Page 17 of Million Dollar Ride

"You look just beautiful, and you look just fine. Trust me," he said. She started to protest, stopped when she saw the pure admiration in his eyes, then she nodded with a small smile.

"Alright then. If you say so," she said to him, and he laughed.

"I do say so," he said.

The place was like a park but different. It had games and rides and she saw that there were more adults and teenagers there than there were children. She could see why they loved it as boys.

"This is…this is nice. I want to go on one of the rides," she said to Hayden. He raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, I was hoping you'd ask that," he said.


Lee did not know the name of the ride, but she knew that when she got off it, it felt like the world would never stop spinning and she rested her arms on her knees for a moment. She looked at him to see that he was grinning so hard that it looked like his face would rip apart.

"Why didn't you warn me?" She asked him and he shrugged.

"Cos I didn't want to. Most people lose out on the experience when they are too hung up on the danger. This is something like that. I'm sorry. Can you walk?" He asked but his face was still all smiles.

"You're enjoying this," she said and he grinded.

"Yeah, I might be. Just a little. Come, I'll hold you," he said, and she started laughing and she saw the way he was struggling against the laughter that wanted to burst out at the seams.

They spent a few hours there and finally decided to go when it was dark. They started to walk to the car which was in the garage. It was lonely and quiet since most people had gone and Lee was resting her head against Hayden's shoulder.

"I had a good time. I mean, how did this place exist, and I didn't even know it was here? Didn't my Dad know of this place? Oh, he has so many questions to answer when I get home.

"I don't think you should go persecuting the man just yet. He was just keeping you safe. These rides were not as safe as theyare now and accidents were happening every week then and so I think he didn't tell you because he knew you'd want to risk it and that wasn't a risk he was prepared to take," Hayden said. He stopped by the car and turned to look at her. There was something about his eyes that she loved deeply, something that made it difficult to look away from them. Maybe it was because he was just very earnest, and she knew she could trust him.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered and started reaching for her chin when they heard the sound of clapping to the left. Both of them immediately turned and Hayden stepped in front of Lee who saw the person standing there. The gigantic bear of a man.

"It is a beautiful thing, love," he said.

"You got out,” Hayden said though it wasn't certain if it was meant to be a question or an observation.

"Yes, I have escaped but I'm sure you always suspected I would. I will not be held there like some common criminal."

"That is what you behaved like, and this is the way you were treated. No one wanted to do this. No one wanted to treat you like a common criminal, but you went off and did what you wanted to do and now you complain about the consequences? That doesn't seem very much like you," Hayden said. Lee watched the cold descend on Austin's face and she had the urge to go and call for help. Austin's eyes went to her and he nodded a little.

"Don't fret. I will not damage him beyond repair. There are things you need to learn, and the first thing is respect," he said.

Lee looked up at Hayden's face and it looked like he gritted his teeth and squared his back. If they would have to do this then hewas ready. She understood what this was because she'd seen it a few times. They were not out to kill each other but that didn't mean they wouldn't aggressively hurt each other and much as they could buy in a non-lethal, non-maiming way. The thought was still in her mind when Hayden moved in, faster than she could even react.

Austin didn't even block his first blow but took it with his face then returned it. Austin's blow was so hard that Hayden staggered backwards and nearly fell but he stood his ground and dashed forward, feinting a punch then kicking Austin who slapped the leg down, punched him, grabbed him by the neck and gave him a head-butt. He fell to the ground.

"Stop it!" Lee shouted at Austin who looked at her then shook his head.

"It's already over," he said then looked at Hayden who was wheezing and coughing. The look on his face changed to sober almost immediately and he blew breath through puffed cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Hayden. I just had to do what I had to do and staying under your father isn't that. There's just too much bad blood," he said and back at Lee, he smiled and nodded.

"Hayden is a good man," he said, then turned and walked away. Something told Lee that was the last time that she would see him. She ran up to Hayden and knelt beside him. He was clutching his nose, and his face was hard but there was no anger in his eyes any longer. There was nothing.

Lee walked into the living quarter that belonged to Hayden, stood by the door, and stared at the man who waslooking out the window. He was shirtless and the morning sun was casting shadows across his massive shoulders. He turned to look at her.