I go into the house,with Sean following behind. Everyone’s sitting in front of the TV, eating their tacos.
“Where’s mine?” Sean asks.
“Right here,” Liz says, holding up the taco sack.
He goes over to the couch and sits beside her. April won’t even look at me.
“I think I’m gonna go,” I say, not wanting to be here.
“Go where?” Leo says, chomping on his taco.
“Back to campus. I forgot I have a paper due next week.”
“Do it later,” Leo says. “You just got here, and we got half the game left.”
Sean glances at me. “You could at least finish watching the game with us.”
“Yeah, okay,” I say, deciding it’s not worth arguing about. I go back to where I was sitting before and watch what’s left of the game.
When it’s over, I’m getting up to leave when someone knocks on the door. Sean goes to answer it and I hear him talking.
“I thought you weren’t coming back until Wednesday.”
“Plans changed,” I hear Troy say. “We got what we needed so we headed home.”
He means he stole what he needed, then got out of town before anyone caught him. If he keeps this up, he’s going to end up in prison. I just hope he doesn’t get Sean involved in one of his schemes. Sean is smart and could actually do something with his life if he didn’t hang around with guys like Troy.
“Looks like I got here just in time for the party,” Troy says, seeing us all sitting around the TV.
“That’s Troy,” Leo says to Marie before stuffing some chips in his mouth. “The guy I told you about.”
“What’d he say about me?” Troy asks, going to the kitchen and opening the fridge to get a beer.
“He said you’d like my friend,” Marie says. “She’s a bartender and she’s really into cars.”
“Sounds like my type of girl,” Troy says, popping the cap off his beer. He walks over to us. “You got a picture of her?”
Marie pulls one up on her phone and shows Troy.
“She’s hot,” he says, grinning. “When do I get to meet her?”
“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” I say, not able to stop myself.
“Sanders.” He smirks. “I didn’t see you there. What are you doing hanging out here in the slums? Shouldn’t you be with your snobby college friends?”
He really hates that I’m in college. He’s always making comments like that. He doesn’t like that I’m doing something that will lead to getting a good job someday, while he’s off stealing car parts and working for his uncle.
“Shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend?” I shoot back.
I shouldn’t be bringing up Tara, but I want Troy to admit he doesn’t want her. Then maybe he’d break up with her, saving Tara from having to do it. It’d be better if Troy did it. He likes to be in charge. If he’s the one who breaks up with her, his ego won’t get bruised and he’ll move on without getting angry. IfTara dumps him, he’ll blow up at her and probably accuse her of being with someone else.
“Why do you keep bringing up Tara?” Troy asks.
“You have a girlfriend?” Marie says to Troy. “Leo said you were single.”