My blood simmers to a boiling point.

“Bite me, Pluto.”

One flap of my wings. Just one flap, and I could blow all those goddamn pages away. If Zephyr were less flighty, we could have a right good time pranking Hades and blowing whole records into Styx. Not like Hades would whine to Zeus.

“No need for unpleasantries. I understand your plight, dear Eros,” the civil dickhead practically chirrups.

“Yours is six months out of the damn year. Mine has been for a century,” I remark through gritted teeth while scraping his desk, noting his left eye twitch.

“Too right. And as per our agreement, I will notify you if dear Psyche’s soul shows up. She and Sephy were fast friends, after all. But perhaps, I may help in another respect.”

I smirk. “Bottom volunteering, Hades?”

“As amusing as it would be to test your faulty arrow, I was thinking I could put in a good word with the Fates.”

I snort. Been there, done that, got the same vague “her thread is missing but not dead” speech.

Hades shrugs and continues writing. “Your call, Eros. Now, if you don’t mind…I have work to do.”

“You always have work to do,” I growl.

“You should try it sometime.” Hades threads his brows low, pausing from the page. At first, I believe I may see the great overlord’s eyes, but he brushes off a bit of dust on his dark robe before opening his mouth again, “Maybe attend to all those random Limbo-souls you stockpile and leave all over the place like broken toys.”

“Don’t tell me how to run my domain, Hades. Especially when you’ve sent me gods knows how many souls throughout time to do impossible penance.” I tap my claw again, sinister athis audacity. More aggravated since he has the authority to say such things. “Besides, hunting down naughty souls is one of few pleasures I have in immortality. It keeps life more interesting when it’s judgment time.”

“Perhaps you can judge what I would like you to do at this moment…” he hints and points to the staircase. “You’re holding up the line. As you know, I will send Hermes if Psyche’s soul turns up anywhere.”

“Why don’t you get the hell out of the chair and make me, you unexciting ugly fuck of a glorified usher?” I brace my hand into a fist.

Hades hums to himself. “Nice try, Eros. And you’re lucky Persephone isn’t here. She’d have washed your mouth out with soap and then kicked your ass. Now, I will not ask again—”

“You haven’t asked me anything, you deferential damned diplomat.” I cross my arms over my chest and tighten my wings.

Hades’ jaw clenches. I grin from ear to ear. Oh, that will keep me on a bit of a high for the next year. I’ll go to the Fates and have them weave it into their fucking strings. I made Hades’ jaw actually clench.

“You know the way out, Eros. If you would be so kind…”

I roll my eyes again. Ditch the robe, Hades. Don a powdered wig and some stockings with little bows on them. “Just remember who shot you through the fucking heart so you fell for Persephone like I wrapped her in a gods-damned bow for you.”

“Oh, trust me, my boy. You have my undying gratitude for your little prank turned to providence. Until next year…”

Frustration riling my already impassioned temper, especially after that “boy” quip, I hold back a hoard of clever curses. I fall back on my pranks as I always do.

“That page is ripped.” I point to the invisible tear two books over.

“Where?!” he gasps, coming off his chair by a few inches, eyes wide and hunting over the tomes.

By the time he realizes what I’ve done, I’ve already spread my massive wings, my laughter thundering through his entire Court.

“That wasn’t funny, Eros!” he bellows, his voice roaring throughout his halls.

Of course, I’ll indulge any rumors of how the God of Love managed to rile the God of the Dead.

Oh, and my humor is far better.


Words like predator or monster seem tame.