“Jack!” his father barked into the phone. “Is that you?”
“Hi, Dad.” He wished now that he’d screened the call since he had no intention of sitting still for one of the old man’s lectures when he didn’t want to waste a second of his time with Alicia. To hear his father talk, Robert Murphy had all the answers and could straighten out any of his kids’ lives if given half a chance. His latest brainstorm involved getting Jack back on the family payroll. “Look, I’m about to lose cell service out on the boat--.”
“Jack, I’d really like you to stop by the office when you get back. You’ve been home for four weeks and we really need--”
“I’m going to stop you right there.” He had no desire to hear a lecture about his need to commit to Murphy Resorts. “I appreciate the opportunities you’ve given me, Dad. But I’ve got a different future in mind.”
Nearby, Alicia busied herself with her notes on the bed and breakfast to give him some privacy.
“And I’m interested to hear about that future. Why don’t you come in on Friday and we’ll talk about it?” his father pressed.
He loved his family. Really, he did. But the Murphy clan was too close sometimes, with everyone offering an opinion on what you should do, shouldn’t do, and why they knew better than you. He had an MBA and a successful Navy career under his belt. Didn’t that give anyone some reassurance that he’d be able to figure out where to go next without screwing up his life?
“We’ll talk soon, Dad,” he agreed for expediency’s sake. “Tell Mom she did a great job with the party.” Winding up their conversation with a promise to be in touch soon, he disconnected the call.
His eyes moved back to Alicia, busily trying to stay out of his way as she flipped through her papers. He didn’t mean to exclude her anymore, not after how upset she’d been at being shut out of his family’s scare with Christina. He’d been so focused on not upsetting her back then – not foisting off his problems -- that he’d walled her out of the drama completely. And maybe she would have been a comfort to his parents as much as she would have reassured him.
He would make her forget about the long ago mistakes he’d made while they were dating and start thinking about him as a prospect for her future.
But first, he needed to make sure she stayed in Chatham, close enough for him to resurrect the toe-curling chemistry that sizzled every time they touched.
* * *
“Is everything okay back home?” Alicia couldn’t help but ask after she’d noticed Jack had finished his call.
She’d always liked the Murphy clan. While the family might feel crowded by the big personality of their brash business mogul father, Alicia appreciated the way he kept an eye on everyone in the clan – occasionally pulling in outsiders and making them feel like family, too. Jack’s parents had both travelled to see one of her swim meets when neither her father or brother had bothered to see a single competition in four years.
If things had been different between her and Jack, she would have gotten more than a sexy, warm-hearted guy in the bargain. She would have inherited a great family, too.
“Things are fine. My father has been hounding me to return to Murphy Resorts, but working in the family fold just isn’t for me.” Jack started the engine again and flipped a few buttons to bring the craft to life.
“No?” She knew he hadn’t loved all the travel involved in his work managing the global properties division, but he’d been very good at his job.
“It’s not a career I would have chosen for myself and there are plenty of other people to fill my shoes.” The vessel crept forward while he plotted a new course. Once they were underway again – headed deeper out to sea - Jack came up to the deck where she sat.
“I don’t think you’re easily replaced,” she argued, knowing how hard Jack worked.
“Actually,you’dbe great at my old job,” he continued, green eyes lighting with the fire of a new idea. “I don’t know why you didn’t apply for a position with the company after your internship. The freelance work you did with the golf tournament was first rate.”
She shook her head, wondering if he had any idea how much he took after his father.
“First of all, I really think things are going to come together for me in Bar Harbor. But even if they don’t, working for your family might create a sticky situation for us down the road.” She tucked her notebook under her thigh to keep her papers from blowing away as the boat picked up speed. Her shift in positions, brushed her shoulder against his, sending an electric pulse all the way down her arm. “While last night was fun, I didn’t get the impression it was headed anywhere serious.”
His diplomatic silence of oneloongminute seemed to confirm as much.
Reminding her why she would have to view this time on the boat as a fun diversion only.
“It wouldn’t be awkward for us because I’m not ever going back to work for my father,” he said finally, tackling a completely different part of her concern. “Why shouldn’t you grow a career in the hospitality industry close to him when Murphy Resorts is the premiere name in hotel and restaurant management in the Northeast, with properties in five other countries? Why not pursue a natural fit for your talents?”
The lean muscle of his upper arm grazed hers, sparking memories of all that warm strength wrapped around her body the night before. How could a man and woman fit together so perfectly when it came to the physical part of a relationship, yet fail each other so badly on a deeper level? And yes, she’d decided she must have fallen short in their past relationship if he’d kept her in the dark about his cousin. Maybe she’d been too wrapped up in her independence from her own family and pursuing her swimming ambitions to see what was really going on with Jack.
She regretted not being there for him when he needed her.
“So why aren’t you returning to the family business?” “I like having a sense of purpose in my professional life that stretches beyond raking in the big bucks.”
“Your dad is hardly some greedy corporate shark.”
“But he’s definitely profit driven.” Peering around the horizon for traffic on the water, Jack got to his feet. “The big house on the Cape and the jet setting across Europe was never my style.”