Page 3 of Hooked on You

Caitlin must have been waiting for her text, knowing what time Jenni had left and what time she should arrive.

Been wondering where you were, girl! Mom has her seafood lasagna ready to pop in the oven. I’ve got some news for you. See you soon!

Jenni got back on the highway and settled in for the rest of the drive. Once again, she noted the beauty of this early spring afternoon.

There were still a few migrating birds about, and the angle of the sun made everything look a bit softer than during the heat of the summer. The sea oats were green and eager to begin their season, gently swaying in the breeze.

Her thoughts eventually drifted back to what had just happened. She knew she was fortunate to have someone pull her out in such a short period of time.

If Compy had been in that truck, he’d have sounded the horn and laughed, but he never would have stopped to help. She was sure of that.

But Caleb had stopped. He had been nothing but sympathetic and nice and helpful.

She would never use those adjectives with Compy.

Her face felt flushed and when she brushed her hair from her forehead, her brow was wet.

She reflected again on her good fortune.

It was broad daylight now, but in a few hours, she would have been stuck in the approaching darkness. That would have been worse.

She was thankful her boss, Dee, had told her to go ahead and leave around lunchtime. Traffic had been easy coming from Raleigh, but with her little escapade added on, it was almost 5:30.

Her mind kept drifting back to Caleb.

He seemed so nice, so selfless.Butthere are no nice guys anymore.If Compy taught me anything, it’s not to trust anyone.

She was certain Caleb and his buddies were thinking she was a total idiot for pulling off into the sand.

It wasn’t a great way to start the trip. She sincerely hoped things would improve moving forward.

She turned her attention to happier thoughts.

I wonder what Caitlin’s surprise is. Maybe she and Andrew are finally getting engaged!

After graduation, while Jenni had stayed in Columbia, Caitlin had moved to Charleston and continued her studies in nursing at the Medical University. She’d met Andrew there and they’d been dating for what seemed to Jenni to be forever.

Probably a wise move on her part,she acknowledged.If only I had…

She made herself stop that train of thought which always led to self-recrimination and more hurt. Instead, she focused on her surroundings.

Even though she’d read about them, she was surprised to cross two more new bridges on her way down the island. How many years had it been since she’d been here? At least eight or ten, she reasoned. Too long.

The ocean always had a calming influence on her, and even though she planned to hole up at the “Mermaid Mansion,” Caitlin’s mom’s beach house, for the better part of this visit, she was sure she’d take at least one beach walk.

She hadn’t checked the weather forecast, but if it was going to be as nice as it was today, a walk would really be in order.

A walk with Caleb, perhaps?

Stop that!She hit her hand on her thigh.

She had no business thinking about him or any other man.

She thought about the possibilities of Caitlin’s good news.

She was surprised when she reached Buxton and headed on to Frisco.

As she pulled into the driveway of the house, she could see Caitlin waving from the porch.