Page 81 of Destroyer

“I love you too, treasure.”

“You love me, or you love your cock inside me?”

“Yes.” I grip his thighs, holding him in place as my pelvis starts to rock. “Come on, I don't have all night.”

“Got somewhere else you need to be?”

“Nope. Just my first night cuddling up to my husband.”

Porter starts rocking in time with my pelvis, raising himself up my length before falling back down. Fucking Porter is so very different to having him fuck me, even with it still my cock inside him. The depth, speed and rhythm are nothing alike. I'm not sure which I prefer, although I'm more in control when I pound into him, this way I appreciate the moment more.

“Knox, please touch me,” Porter begs.

“I'm not letting marriage turn you into a spoilt brat.” That ship has already sailed, I'm loathed to admit. “If you want to cum, you've got to work for it.”

He moves faster, arching his shoulders back. His cock is swollen and leaking, bouncing upwards with each movement he makes. I want to touch him, but I also want to make tonight interesting and memorable.

Interesting and memorable is exactly why Nico and Caeo are coming on honeymoon with us.

But that has nothing to do with sex, and the beautiful moaning my boy is making as he fucks himself on my cock.

Chapter fifty-four


Sleepinginpyjamashasbecome alien to me, but there are so many people on this boat. Ship. Yacht thing.

It doesn't run itself like the house does, and that needs four members of staff around the clock. After the wedding death threats, Knox isn't taking any chances. Our wedding night is the first time we sleep together clothed. I like it, as far as to say I'll appreciate sleeping naked with him a whole lot more now.

Not that I'm sleeping.

The window at the end of the room has no curtains, opening out onto a private deck. The full moon looks beautiful from here.

It's around three am, the clock ticks past in slow motion. I swear I wait an hour between glances at the clock, and yet only five minutes pass each time.

“Go to sleep Porter,” Knox groans, rolling towards me.

“I'm trying.” Maybe my body just wants my wedding night to last forever.

The click of the cabin door unlocking has me stiffening.

“Relax,” Knox warns, reaching slowly for the gun under the pillow.

I try. I honest-to-God try.

A figure enters the room and starts creeping towards the bed.

Now I fail completely. I go as still as a board. I'm only human. Someone sent a death threat, saying they wanted to kill me. Now a dark figure is creeping across our room. I am terrified. Knox does nothing; this could still be a security guard. They could be trying to warn us rather than kill us.

I blink, and the intruder melts backwards into the shadows.

“Breathe,” Knox instructs, seeming to have a better idea of what is going on than me. Security or murderer, there is someone else in our room. That is every reason not to breathe. “I need you to go into the bathroom now.”

Shit. That means it's time to panic, right.

I slip out from under the covers and head quickly to the bathroom door. The mysterious figure slips into bed beside Knox. I know this is being done to protect me, and I hope I don't care about whoever is in bed with Knox, but damn, do I want to murder whoever is in bed with Knox. I even go as far as picking up the toilet brush.

I'm distracted by the main door opening. My decision to leave the bathroom door ajar to spy on Knox's bed companion means I can see the new guy entering the room. The man enters more upright than the first, and his arm is already extended towards the bed, gun in hand. I'm guessing he just needs to figure out which side of the bed I'm on. And so, he gets closer.