Page 63 of Destroyer

"He wants to know where to meet."

"Piccadilly point." Knox selects a warehouse complex that he owns personally. It isn't used for family business, just for club supplies. Most important, Knox owns the security there.

"On it."

My first call is to the security, warning them we're coming and to get all the staff they can in. Then I call two of my guys to pick up the doctor at gunpoint and bring him there. Michael is very much one of Edward's men, so the gunpoint is to ensure his silence as we put this plan together.

Chapter forty


Thewarehousecomplexlooksperfectly normal as we arrive at the main gate. We should be here before Gregory, as I didn't send him the location until everything was set.

"Evening boss." The gate security man leans into the car as we stop at the gate. "Everything is set for you. We're still waiting on the doctor and the guest of honour. I'll radio when they arrive. Andrew is waiting in the main building for you, Sir."

"Thank you." Knox drives slowly up to the largest warehouse on the block.

Nico's body remains floppy as I drag him from the car. Knox hurries Porter inside and not one person cares enough about the kid to help me. Not that he weighs enough to be a bother.

Knox is already roaring orders at everyone when I enter.

Porter slides up to me and waits. I know the drill. I'm not his right-hand man, I'm just the bodyguard. I'm Porter's bodyguard. His life comes above mine and Nico's. Or it's supposed to. He certainly comes above mine.

"Caeo." Knox heads over to me. "Porter and Nico will be taken to the marina and protected on the yacht until this is all resolved. You have a choice. Go with them as their bodyguard or stay with me as my right-hand man.

"You need me by your side."

"I need Porter safe more," Knox assures me. "If you go, I know the boys will be safe."

"If I stay, you know they will be safe and so will you."

Knox nods, accepting my answer, and he nods at two nameless men.

"Get these boys and the doctor onto the yacht and keep them safe."

I hand Nico across into their arms and then lay a hand on Porter's arm.

"I'll look after him, Mr Caeo." Porter promises.

"That isn't your job."

"He's my little brother. It is my only job until this is all over."

I watch them all the way to the car, and then watch the car down to the main gate.

Then we wait for Gregory.

Michael meets up with the boys and jumps across into their car, now they are safely en-route to the yacht. Gregory kept his side of the arrangement and came alone.

His face when he walks in on so many family members is a picture.

"We know you are behind this. So, start talking."

"That little shit blamed me?" Gregory huffs.

"Nico? He didn't blame anyone."

"What is happening?" Knox orders.