“Huh? Do what?” My eyes snap open and my surroundings come back to me. I'm not locked safely in Caeo's house just yet.
“Everything you just said.”
“Of course.” I smile as though my life depends on it and ignore the fact I've forgotten what I offered.
“Hey,” Porter comes flying around the corner, knife in hand. But instead of stabbing the doctor and saving me, he stops. “Who is driving the boat?”
Chapter forty-four
Knoxcan'tgetholdof anyone on the yacht. It's just drifting in the marina. I've told the men who run this place that the yacht is out of control and getting to the vessel is now their duty. Mine is waiting up the hill with a rifle scoped on the boat. If I see Michael, I'm putting a bullet between his ears. I'm not that good a shot to put it between his eyes, but anything lethal is OK with me.
Porter's instructions were to tell Michael about the boat in the hope of distracting him from Nico and luring him up to the top where I can see him.
When Porter arrives in view, my breath stalls. Waiting. When Nico arrives, ragged short breaths of relief fill me. Porter pulls him close, putting the two heads I don't want to shoot close together in one corner, as far from the steering wheel as they can get. Porter really would do anything for his brother.
Michael comes up the steps behind him. As soon as his chest comes into view, I take the shot. It's not a headshot, but a chest is a larger target for a man moving on a moving boat. He drops down, and dead or alive, he is no longer a threat.
Jumping rapidly, I start taking my gun apart and hide it in the bottom of the car. I'll have to dispose of it now it has a death on its hands; but I've been needing an excuse to dig out foundations for a new shed. I'll bury the gun, but not the body. We have people who can make Michael vanish off the face of the earth without any questions. After hiding the gun, my feet take off running to the marina Dock.
Rather than bringing the boat back, the Dock workers bring Porter and Nico. Knox's yacht will enjoy one final trip into open water where it will meet an unusual death for a murder scene.
“My poor baby.” I offer Nico my hand and help him out of the small boat.
“Not do I want to talk,” he mutters.
“Let's get you to the car, then you'll tell me where the blood is from.”
He leans in, completely dependent on me for support.
Porter sits in the back beside him, but I only have one blanket, so they need to share.
“Nico, are you bleeding?” Dried blood clings to his lips and jaw, with splatters on his hoodie.
“He did tell me you were angry and wanted me not. He said Knox wanted me sold. He was going to…” Nico's mind wanders as a frown forms. “He did want his cock deep, but I bite. Not is it possible to bite off the whole thing.”
My heart breaks and I have to hug him. “My poor sweet baby.”
I am the worst person. I'm the reason his head hurts. I'm the reason he woke up in a strange place with that man there. This is all my fault.
“I am so sorry.”
“Why you do it?” Nico mutters against my shoulder. “I was thinking we were doing plan.”
“I didn't know about the wives and the guys like Zane.”
“Not did they get hurt. Only afternoon tea for mothers.”
“I just needed to get everyone out of the house. I failed you. Can you ever forgive me?”
“Not am I sure that is possible,” Nico shrugs. “Biting off dick of attacker is pretty amazing. Now must I say it is best thing. So is best blow job now taking off cock of stranger?”
“You will suck my cock every day until you forget that thought,” I insist.
“Thank you, Daddy.” Nico presses a kiss against my neck.
Is this part of loving a psychopath? He doesn’t feel love unless it is physical, but at the same time, he doesn't feel the pain.