Knox walks boldly across the room to us and clamps the cloth over Nico's mouth without hesitation. Nico tenses, his arms move up and down, but I hold him tight, crying into his hair. I don't need him to explain, I just need him home and safe. That is all that matters.
Either Knox or Nico keeps his head down so I can't see his expression. One look in those doe eyes and I'd let him go. Eventually his arms drop from my side. Knox and I bend, letting him lower gently to the ground.
"Porter, keep the cloth over his face until we get back." Knox withdraws from my boy, leaving him limp in my arms. I have to leave him, resting his sleeping form on the cold carpet.
"We won't be long," I promise.
Porter nods and takes his place next to his brother.
This feels like my whole life now. Just clearing up behind Nico's messes.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have dragged you into this," I apologise.
"You totally should." Knox snaps. "I don't care what job you hold in the family; we are friends. We're here for each other. You needed to step back to focus on Nico, and I see why. I'm still here for both of you."
The poor shop owner just stares at us as we chat in the doorway. He's closer, having been dragging himself this way while we were upstairs.
"So, what do we do with this guy?" Knox frowns. "Porter said he wouldn't sell the kid a painting."
"I bet he'd give it away to him now." I shrug. "We have nothing on him to guarantee his silence."
"Right. I'll call in a team of cleaners to sweep the place. Nico's fingerprints are on police files."
"He's wearing gloves," I comment. My boy knows better than that; we all do.
"I bet he wasn't when they were shopping. I know Porter wasn't."
"Oh, I'd put nothing past Nico." I give a laugh. "But we need to cover everything."
"Get the boys in the car, I'll arrange everything."
"Wait, wait, please. What about me?" The man reaches a mangled hand towards us.
"Sure, we'll take care of you," Knox promises.
Yeah, and we all know exactly how he'll take care of things. I feel nothing towards the bloody man, even though his only crime is saying no to Nico, and his punishment will certainly far exceed that crime.
Even if this man is just an innocent bystander, this is a fatal situation for him.
Chapter twenty-six
Iwakeupona bed of candyfloss. This could only mean Caeo hasn't given up on me. My head is fuzzy, my throat is dry, and my body is numb. None of that matters as long as Caeo is here with me.
"Good morning, Nico. I've brought you back home. Do you understand me?"
My eyes are heavy and sluggish, when they do open, all I see are fluffy clouds with golden outlines.
"Nod if you understand."
I can nod. It's about the only movement I'm capable of.
"Good. You'll feel tired for a while, but that is normal. I'm going to stay right here with you until you're better."
"I am sorry." It needs saying. I fucked up today. He has every right to hate me.
"I know. And I am disappointed, but I forgive you. Tell me what I should do with you?"