Page 78 of Destroyer

“Nico.” I have nothing else to say, just being with him, touching him, owning him. I have longed to do this for too long, knowing I couldn't have him. Not when he was a kid, these feelings have developed over the past year. Now my dreams have come true. I have yearned for someone to complete me for far longer than Nico has been able to fill that role. Part of me worries he'll realise I'm an old git one day, but that is not a concern for today. His hands roam across my skin as we caress one another.

“Will you be my daddy for always?”

“Always and forever. You make me the luckiest man alive.” I take his hips and lift him so he has to grip my much larger body. It's not far to the bed where I lay him down.

“This is how I want to spend the rest of my life.”

“Lying on the bed?”

“Being with you.”

“This is spooning that good.” Nico shuffles closer, just wanting to be in my arms.

This evil genius, my beautiful demon, my baby to love and cherish. I'm never letting him out of my sight again.

“Tell me what would make you happier.”

“Not are we making the love.”

“Fine, we can make the love, but that isn't what I meant.” My hand finds his cock and gently starts stroking his stiff length.

“What life thing would make me happy? I would like to visit my mum. Not do I know where she is buried.”

I will be making up for my failures for the rest of my life. He doesn’t even know where his mum is buried.

“I will take you.” Yes, I know where she is, and no, it isn't an unmarked grave or a slab of concrete. Carrie had the funeral worthy of a mafia princess, so nothing was hidden or covered up, which meant Ioana had a nice burial on the far side of the cemetery.

It will be a nice way to give closure to his past and start a new future together, where nothing matters but moments like these.

Chapter fifty-one


Standingattheendof the aisle on a golden beach, this day couldn't get more perfect. It’s been three months since I buried my father and actually took control of the business. I couldn't have done it without Zane and Caeo by my side, although very different roles. Zane is fantastic help with the work, Caeo is brilliant at dragging me away for a break. But the one man at my side night and day is about to share my surname. By the end of the day, he will be Porter Thayer.

Caeo waits with me, facing the priest. There is no one else around us until the wedding march begins. I can't resist looking back over my shoulder as Porter comes into sight. Walking down the aisle in a tux, carrying a single red rose. He wanted something in his hands as he walked to control his nerves. Nico walks behind him, something of a page boy, but looking more like a donkey on acid. Fancy suits only look good on one of the brothers heading towards me and it's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Porter joins me at the end, he hands the rose to Nico, facing me with a grin from ear to ear.

“Do you, Knox Brian Thayer, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.” Without doubt or a moment’s hesitation.

“And do you Porter Owen Ellis, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do,” Porter grins widely.

“Repeat after me. I, Knox Thayer, take you, Porter Ellis, to be my husband, and I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful husband for richer or poorer, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live."

I take Porter's hands in mine and repeat the words, filling each one with happiness.

When directed, Porter repeats our vows to me.

“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.” The priest looks beyond us, clearly used to a larger audience. Porter glances behind, and I join them both for a quick glance over my shoulder.

Nico looks back at us, standing on one foot, the other bent across his knee, shoe in his hand and frozen with guilt.

“There is sand in my shoe,” he mutters.