Page 73 of Destroyer

“You have a full-time job, Nico.”

“Not do I want to be.” Unless that means sex all the time. His job would be to cuddle and teach me to write this damn English language.

“You have two rental properties, a gay club and an art shop. You are a full-time job, Nico.” Caeo grabs my hands. “This is what I want. I wanted to step away from being Knox's- what did you call it? Hand?”

“Hand of the King,” I chuckle. “Not is it a real thing.”

“Neither is supreme overlord,” Caeo laughs back.

“Zane works long hours; he’s at Edward’s beck and call night and day. I don't want that, but I don’t want the boredom of being a security guard. No offence Knox.”

“None taken. Your new job is best friend.”

I know they are dumbing this down for me. Getting the elders out of the way did benefit everyone but I have shown them how dangerous I can be. This is my punishment for destroying the four great men.

“I will be a good house pet.” I'm up and out of the room before I realise how rude it is. My urge to run back to where I feel safe would always take me to my den in that little cluster of trees, but today it takes me to Caeo's bed. This is where I want to hide from the world.

Chapter forty-six


KnoxandPortermaketheir goodbyes and head off home. They both understand; they know what a bombshell this is. I can only imagine the negotiations that took place to come to such an arrangement.

I head upstairs with a tray in my hands, pushing on his door with my feet.

“Nico, can I come in? I brought muffins.”

He isn't here. My heart sinks to my feet. The thought that chasing a wild boy is the rest of my life certainly balances the scales.

“Not is you coming?” Nico calls from my bedroom door.

Relief washes down me like a cold sweat.

“You're in my room.”

“I'm sorry, was I in the wrong room?” The boy blushes.

“No. You're right where you should be.” I head to my room, sliding in with the tray while he holds the door open for me.

“I did ruin everything.”

“No. I am happier than I've ever been.” I cross the distance between us, leaning in against him. “I was born into this life, very much like you, but I wasn't so important.”

“Not was I so important one month ago.”

“I loved every minute of my job, running the clubs, organising the people. It was great. Then I started watching this young kid play with all the grown-ups and I was amazed. This kid barely spoke English yet within months, he had all the adults wrapped around his finger. He played with monsters, and he won.”

“This little kid is me?” Nico frowns, tipping his head up, his lips threatening to steal my mind from the story.

“Yes Nico. I watched you. I gave you money when I could, clothes and such. I started planning how I dealt with people based on what you'd do. If I brought them in alive, the kid would make them sing. Or there were some guys I'd sooner put a bullet in them than let them open their filthy mouths around you.”

“All this time, you are thinking of me?”

“I quit my job with Knox because of it. Without Gavriil, you needed someone else. I just didn't realise how badly.”

“I am a runner. When Gavriil drinks, or when poker is bad, I would run. After he broke my ribs-”

“He did?”