Page 35 of Million Dollar Ride

“This is about Fenrir and a take in betrayal,” he said. Nicole stared at him, trying to understand what he wanted because she knew that he was too layered to do something such as this just for the sake of doing it.

He walked quietly; his head bowed until he got to the exact point the painting was hung then he tilted his head to the side.

“I thought it was supposed to be a giant dog?” she asked. Austin chuckled.

“Here he was still a puppy, and he was left alive only to be tricked by Odin which led to his famous hatred. In many ways, I understand him, and I know why he would have gone to such great extents,” he said.

Austin turned to look at Nicole then he shook his head. “The truth is that, unlike Fenrir, I am unable to treat them the way that I want to, and I am unwilling to hold hatred in my heart for the amount of time it will take for me to deal the deadly damage and take away everything that they love. I can’t do that and oftentimes I find myself fighting with myself. I find that the things I want to do and the things that I can do are two very different things,” He says to her, then she shrugs.

“You know that you can always stop. No matter what, Ike will spend some time in prison and Hayden will feel the things that you have felt. I think that would be okay. To do more would be too much and would do nothing but hurt you more in the process. There isn’t any satisfaction to be gotten from this,” she said.

“Mmh. That is true. I guess I’ll have to talk to Hayden now, won’t I?” he asked, and she nodded at him.

“Yeah, I think you’ll have to do that. There is a chance that he will want to shoot you but that is one risk you’ll have to be willing to take.

Hayden was lying on the bed when the call came in. He immediately picked the phone up, his eyes scanning the caller ID to see who it was, and he gritted his teeth. He clenched his fists and picked up the call.

“Son of a bitch,” he said.

“That is a very…strange way to greet someone but I would like to meet up and talk,” Austin said.

“I have nothing to say to you. Do you even understand what you have done? Do you know the pain you have put passed on to my family?” he asked.

“I am well aware that you have your grievances against me. I am well aware of them, and I accept my actions and that is what I would want to discuss with you,” he said. Hayden thought about it for a while but through his anger, he wanted to hear what Austin had to say then he finally sighed.

“Meet me at the park where we met the other day, tomorrow morning, eight thirty, and we can talk,” he said and ended the call.

Hayden didn’t know what he was to expect by the time he was getting to the park. He didn’t know if it would be a reenactment of what happened in the garage, but he was sure of one thing, there won’t be any talks after this and there won’t be any forgiveness. They would talk and this would be the end.

Hayden saw Austin sitting on one of the benches that was beneath some shade, and he had a soft smile on his face. The man walked to him and sat on the opposite end.

“Do you remember the old park back at Sweetwater?” he asked immediately as Hayden sat down.

“What do you want to talk about?” The other man asked.

“You are too serious these days. It makes you age fast,” Austin replied.

“What is the matter with you? Why do you say these stupid things and dance around the issue? Is this you mocking me? Is that what I am to you? A mockery?” he asked.

“I don’t…I don’t mock you. I respect you and that is why I want to tell you that I will stop attacking you and your family because I believe that we are now on equal footing. You are aware of the way I feel, and I am aware of the way you feel. I will leave getting out of this matter to you and yours. I would like it if you didn’t interfere with my matters, and I will refrain from interfering with yours. I think this has gone on long enough,” he said.

“So that’s what you’re going to do? You’re going to leave?” Hayden asked. Austin nodded.

“I want to go to school,” he said with a half-smile. Hayden said nothing, his head bowed and his eyes staring at the grass below.

“Good,” he said. Austin chuckled.

“Yes, it would seem so,” Hayden said, and they both sat, staring at the children play and the grasses swaying under the breeze of the cool morning.

Nicole was about to drive off when she saw Austin’s truck come into the driveway. She waited and saw him get out, then walked to her car and stood beside it.

“Are you in a hurry?” he asked.
