“No. Caeo is having dinner with Knox. He just called saying he will home late.”
“Oh, I see. Do you want a lift over there?”
“No. I want to know who's side you are on.”
“Side?” Gregory splutters.
“You must pick. And do it with care.”
“I'm on your side.”
“You lie.” I sit down. Finding my feet growing tired. The carpet is a little rough on my butt, but Knox has this room kitted out with essentials not luxuries.
“I tell you whose side you are on. Edward's. Not do I know what he promised you, but I will promise this to you. You picked the wrong side.”
“Listen, kid. I came here without knowing anyone. So, when I got here and Edward sat me down for a chat, his idea seemed a good one.”
“My grandfather wants control here and to the north with our father, yes?”
“Yes,” Gregory sighs.
“In my name he will put it, but not is he thinking I can run it all myself. So, he will give help for me, but I will refuse Edward. All my life I am growing up without a home because he cannot take care of me.”
Gregory spends a bit of time swearing softly. He's in a difficult situation, but I have no need for revenge towards him, if he sides with me, what I'm about to ask of him will be enough, and if he doesn't, he will have nothing. He just needs time to realise he doesn't really have a choice.
“Look,” he decides with a heavy sigh. “I agree with whatever you want. I didn’t know who to trust when I got here, but I've really tried to bond with you. Please tell me you bonded too?”
If he means I have a use for him then he is right.
“I have a job for you. It is very important. You pull this off and all forgiveness and future for you.”
“Just tell me what you need from me.”
I look at Porter and smile. Edward will come to regret killing my mother, and my grandfather will regret making her live on the streets. My father will also regret abandoning her. But their regret will be short-lived. My plan isn't about seeing these men feeling unhappy. I have no desire to hear them apologise or beg. This is about removing them, permanently from existence.
“You are a scary evil genius,” Porter informs me. “I'm bloody glad you are on my side. I'd hate to face you as an enemy.”
“Then good for you to know my enemies never know, for I do not seek suffering.”
“Just unaliving people.”
“No. Not that. I kill them.”
“Yeah, that meant… never mind. What do I get to do?”
“I will find someone for you to stabby-stabby,” I offer.
“I'd rather not have to kill someone,” Porter squeaks.
“Fine. You just unalive them.”
The way he rolls his eyes at me, like the two are somehow the same thing. Really, I just want to keep this brother safe. People are like pieced on a chess board, each moving towards the same goal. But Porter has no role on the board. I like to think that means his life means more to me than just his function in the family. I feel this way about three people. Caeo, Porter and quite recently, Knox too. Porter's role in all of this is just not to die. Or get hurt.
Chapter thirty-seven
Balenexplainshisplanexactly as we predicted. Knox gets to stay in charge of the Thayer cartel, and Carter Turnbridge keeps his. Nico will head the merger in name only, with Edward taking on the active role for him. Whatever Gregory has been promised, his name doesn't even get mentioned.