“I do love you, Nico. I love you so much it hurts me.”
I still my movements, hoping none of his pain was being physically caused by my movements.
“I need to deal with Gregory.” Knox mutters to my ankle as he replaces rope with leather.
“Do not please be asking me to help.” I couldn't handle my half-brother right now. I have more family than I can cope with. From Gavriil who barely cared, I now have more brotherly and fatherly figures than I can handle.
“You are not coming with me,” Knox insists. “But how would you feel if I offered Caeo his old job back?”
“Caeo be happier with his old job back. Will I still spend my time with Porter when he is working?”
“Absolutely.” Knox lifts his head to Caeo. “I need you, mate. But whatever you decide, I will respect your decision.”
“I want my job back. I had to leave to see how much I need the job.” Caeo squirms under me with happiness or trying to make room for his cock between us, I can't quite tell which.
“You would earn good money for both of us, yes? Not will I work any more, just be home-boy like Porter.”
“I don't think home-boy means what you think it means,” Knox smiles warmly.
“If what you mean is Porter owning a dance studio and you owning a gay club and two houses, yes, you can be a kept man.” Caeo promises.
“Then not let me be stopping you from working,” I insist.
Chapter twenty-nine
Nicoissittingatthe table with his colouring book and writing sheets. He has a bottle of juice and a pile of biscuits which gets smaller each time I check on him. His ankle cuffs are locked to each other which seems to have started an obsession with him swinging his legs. The wrist cuffs are still wrapped around him but not fastened to each other, despite his protests. He needs to move his hands freely to enjoy the little things I have given him. The final item is the dummy.
“Are you sure you're going to be OK here?” I ask him again, making sure his phone is within reach. “Porter could come here, or I could take you to Knox's.”
Porter is at his dance studio, but he would be happy to spend time with Nico if we asked.
“I am wanting to be writing,” Nico insists. He's already explained how he wants to get used to the restraints before anyone sees them. Knox even told him about Porter's collar, which made his eyes light up.
“Promise you'll call if you change your mind, or if you need anything.”
“If you are anywhere near a Gladys muffin, I would like you bringing me one.” He pops the dummy out barely long enough to make his request.
“I'm sure I can swing by and grab some,” I promise, planting another kiss on his brow. “You are utterly perfect.”
His face lights up with the praise so much I can't resist kissing those plump lips.
“Do not move from the chair. Do not move from the room. Do not move from the house. Do not open the door. Do not start a fire. Do. Not. Move.” It's not that I don't trust him to find a loophole in everything I say, it's that I want to keep him with me. Or hogtied on the bed. I just need him to not cause any more trouble while I go and clear up the mess he's already caused.
“I will stay here and practise writing. I am getting good, and you can give me the stickers you promised.”
Wrapped around his little finger, I make a mental note to buy him the stickers he doesn't really want but is going to get because he is totally the one in charge here.
“It's about bloody time you did something with that boy.” Knox slaps my shoulder as we head to his car.
“About time? He's eighteen. He's literally been off limits his whole life.”
Part of me still feels like he is off limits, and the other part feels like he'll be dead within a year if I don't lock him in my bed and throw away the key. He got away with doing what he wanted because he was a kid, and children are protected by the unwritten law of not touching kids and wives. Plus, he had a dirty great Russian right behind him, and the whole Russian mob behind that.
Now he counts as an adult and his connection to the Russians has wilted.
“Do you know where Gregory has been staying?”