Lucas nodded. “After my brother and sister started taking care of our family, things got a little better. Year after year we were able to see improvements. We clawed our way out of the hole our parents had put us in, and we’re better for it.”

“I can see that,” she said quietly. “You guys really have made a name for yourselves.”

He shook his head. “Even still, there have been days when I can’t help but wonder how things would have been different if they stuck around. Would I have managed to find myself the way I am today?”

“I’m sure you would have,” she insisted. “You don’t strike me as the kind of guy who would just let the world chew you up and spit you out. You’re a survivor.”

His pulse tripped over itself as he glanced in her direction and smiled. “I guess we have that in common, huh?”

Her smile matched his own. “I suppose we do.”

No wonder he was so drawn to her. They actually found something relatable. He could see a kindred spirit in her. And perhaps it wasn’t something so unique—like they’d agreed, everyone had insecurities—but his heart had connected with hers in a way that was undeniable, and he didn’t want to risk losing it.



Ella let out a surprised squeal as Lucas grabbed ahold of her hand and dragged her behind the barn. It had been one month since their first date, and slowly, they’d found their bearings. She pressed up against the building and let out a breathless laugh. “What are you doing? Someone will see.”

“They’re on break out front,” Lucas murmured. His fingers brushed at a strand of hair in front of her face. “I figured if I caught you before they could see you, then I could steal a kiss.”

Her heart thundered as his low, husky voice wrapped around her and then completely through her. Each passing day, it had become harder and harder for her to keep a professional distance between them while they were working, and up until this moment, she’d been succeeding.

Ella trembled beneath his touch as he let the back of his hand brush down her shoulder and then arm until he grasped her hand and brought it to his lips. “I have to see you tonight.”

She closed her eyes, finding her center before she could use her voice. “I thought that was a given. You said you wanted to take me out again this weekend.”

“I do,” he said. “This time, we’re going to do somethingI’mgood at.”

She smiled. “And what is that? Let me guess, we’re going to ride some of your horses.”

He shook his head. “Try again.”

Nibbling on her lower lip, she hated how he’d thrown her off guard. She didn’t know him as well as she’d assumed. He was a cowboy who was very good with his hands and construction projects. He ran a ranch with his siblings, and he was stubborn enough to stick with this restoration project even though it wasn’t in his wheelhouse. He knew how to woo a woman, and even if he stumbled, he still came out smelling like roses. But none of that told her what he liked to do when he was taking a girl out. “I give up.”

His smile shifted into something more curious. “Then I suppose it’s going to be a surprise.”

She grinned back. “I’m starting to see a pattern here.”

“You are?”

Ella nodded, reaching out to touch some of the hair that was visible beneath his hat. “And I think I’m going to like it.”

“Really.” His statement was flatter than she expected it to be.

“What?” Ella laughed. “I’m looking forward to another surprise. The last one was great.” Her expression softened to something more serious. “I trust you, Lucas.” Those words were hard to swallow but even harder to say out loud.

Ella didn’t trust easily. The hyper-speed with which she’d come to this realization was unexpected at best. On top of her general distrust, there was still the matter of their past experiences with one another.

And yet she couldn’t deny it. She trusted him more than she would most anyone else whom she had ever dated.

He captured her hand with his. “Good. Don’t eat and dress in comfortable shoes.”

Ella’s heart stopped as he swiftly backed up and took a few steps.

“Wait, what?” Comfortable shoes could only mean one thing. “Lucas, you’re not taking me out—”

He turned around but still walked away from her, moving backwards. “By the way, I have to head into town. I left your sandwich on the blueprint table. Enjoy!”