Aradia offers a smile. “I didn’t expect you to be some sexy gargoyle monster.”

She thinks I’m…sexy? Likethis?

Aradia throws me a pointed look. “Contrary to stereotypes, some of us do our research. I’m a writer. And I love research. Eros came from Chaos and emerged as a demonic deity, known for fornication and meddling—sometimes cruelly—in the lives of gods and mortals.”


“The only thing I wasn’t clear on was Aphrodite.”

I continue, sinking my fingers into her plump little bottom. She hisses sharply from the welted flesh bearing my hand prints.“Adopted mother,” I clarify and rub the oil into the sore cheeks, appreciating the ripe firmness.

“And Ares?”

“Adopted father. But Aphrodite took a keener interest in me in my newborn state. Oh, she was quite amused when the cherub stereotype was propagated.” I roll my eyes.

“Will I…meet her?”

“Not if I can help it,” I grunt and lightly slap her buttocks before easing the oil into the seam, parting her cheeks to rub the tiny pink flower of her dark hole. At first, she flinches but then pushes her bottom out ever so little, inviting. So sweet. Later, I fully intend to introduce her to the beauty of anal…after I take her sex as its first man-attached cock.

She nods softly. “Good. I don’t mean any offense, I just…know enough to be afraid.”

When I inject my stone pinky finger into her hole, she clenches. Much training must ensue before she is ready to take my cock.

“You are wise,” I tell her. “She is quite fearsome but no threat to me in my realm, nor anyone under my care.” As long as the laws of gods and mortals are obeyed. Even then, they may be bent.

“Is it true you have dominion over the territories of death?”

I snort. “Not if Hades can help it. But I do control some as you’ve witnessed here.”

“Where ishere?”

Forcing myself to move on from her well-oiled ass, I pay care to her well-rounded thighs. “Purgatory.”

“Is it true that you are the most powerful of all the gods?”

I pause at her feet. “Where the fuck did you hear that?”

Arching her back, she tosses her curls over one shoulder to study me. “The classics depict Eros as causing disaster, which makes sense with coming from chaos. And all sources, frompoets to classicists to psychologists, agree thatloveisstrongerthan death. Unconquerable.”

I chuckle darkly. “Oh, Hades would have a good laugh over that one.” But it is not wholly wrong.

Too true that I would never threaten the major deity. But…he would also never threaten me, which is why he puts up with my frequent bullshitting.

“Eros…” she touches my hand, halting me.

Confused, I furrow my brow until she gets on her knees and crawls into my lap. Instinct has me wrap my arms around her. Desire surges heated blood to my cock. Warmth curls into every fiber of my wings, awakening the sinew, stirring my veins.

I swallow a hard knot, flexing my muscles. Doesn’t matter how much she sucked me earlier, the damned entity with a mind of its own still jumps. I know she can feel it, but the little Butterfly only presses herself against my chest.

When she lifts her head, capturing me with those mystical teal eyes, I bring the full force of my godly gaze upon her, pleased that she does not wither or retreat. So unique. If I wish to learn more, woo her more, her mind should be as tantalizing of a vessel as her silky pink chamber.

“Tell me, little Aria…” I toy with the ends of her damp curls as they skirt her upper shoulders. “What else do you know of me?”

She blushes, eyes not fleeing. “They infantilized you. They elevated her. Your power was far too great for them.” When she cups my obsidian cheek, my balls fucking ache while her words drive me mad and wild. “Men were jealous and insecure. Women desired more autonomy and dominance. So, they couldn’t tolerate the idea of love manifesting as some powerful demon able to shape blood and flesh and thought while changing the heart.”

Fuck, this girl! I feel her like a red hot ember burning in my chest, spitting sparks to stoke what should not be stoked, what has been numb for a century.

She is laying her awareness, her knowledge of myself at my feet, and I need more. I need to know how she sees my history, my reputation, my essence, my…heart. For the first time in all my centuries, my demon and my god clash with a force strong enough to unite from this hunger.