Page 67 of Destroyer

“Not does Edward…”

My head vibrates off the mattress with his sudden movement.

“Edward does not…”

He knocks me again.

“I don't give a shit what Edward wants. You know more than anyone what it’s like to watch the life leave the eyes.

I've wanted to do this for so long. The be the cause of death rather than the failure for not preventing it.”

My legs manage to move, kicking back and forth without achieving anything. I will not be killed for this guy to simply get off on it.

His dick flops out, and I can't hold back my chuckle.

“Not you gonna use that to choke. It is like twiglet. I go snap it off.”

“Oh, you arrogant little shit.”

I open my mouth as wide as it goes and wait. As the back of my throat spasms, my jaw slams shut with all the strength I can muster.

Michael yelps and starts tugging backwards, but now my teeth are clamped down, I'm not letting go. As he tries to pull away, he just pulls me with him. I tumble to the floor, he goes down with me and in the chaos, my mouth opens.

“Not did it come off?” I protest. Damn. I was certain I could bite the damn thing off. Fighting the angry man is something I'm not so certain of. His arms snakes around my neck and we're back to the choking fetish. Luckily, it's not just his idea of a good time, it gets my blood pumping, adrenaline starts pumping, and my arms regain enough strength to grab his. That's it, I just grab him, nothing else.

The cabin door opens, and someone walks in.

“Hey, I heard banging-” Porter's voice dies out as he looks in. “Shit.”

He makes the good choice, turning and running away. Michael drops me and takes off after him. All I can do is cough and splutter on the floor and hope Michael doesn't want to kill Porter.

Chapter forty-two


Ianswerthephonewhen it rings, because my car's Bluetooth tells me it's Porter calling.

“Hey, Poe. How is Nico?”

“Hey, Caeo. He's good. Michael says he's starting to wake up. Should have his eyes open and talking in next ten minutes or so.”

“Porter, I need you to do me a favour and stay with Nico. Stuff is happening, and I'm not sure who we can trust at the moment. That includes Michael.”

“Trust no one. Great. OK. I'll just lock the door and wait until we dock.”

“You're not moored?”

“No. We've moved out into the river.”

“Porter, stay on the phone. I'm on my way but you need to get back to Nico.”


I hear him walking towards a strange sound. It's hard to tell down the phone, but it could be fighting.

“Hurry, Porter.”

“OK, I'm here.” The door opens and the sounds stop.