“In the kitchen?”
He smirks at me and pulls the wooden spoon from the pot.
I drop my trousers and trip over them as my feet come out.
“Steady boy. There is no rush, the spoon isn't going anywhere.”
My fingers hook in my pants and freeze.
The spoon.
Can I walk towards Caeo holding that spoon when so many times it was not used in love?
“Not…” There are so many things wrong with me. “I am so broken; not do you want me.”
He crosses the room, capturing me up in his arms. “You are an enigma, my little demon. I want to love you in so many ways, but you have so many wounds to heal. It will take time, and that is one thing we have in abundance. That and houses.”
We both chuckle, but mine threatens to turn to tears. “Not can you love someone like me.”
“You are perfect, my boy. Terrible things have happened to you in your past, but they do not take your perfection away from you.”
“Why don't I see it? Everyone says they can see it so clearly, but not do I.”
“You don't get to see it.” Caeo presses his hand against my heart. “You get to feel it.”
“But I don't.”
“You do. You just don't know what it feels like.”
“That is odd.”
“Love is like wetting your pants. Everyone else can see it, but only you can feel it.”
“What does wetting your pants feel like?”
“It spreads like a warmth through here.” Caeo's hand rubs across my cock.
“I do feel the warmth there.”
“Then you do feel love.”
His words make me happy. It's good to know I can feel love, even if it is only when he touches me.
“Get upstairs, boy, there will be no spoon for you.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
Chapter fifty
Nicoisthestrangestcreature I ever laid my eyes on. He is so youthful and naive, but he has such a strange way of looking at the world, so removed from what is actually happening, like he is watching a movie, or better still, a puppet show. He will keep me on my toes for many years to come as I put him back together piece by piece.
“Now can we take off those pants?”
Nico grins as he strips. The look in his eyes isn't reluctance, its vulnerability. He is shedding everything he hides behind, showing me his true self.
“So beautiful.” I join him naked in the middle of the bedroom, my lips pressing to his.