palacios came to collect our plates, I offered to help her, but she told me to stay put. So, I had. Vargas did the same, engaging in conversation. He is far more interesting than I ever imagined.

“I rather enjoy it when you take my time.” His eyes drop to my mouth.

Is he going to kiss me? All day I’ve wanted him to, but he hasn’t. That didn’t stop him from watching my mouth all through dinner. He was more focused on my food than his own.

He steps closer. I raise my hands to place them on his broad chest. I feel so tiny and delicate when I stand next to his massive form.

“Vargas?” My teeth sink into my bottom lip.

“Hmm?” he responds. His hand comes to my chin. He pulls down, making me release my lip.

“Are you going to kiss me?” I finally say it. The suspense is killing me. “Not that you have to. I just thought that?—”

“Fuck, you’re adorable.” He cuts me off. Then his mouth is on mine. It wasn't a slow lean down to give me time. He claimed my mouth as though he couldn’t wait another second to taste me.