He ends the call, and shaking his head, he steps closer to me and says, “Don’t be afraid of me,amo. I’ll never do anything to hurt you.”

“Knee-jerk reaction,” I murmur. I suck in a breath of air, then ask, “What was the call about?”

“Dario found Montes. We’re flying to Mexico. The fucker’s been laying low in some village in the middle of nowhere.”

That explains the reason for the ruthless expression on his face.

Renzo is going to kill the leader of the group responsible for all the heartache we’ve suffered. The man who ordered Dad’s death.

Realization shudders through me, and my voice is hoarse when I say, “Go and put an end to this nightmare for us.”

“I should be back before you go to bed,” he murmurs as he leans in to give me a kiss.

“Please be careful.” I wrap my arms around him before he can walk away. “I won’t survive losing you as well.”

He lets out a chuckle. “You won’t lose me. I’ve done this a hundred times, and I’ll have Dario for backup. He’s good with a sniper rifle.”

“I love you,” I say as I stand on my tiptoes to give him another kiss.

“Love you too,amo.”

He pulls away from me, and I watch him walk to the elevator. While he waits for the doors to open, he makes another call.

“Get the men ready. We’re going to Mexico to kill Montes.”

He glances back at me, one last time, then steps into the elevator.

Standing in the kitchen, I let out a slow breath before I start to clean up.

I always thought I’d end up with some kind of businessman who works nine to five and plays golf on the weekends. Instead, my man works all kinds of hours and kills people left, right, and center.

I put the leftovers in plastic containers in case Renzo is hungry when he gets back, and once the kitchen is spotless, I take a seat at the island and pull my laptop closer.

Trying to stay busy so I won’t just sit and worry about him, I look at different concepts for the menu.

I work for a while before my thoughts turn to Renzo.

He’s going to be okay. Don’t start worrying. It will drive you crazy.

Knowing I won’t be able to focus on work, I let out a sigh and close the laptop. Getting up from the chair, I walk to the sliding doors in the dining room. I pull them open, and stepping out onto the balcony where Renzo kissed me the first time, I suck in a deep breath of the cool air.

Winter will be here soon.

Leaning over the railing, I stare down at the traffic and start counting yellow cabs.

You’ve seen Renzo deal with the bastards. He’s capable of keeping himself safe. Nothing bad will happen to him, because he’s the monster everyone fears.

I realize what I’m thinking and let out a burst of laughter.

I fell in love with the beast, and I don’t want him to change. I really love all of him, even though his brutal side still scares the ever-loving hell out of me.

Chapter 39


The motorcade leaves a cloud of dust as we drive out to the village where Montes was last seen.

Dario, Carlo, Emilio, and I are in the first SUV while my men fill the other four. We used a couple of my private jets to get everyone into Mexico, and I had to reach out to the local cartel and give them a heads-up so there are no misunderstandings.