It is.

I open the door, and keeping a tight grip on her hand, I get out of the car. Seeing Elio as he comes out of the mansion, I walk toward him.

“Any sign of the fuckers?” I ask.

“Two were stopped just down the street. They’ve already been taken to the warehouse.”

“Good. Have the men continue searching for the other two,” I order.

Elio nods as his eyes move between me and Skylar. “The bodies are still inside. We haven’t moved them.”

Nodding, I say, “Keep everyone out of the house until I give the clear.”

I suck in a fortifying breath as I lead Skylar up the porch steps. When we walk into the foyer, she starts to shake her head wildly and pulls her hand free from mine.

I look at Harlan, where he lies in a pool of blood with a gunshot wound to his chest.

“Daddy,” Skylar whimpers as she slowly moves closer to his body.

She drops to his side, not caring about the blood, and the sight takes a swing at my heart.

Her lips part with a silent cry as she frames his jaw with trembling hands.


She sucks in a harsh breath, then screams, “Daddy!”

Unable to just stand still and watch her break, I move forward, and sinking to my knees behind her, I wrap my arms around her.

The cries tearing from her break my fucking heart, and all I can do is hold her.

Where I once wanted her to feel the same pain as me, I’d now do anything to be able to take it from her.

Skylar turns in my arms, and gripping hold of me, she falls apart.

Her sorrow fills the air and finds an echo in my chest.

My voice is hoarse as I promise, “I’ll find every last one of them.”

I need to be stronger than ever now. This isn’t just about my pain and thirst for revenge any longer.

Moving my arms beneath her back and knees, I hold her bridal style as I climb to my feet. I carry her up the stairs to her old bedroom and into the bathroom. Setting her down on the counter, I reach for a facecloth and wet it beneath the cold water tap.

I start to clean her father’s blood from her legs, and when I’m sure I didn’t miss a single drop, I toss the facecloth in the tub.

Placing my hands on either side of her neck, I say, “Look at me.”

She lifts her eyes to mine, and I see all her pain.

They might not be the words she wants to hear right now, but I need to say them. “You have me, Skylar.”

A sob sputters from her, and she lifts her arms, wrapping them around my neck. When I hold her to me, she breaks down again.

I brush my hand repeatedly over her hair, wishing there was a way to stop her pain.

But there isn’t.

“You have me,amo.”