"Yes, or no?" I growl, pulling out my dick.
His eyes widen, a grin spreads across his swollen, wet lips.
His word is like a dam breaking, the barrier I built between coming apart under the heat that exists now. I pause, my meaty length aimed at his mouth, so he takes the lead and moves forward onto my cock. Only one of us is a complete novice here, I ease forward into his mouth, trapping his head against the wall. Each time, I push until I feel his throat resist me. He can't take it all, but what he lacks in depth, I make up for in speed, rocking my cock back and forth across his tongue.
"Good boy, Nico. You're doing so well." This is so good, nothing in my wildest dreams can compare to actually allowing myself the real thing. "You belong to me now."
Nico quivers in response. Could it be that this brother wants the same thing as Porter? To be swept up and pulled away from his life. To belong to someone.
I pull out as my orgasm breaks through me, painting his face as he frowns over my actions.
"Now my is turn?" Nico pants, licking the cum from his lips.
"What?" I chuckle, considering myself lucky this boy can still attempt English after that.
"I want to feel that."
"You want me to suck you off?"
"If that it called."
"Cheeky little fuck." I grab his arm, pulling him briefly to his feet before throwing him on the bed. After arranging the pillows under his shoulders and butt, I remove the lower half of his clothing.
"Good god." That boy is packing quite an impressive length under there. It's swollen into a thin but long cock, so different to mine, and I want it so bad. Kneeling between his legs, I sink down on his cock. This damned little demon is going to learn he isn't the boss, in the bedroom or anywhere else. If he is mine, then I get to control his every move. I'm not going to kneel here and suck his cock his way. I'm going to do it my way. With a packet of lube smeared across my fingers. My lips tease his cock, lucking and nipping at his heated skin.
My fingers stroke between his legs, pressing gently at his opening, drawing the best moans from his lips.
As I push harder, his little whimpers carry the word yes, reassuring me to allow my finger in. He practically shoots up the bed, but my free arm wrapped around his thigh holds him down.
"Who's a good little demon?" I question, pumping my finger in and out, while his dick is forgotten.
"I don't know," he wails, before prattling off a string of what I'm certain are Romanian profanities.
"You are." He'll get no more words from me as I devour his cock once again. And I'll get no more words from him as he decides Romanian profanities are all I deserve.
It probably is what I deserve as I suck his length and stroke his prostate.
His body stills as he comes, a modest load warming the back of my throat before I swallow.
"Beautiful demon." I praise. "Stay there."
I head for the bathroom attached to his room, wash myself quickly, then return to him with a wet cloth.
"Wow. Dat is time two."
"Twice as good as you thought?"
"Twice I come this night."
I wonder if it was fucking his face or choking him out that caused the first time, but his sleepy little face makes the answer irrelevant. He is here and he is finally mine.
"You said if I untie you, you won't be here in the morning. If that is true, then don't come back. Find your own way." I pull the rope from around his wrists. "If you need rules and boundaries, then I forbid you from leaving this house. I will help you, but only if you want to be helped."
I wrap my arms around him in a quick hug and then arrange him comfortably on his bed.
"I promise, if you are still here in the morning, we will spend the whole day together sorting this out. I'm just too tired to do it now."