She looks to the side. “I decided breaking up with him isn’t what I wanted.”
“Why? Tell me why being with Troy is better than being with me.”
She shrugs. “Troy and I understand each other. And we’re a lot alike. It makes sense for me to be with him.”
Her voice has no emotion. It’s like she’s reading off a script. It feels cold and impersonal, like she feels nothing for me and doesn’t care how much this is hurting me.
“You don’t think I understand you?” I say. “Then why did you tell me I did? You said I understood you better than anyone. And as for you and Troy being alike, he isn’t anything like you. He’s always complaining. He doesn’t want to work. He’s always in a bad mood. You’re not like that at all.”
“I meant that we’re both dropouts with jobs that aren’t going anywhere. And we accept that. We aren’t trying to be someone else.”
“And you’re saying I am?”
“I’m saying you’re not one of us anymore. You escaped this life, and I’m happy for you, but I’m still here. Struggling. With no real future.”
“Tara, I’ve told you a million times you can do whatever you want.”
“But it’s not true. You can say that because you have options and choices. I don’t. Neither does Troy. That’s what I mean when I say we understand each other.”
“I don’t get it. The past few weeks, you’ve been talking about getting your GED, getting a better job. You even talked about going to community college.”
“I only said that because of you. Because I thought it’s what you wanted to hear. You’re always telling me I could do better so I made it sound like that’s what I wanted.”
“You wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t mean it.”
“Sorry, but I didn’t.” She shivers as the wind blows. “I should get inside. It’s cold out here.”
“So this is it? We’re just done?”
She nods. “I’m sorry, Jake. I never should’ve started something with you.” She glances up at the building. “I forgot your stuff. I’ll go up and get it. You left some shirts and some—”
“Just throw it out. I don’t need it.”
“Okay, well, good luck with school.” She smiles a little. “I’m sure you’ll be really successful some day.” She goes past me.
“Tara, wait.”
She turns back. “Jake, I really have to go.”
I put my hand on her shoulder and lean down to her. “Look at me and tell me it’s over.”
“Jake, come on. Why are you doing this?”
“Because I need to know this is really what you want. I need you to look me in the eye and tell me.”
She takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes. “I don’t want to be with you.” She pauses, and I notice her eyes are glossy, likeshe’s tearing up. “I want to be with Troy.” She races the words out, then runs past me into the building.
That wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Tara was supposed to tell me she doesn’t really want to be with Troy and that she made a mistake and is choosing me.
But that’s not what happened. She doesn’t want me. She wants Troy. Hearing her say that hurt like hell, but I have to accept that’s what she wants. She wouldn’t have said it if she didn’t.
“Is it really you?”Dean says when he answers the phone.
“Yeah, you’re funny.”