Itmakessensetowatch the videos in my own room. After delivering Caeo his coffee and checking that I was indeed watching the right thing, I took my hot chocolate and lay down on the double bed in the room I stay in.
I have seen a lot of sex videos while I stayed with Gavriil. He only watched stuff about women with the men, or occasionally with each other, and I thought I had seen everything. Watching these videos here reveal I know nothing. But I do very much want to know more.
What Caeo did to me had been amazing, but it was nothing but the tip of the iceberg. I want more. I want all of it.
The men in the videos are making the same noises I heard from Porter's room, and knowing what they were getting up to right next door makes me want to never stay there again.
I am beginning to understand what kink is, and as much as I want to try it, going out with Caeo as my daddy might be jumping in the deep end a little too much.
With a sudden urge to speak to Porter, I draw the phone from my pocket and stare at it. Gregory saved all the numbers he thought I needed into the phone book, which is easy to find when most of the stuff is a picture I have memorised. I don't recognise the names in the phone. I want to call Porter, and accidentally phoning my grandfather would certainly ruin my evening.
Gathering my things, I head out in search of Caeo. He is in his underpants, drinking coffee on his bed.
"Hey Daddy, you can help me please?"
"Don't call me that," he snaps abruptly, his head lifting sharply to me.
"What is the first letter of Porter name?" I ignore his order and hold my phone out towards him.
"Sound it out, what do you think?"
"That's it."
"Is that one the circle with big willy?"
"Willy?" Caeo chokes. "Isn't it the tail?"
"Depends which way the letter is facing. If it was the tail, it would be the qw, for queen? I read that in the alphabet book."
"What was P in the book?"
"The circle with the willy was for the bird." I have a good memory, but the letters in the phone look very different from the words I'm learning in my picture books.
"Penguin?" He sounds like he's guessing, which is confusing; I thought he already knew his letters.
"Please just show me Porter's name in phone or I will throw it from window." I am beginning to think this is not helping my studying.
Caeo holds his hand out and examines my phone when I give it to him.
"This is Porter." He hands it back with one of my contacts on the screen.
"Thank you, Mr Caeo."
I hurry out to make my call, blabbering away to Porter when he answers.
"Nico. Thanks for calling. Can you speak English please?"
"Oh. Silly me. Knox is sending me to party as a Little, and Caeo is my Daddy."
"Nico, that's great. I always knew you two would make a cute couple."
"No, I need help."
"I will be over in ten minutes to drop off some clothes." Porter squeaks at me and then the phone goes dead. Right after that, I throw it at the wall. I don't like speaking to people without seeing their faces. It's hard to know what they mean without looking at them. Disappointingly, the phone doesn't break.