Page 2 of Double Reverse

“Seems fitting I would find you in a cemetery, Little Death Angel.” My initial shock turns to annoyance. People just love making little quips about what my first name means.

Feeling his grip loosen I take the opportunity to push myself up thinking maybe I can make a break for it. This new position however has my thighs straddling his hips and, is that, do I feel, is he…. hard? My nose scrunches up at the discovery. He must feel the muscles in my legs clench because his hands clamp down hard on my hips holding me firmly in place. And yes, I can definitely feel his massive erection pressing against me. Heat floods my core.What the fuck is wrong with me?

“As much as I would enjoy hunting you through this cemetery, you’re not going anywhere my Little Death Angel. So, shut your mouth and relax. I’ll tell you what is going on once I hear from my team." His tone is commanding, even muffled by the mask.

Rolling my eyes, I let out a long huff crossingmy arms. “Fine, but can I at least get off of you?”

I hear him chuckle again, asshole. Raising his upper body, his hands slide from my hips to my ass. Before I can even protest one incredibly fast motion has him standing on his feet. My arms and legs instinctively wrap around his muscular body. I stare into his eyes, my pulse begins to race, not from fear, but from…arousal.Again, what the fuck is wrong with me?My fingers creep up the back of his neck towards the mask, I need to see his face.

I’m snatched back to reality when I catch movement from the corner of my eye. Two more figures dressed the same also in ghost skull masks emerge through the trees.

I squirm against his hold, “Put me down, now!” I demand. For once Alpha listens and lowers me to the ground. Once my feet are firmly planted, I turn to look at the three goons. Well, I look up. At only 5’2, they tower over me. The names on the vests of my unwelcome guests read, ‘Echo’ and ‘Romeo’.

“Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?” I spit, frustration lacing my words. Ignoring me, Alpha and Echo walk off to talk leaving me with Romeo. I put my hands on my hips and tap my foot waiting for him to speak.

“Oh, you’re a feisty one huh Little Death Angel?” Romeo laughs.

“I really wish you all would stop calling methat,” I say it even though it’s a lie, I kind of like hearing them say it.

“Will you please tell me?” I ask again, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Leaning in he whispers, “Mmm I kinda like hearing you beg. But no, I won’t tell you, you can wait for Alpha,” he says in a low voice.

He smells like spicy citrus as his voice caresses my skin like smooth velvet, sending sparks of lust through me. Frustrated, I throw my arms up in the air, hands slapping my thighs when they fall back down. I stand there like a petulant child and wait. My gaze drills into him. I can’t see his face either, but he is the taller of the three. If I had to guess, he was somewhere in the neighborhood of 6’4. Though he is a lot leaner, he is still extremely well-muscled. Crossing his arms over his chest he sets his long legs in a wide stance.

Leaves crunch behind me causing me to jump with a squeak. Figuring Romeo is the lesser of two evils, I scurry behind his tall frame. Gripping the back of his vest, I bury my forehead between my hands. I’m not normally so skittish, but then again, I’m not normally in the middle of a cemetery at night. Only when I hear laughing do I peek around. I relax a little when I see two more men dressed exactly like the rest are now standing in the small clearing.

“It’s okay Little Death Angel, you can come out. We promise not to bite... not too hard anyway.” The voice is deep with a slight southern twang. I yet again roll my eyes, if I’m not careful they will end up sticking this way. Walking out from behind Romeo I take in the two new men before me. According to their vests they are ‘Whiskey and Tango’. I am growing more agitated by the second. Five men, dressed in military garb with a ghost skull mask and not a single one will tell me what in the actual fuck is going on. I said I wouldn’t run, but that doesn’t mean I won’t power walk. Which is exactly what I decide to do.

Turning on my heel I begin stomping through the path Alpha and I cut in the brush when we fell. As soon as I hit the other side I’m swooped into a bridal carry.

“You’re not going anywhere except with us.” Echo leans down and whispers in my ear. His voice is like skilled fingers that dance across my skin. Arousal pools between my thighs. I make a mental note to schedule an appointment with a therapist because only someone truly fucked up would be lusting after masked strangers that may or may not kill her.

“O-Okay,” I whisper. Setting me back on my feet, the rest of the team joins us. For once I keep my mouth shut. They are either going to tell me or they aren’t and quite frankly I’m tired of asking only to bedenied.

Alpha steps forwards, I assume based on name alone he is the leader.

“We are going to head to the rendezvous point. Whiskey and Tango spread out and take the left flank. Echo and Romeo, you’ll take right. Little Death Angel, you’re with me. You all know what to do,” he delivers the orders with solid authority. I find it incredibly sexy.

“Let's go,” he says looking down at me before wrapping his big hand around my upper arm.

“Excuse me,” I yank out of his grasp, “I am perfectly capable of walking on my own thank you.” Now I’m just being a brat, the warmth from his gloved hand actually felt nice.

The team breaks away. Sweeping my head side to side, I watch the stealthy men disappear into the darkness. Once I can no longer see them, Alpha starts walking. Sticking close by his side, my arm occasionally bumps against him. I have no idea where we are going or why. I’m seconds away from unleashing an arsenal of questions when he clears his throat.

“Do you know what kind of stuff your husband has been involved with?” he inquires.

“For the record… Barrett is my ex-husband, let's just get that out of the way. Secondly, I knew hewas involved with the Amato family, but I kept my nose out of it. Why?” I ask suspiciously. I swear if that man has gotten me mixed up in something I will cut his stubby little dick off. If I survive the night that is.

“It seems he got in a little too deep this time. Amato sent a hit for you as a way to get his attention. His hired men have been watching you for the last two weeks. They knew all about your little girl’s trip. You made it incredibly easy for them when you decided to come by yourself. They were just waiting for the perfect moment to strike. You’re just lucky Little Death Angel, that your husband still had a few favors left to cash in or you would already be a pretty little corpse.” I can hear the smirk in his tone.

“So, to answer your original question, that is why we are here. Devereaux called us in to make sure you remain safe. We had no plans of ever letting you see us. You fucked that up by wandering away from the tour allowing one of Amato’s men the opportunity to finish the job,” he said through gritted teeth. If I was just a job, why did it seem to bother him so much? I’m sure he gets paid either way.

“You impressed me though.” This causes me to perk up a little. “The way you took off and zig zagged through those mausoleums. Most people would have been overrun with panic. You, LittleDeath Angel, are a fighter. I like that.”

“How am I a fighter if all I did was run?” I’m confused by his statement.

“Because you didn’t just cower and let him get you. You fought to stay alive,” he answers. I never looked at it that way, but he makes a very good point. I’m not going to tell him that though. When I open my mouth again, the questions that have been bubbling over in my head spill out.