"What did you expect me to do?" Edward retorts.
"Was Carrie in on it?"
"Yes." Edward admits. "We kept the boy away that day. No one wanted him to get hurt."
"But Carrie?" Knox demands.
"She wasn't meant to get hurt. Look I told you I killed her. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but it was because of my actions. I hadn't lied to you."
"You told me…?" Porter mutters before wisely shutting up.
"I couldn't give my blessing to anyone who didn't blindly believe everything I said to them."
I'm seeing a whole new level of cruelty to Edward now. Knox looks devastated that his father once again killed his sister. That poor man was never raised to lead us. Edward just wants all the power he can and as far as he is concerned, the family can go to hell when he dies. He sacrificed his daughter then and he would sacrifice his son now.
I know it and Knox knows it. Porter is still in the dreamy world of mafia wives and kids, where he really believes the family can be trusted.
The angry silence fills the room. The calm before whatever storm Balen's next decision brings.
And then Nico walks in, beaming smile and centre stage, ready to put on the show of his lifetime.
Chapter thirty-eight
Fivefaceslookatme as I enter, the attention of the room is focused on whatever nonsense comes out of my mouth. I can’t hide the grin.
It's the giveaway grin that tells them I have a plan and I'm pretty darn pleased with it.
"Porter, we play chess?"
The chess board lives out on the coffee table, but I have never seen anyone play it. During my time here, I have stared at it so much, visualising it in play. Visualising my plan as the pieces.
"Nico, now isn't a good time," Knox warns.
I know.
I could run and leave them to their fate, but I am here to save them. But not before I made my amazing plan happen.
“Nico. Grandson. Come in and join us. I have such amazing things to tell you.” The fact he greets me in English annoys me. His words are for their benefit, not mine.
"I'm not really sure how to play chess." Porter smiles nervously at me, even he can see the mortal danger his proximity to these cartel bosses puts them all in.
"Then I is be helping you." I cross the room before pausing. "I is be?"
How does my grandfather speak better English than I do, when I'm the one living here. Maybe it is the Russian influence.
"I will be?" Porter offers helpfully.
"Maybe." I cross the rest of the distance and plonk myself on the sofa so close to Caeo he can't not feel the gun in my belt.
"Sorry I leave you, Daddy." I put my arms around him, sliding the gun from under my hoodie and wedging it awkwardly in the small of his back.
"Why are you here, baby?"
Using our undercover names makes it clear I have a plan; he knows to sit tight with his gun until I need him on stage for the grand finale.
"This, Porter, is the chess. You be the white men, and I be the black." I turn the chess board into position. "White is always the bad guys, because they is made from the ivory of dead elephants, and onto one good come from elephant killer man."