“Please…” is all I manage to whimper as he carries me inside. No struggle or strength could keep me bound to him if he’s determined to let me go, so I don’t try. I fall to my knees, my body too motionless and weak.

“Your fearful begging is beautiful, Butterfly,” he says, his voice somehow soothing and seductive, even as he binds chains around my wrists.

What I hate are the warm tingles feathering across my cold skin as he kisses my brow and raises me higher. The tips of my toes barely brush the cold stone floor.

Despite how I slump, my muscles already pained, he takes my jaw in his stony grip and forces my face to look up. Despite how I’m suspended, he still towers over me. His hand feels cold and dead, but his eyes seek to suck my soul into its depths.

“You will learn soon, Aradia…” My eyes fly open wide, afraid to so much as blink or breathe when he says my name, “…this is my realm, where every soul, living or dead or ‘tween, answers to me and me alone. And while everyone in my immortal existence has fallen to their knees in fear, knowing their sins are written upon the stone epitaph I eternally hold, I desire much, much more from you.” He lowers his hand to grab my throat with fingertips poised with aching tenderness.

“What could I possibly—”

His kiss stops me. Oh, god, it stops everything!

My breath, my blood, my life, my heart and flesh and soul—all of my being—bows to his kiss. His intensity and allure transcend all my mortal comprehension.

Erotic heat unfurls inside me from his dark and intimate touch. He is cold as moonlight on a gravestone with my name carved upon it. He’s a paradox of warmth that seeps into my core.

I’m utterly undone by the ballet of his macabre tongue pushing into my mouth and summoning me, commanding mine. Moans escape my throat. He tastes bittersweet. Fury and desire in the heaven and hell of his tongue licking mine as his breath roars and howls into my lungs, marking his signature inside me.

I surrender to the longing and desire and melancholy pulsing from him, knowing the reason why he rules all of them. Because no soul could be more lost or more damned than this dark and beautiful monster who kisses me like a god commanding all nature’s inescapable romance.

He is the embodiment of perfect hunger and lust that mortals will spend their lives seeking. The dark escape billions through time would sell their souls for—to have one taste.

He kisses me like a groom searching for his bride in the depths of hell.

Brushing his knuckles across my cheek, the gargoyle god steals my tears before those fingers trace the contours of my face, memorizing and captivating me.

A deep growl breaks from his chest, breaks the kiss, but his haunting hold on me could never break. So, why does it feel like my heart is shattering as he looks at me?

I hardly notice the dungeon walls. The chains are lighter paper rings. Everything fades to that kiss and the tragedy of my unending but silent tears.

He has the edge of my soul in a chokehold and paralyzes my heart. I can’t move, speak, breathe…nothing in the wake of that kiss.

Don’t go, I cry from the innermost fabric of my soul, but the words don’t leave my lips.

“Much, much, much more, Butterfly…” he echoes.

And when he turns his back and leaves the dungeon, I breathe again. But without him…I just want to hurl.


“You must feed and water and tend to your mortal, lest they die.”


What the fuck was that?

I find the nearest isolated torture chamber, unleash my dick from my pants, grip its base, and jerk, shooting my release all over the damned floor. Cursing her name to every instrument of torture here.

She simply stared.

Damn me, I swore I could hear her soul on its knees crying out for mine. My very pulse skyrockets as I remember her hypnosis, how she commanded me with those mystical eyes of blue and green.

I expected her to beg. I know my kiss affected her. I could see it in the betrayal of her breath escaping from those swollen,sensual lips. Felt it in the tears of longing staining her cheeks with the sensation of the power I drove into her.

But while she gazed at me in utter silence, I was the one who released that growl of abandon. She didn’t beg for more. She didn’t even whimper or whisper for freedom.

She simply gazed at me. And I lost myself in those eyes and her taste while my cock has grown harder than iron, harder than fucking steel.