“I’ll weave the threads of eternal heartache.” Sadness licks his lips, betraying their intent.

The willow tree raises me higher, and I suck a deep breath and do my best to both tempt and warn them, “I love the sadness and sorrow others bemoan. So, please, go away, and leave me alone.”

“Hmm…she taunts us with her soft, sweet cries,” Sadness muses. Shit.

Sorrow bares her teeth. “Let us show her where true pain doth lie.”

As they touch their palms to the body of the tree, I open my mouth to scream for Eros, but the branches drop me from some power the twins wield. Gasping, I hit the ground hard, stunned by the wind knocked out of me, groaning from the splitting pain in my side.

They’re upon me before I can recover.

I’m helpless, powerless as they stuff my mouth full of mud and bind a leather strap to gag me. I choke, gagging, but they don’t care. They’re too busy ripping the gown, tearing it to scraps that litter the gown like purple petals.

Eros! Eros!I scream inside my mind, knowing he won’t hear me.

“Bare this mortal, let us play.” Sadness…her voice is far too eager. Misery loves company.

“And turn her human light to shades of gray.”

Now, I’m in nothing but my lacy bra. And Sorrow is at my back, her body cold as a bone while her twin seeps an icy chill into my bare skin.

Sadness grips my chin and inspects me. “Think this little mortal needs some mud?”

“But first, I will see her pretty buds,” says Sorrow right before she unhooks my bra, my breasts spilling out.

Before I can blink or hope to cover myself, they have me on the ground, in the mud and concealed by the dense forest mist.

“She thinks she loves the world of woe?” Sorrow seethes before gripping my hair, yanking my neck until my scalp howls.

“Let us see after how low we go…”

Tears burn my vision as they violate me, but I refuse to cry. Not even as they work in twisted rhythmic motions, from Sorrow scooping up handfuls of mud and massaging it into my breasts to Sadness shoving lumps of mud inside my vagina. My muscles squeeze, trying to expel it.

“Let us find joy in the wear and tear,” Sorrow says while gripping my breasts and leaning over me, trailing her cold tongue along my cheek.

Pushing apart my thighs, Sadness wrenches apart my nether lips and growls, “And revel in her heart stripped bare.”

This is the worst part. How they don’t stop with the mud. Their fingers and tongues work at my most intimate parts until they’ve forced pleasure into the erogenous zones. I try to rationalize it—how I cannot control what is happening to me, how the pleasure they kindle is false and wretched. Sadness rubs my clit with his muddy wet fingers, digging his others deep into my center. And Sorrow bites at my breasts and lashes my nipples with her tongue, but it feels more like a jagged knife tip.

A part of me breaks off to float somewhere outside of my body, warring against the sensations. Sadness may be stokingmy inner muscles, but no heat finds them. I swallow down bits of mud, one by one, battling my gag reflex while hoping I’m not ingesting anything toxic.

The gag loosens.

If I can consume this mud and get one scream out, he will come. I know it.

The gruesome twins don’t last.

Sadness snarls at my cunt and hits it hard. “She won’t cry or come, this little one.”

Sorrow leers down at me while pulling a knife from her robe. “Let us make her bleed until we’ve won.”

My eyes fly wide open, and I struggle, crawling and writhing on the ground, trying to escape. But they are everywhere…and nowhere. They are darkness and misery, pain and suffering. Emotions they long to share.

A nick to my breast has me hissing from the pain. But there’s one swallow left. I must make certain I can do this. I’ll only get one chance.

“Then, we’ll take her together, yes, we will…” Sorrow eludes while pressing the cold knife tip against my nipple.

Sadness chuckles cruelly. “Me down below and you on her hills,” he references my tits before gripping my jaw. “Then, she will come for both of us.”